Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2486
Currently Logged in: 188

Alliance Clan: iMagNum (iMagNum)

Sixteenth round: Jun 05, 2012 - Aug 05, 2012
Recruitment message: Imaginary Numbers is the alliance that define warmongering in Earth Empires. We war every set. If a big alliance bully us, we bite them. If a small alliance tries to take advantage of us, we crush them. If there are no good opportunities for war, we create them. Now lets go kill some filthy netters!
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 35
Total Networth Rank10 of 35
Average Networth Rank10 of 35
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
182 Predator (#661) 22,416$24,946,535 I
185 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (#109) 30,170$24,812,133 T
191 Half Man Half Amazing (#169)  Game profile 37,044$23,905,541 T
192 you home wrecker (#258)  Game profile 32,925$23,373,531 I
198 Sifos (#215)  Game profile 28,786$22,208,113 C
207 iFagNumUnitedMen (#245) 34,194$20,422,548 T
218 SIEGREICHER MARSCH (#480) 31,299$18,142,869 I
230 DeathToAll (#547) 19,591$15,784,428 T
233 GOD HIS SON AND HOLY WHORE (#479) 28,620$15,323,025 T
241 Capitalist Nation (#811) 20,211$13,851,219 F
245 iMagKiller001 (#65)  Game profile 20,913$13,125,940 T
259 Your new nation requires a name (#235) 18,789$11,323,865 T
260 IfYaThinkYerBadNuff (#264) 17,665$11,144,877 T
265 trackstar (#1460) 18,634$10,885,755 F
283 Dundee (#881) 13,127$8,627,152 T
285 helpless (#1671) 17,491$8,402,098 I
288 Waka waka (#713) 18,625$7,972,981 C
290 DontMessWith (#307) 26,245$7,642,003 I
295 Justified (#516) 15,620$7,373,683 F
315 Bastion (#1080) 10,550$5,165,213 F
317 Crystal Meth Polar Bear (#1604)  Game profile 11,867$5,045,183 T
320 Complex Number (#587) 10,289$4,691,394 T
322 Etherea (#758) 16,627$4,287,684 T
341 Primitive Root of Unity (#1739) 7551$2,928,842 T
352 Iron Cross (#1885) 8674$2,435,832 T
355 The North (#1686) 7620$2,329,500 T
367 fourty nine (#1836) 4185$2,055,145 T
721 ur mom went to college (#270)  Game profile 1000$98,367 R
730 a good day to die (#49) 804$74,730 I

Ranked countries: 29 (Show all countries)

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