Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2511
Currently Logged in: 198

Alliance Clan: La Cosa Nostra (LCNostra)

Thirteenth round: Dec 05, 2011 - Feb 03, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 24
Total Networth Rank1 of 24
Average Networth Rank3 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
9 an avid purveyor of whiteboards (#561) 38,714$149,897,904 D
15 Assassin 4 Newt (#482) 33,383$127,456,869 H
18 motherfunking xmas (#598)  Game profile 32,458$124,752,496 HG
19 TreeMaker (#28)  Game profile 29,990$123,443,876 H
22 Nice Creamy Lingerie (#300) 28,086$122,336,338 H
24 Christmas Theme (#290)  Game profile 33,060$121,198,562 HG
26 caulk for dolly (#461) 36,089$120,599,034 D
27 Merry Catmas and Happy Mew Year (#367)  Game profile 28,584$119,734,103 H
31 Garm (#230) 25,774$118,508,807 H
33 Kiss me under the mistletoe (#386) 33,196$117,911,095 H
51 INVINCIBLE IRONMAN (#131)  Game profile 68,437$107,645,831 H
56 How The Grinch Stole LCN (#321) 19,206$106,068,021 HG
61 Trife tried to Jingle my Bells (#363) 27,705$104,041,904 H
66 Nostras into the New Year (#425) 24,492$103,598,904 HG
72 La Xmas Story (#517)  Game profile 25,972$101,572,700 HG
78 eevil ILS Lovehouse (#79) 23,580$99,103,719 DG
79 cashed out since black friday (#529) 22,558$97,998,357 HG
84 XxWaNgErxX (#272)  Game profile 23,694$96,772,421 HG
87 Perfect Star Perfect Style (#158) 17,391$95,200,753 HG
90 AfterThought (#596)  Game profile 25,485$94,300,086 H
92 Christmastime in the LBC (#371) 23,811$94,002,540 RG
95 a new golden age (#275) 29,993$93,480,793 H
106 LaChristmasNostra (#491) 21,962$89,387,354 HG
114 Yak Yak You ZA (#544) 26,950$87,063,505 H
120 JesusRaves (#463) 28,873$84,732,105 H
128 Costa Nostra (#288) 30,175$81,901,785 F
137 Pox (#312) 25,010$80,380,922 DG
143 Aliyahs last LCN xmas (#471) 34,723$79,170,432 D
148 Advocate of Light (#329) 29,590$77,316,519 R
155 Naughty and Nice (#323) 18,483$74,211,579 D
159 Dark Federation (#580)  Game profile 18,708$72,831,579 D
179 EEVILbagsChristmas (#103)  Game profile 27,409$68,636,231 T
203 Sodalis (#493) 28,493$63,417,956 R
206 Santa burned my Christmas tree (#501) 27,435$61,468,961 D
209 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#295)  Game profile 24,291$60,905,067 C
212 Jingle My Bells (#326) 26,067$60,190,353 I
236 LaFamigla (#560) 29,742$54,969,575 C
240 I like flashing my Dict (#390) 18,682$54,402,336 H
242 ivaR (#621) 23,883$54,277,005 R
244 Santas Squirrels (#340)  Game profile 20,420$53,575,550 H
270 growing up Nostra (#426) 8243$48,170,670 D
290 Two Dollar Ho Ho Ho (#423)  Game profile 22,861$43,112,733 H
292 Reindeer Games (#77) 13,783$42,718,073 F
312 Im getting coal again LCN (#193) 14,482$36,889,977 HG
319 Thaddeaus Owns Thomas (#914)  Game profile 22,088$35,381,993 F
322 Are You A BadFish Too (#520) 22,469$34,600,749 I
343 Melchizedech Empire (#857) 20,421$31,433,696 R
348 Suicidal (#33) 15,890$30,521,389 F
392 gOiN iN 4 tHe KILL (#696) 11,925$22,083,708 H
412 Bandar Sungai Long (#964) 18,313$17,533,749 T
422 Devils Advocate (#752) 9224$15,298,456 H
454 Camp Kill Yourself (#675) 11,136$9,607,792 D
551 Issus (#912) 4303$995,103 T

Ranked countries: 53 (Show all countries)

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