Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 195

Alliance Clan: Collaboration (abCdefu)

Second round: Jan 31, 2010 - Apr 02, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 34
Total Networth Rank12 of 34
Average Networth Rank14 of 34
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
287 CHARLES IN DA KLUBHOWSE (#397) 28,196$16,572,953 F
288 Earth Eternal (#665) 13,010$16,360,770 I
291 CHYNAS NIU AND IMPROOVD KLUBHOWS (#923) 16,230$15,196,402 T
295 newbury comics (#691) 15,098$14,568,636 T
299 NO GURLZ ALOUD IN MI KLUBHOWSE (#120) 6508$14,018,757 T
306 Kais Cult of Robots (#614) 15,756$13,357,654 I
327 Death 2 SoL From My Speaker (#889)  Game profile 23,822$11,045,276 T
330 Hey I am back (#947) 5353$10,828,986 T
333 ALIVE N KIKIN (#939) 11,498$10,678,210 T
336 Wharfed (#929)  Game profile 11,835$9,999,999 F
340 GOT DA KEY 2 ALEESHAS CKLUBHOWSE (#406) 8014$9,752,693 T
341 MEWANTEZU4CLBHUZ (#586) 11,912$9,725,260 T
346 ZEE CUBHAWSE OF TERRAR (#209) 5000$9,296,606 T
351 MOOOMKANIHAVEKLUPOUSE2 (#928)  Game profile 2427$8,732,726 T
359 SKOTTE KAMREON RULZ MAI BAZE (#96) 8604$8,185,005 I
362 Tjoe (#814)  Game profile 14,146$7,761,193 I
363 FUJS QLUBHOOS HAZ ROOLETT (#208) 8637$7,668,077 T
368 KOLON CLEENIN KLUBHOUZ (#119)  Game profile 8560$7,360,432 T
371 DPWs Penguin Emporium (#426) 11,862$7,035,279 R
378 I BROKED MAI KLUBHAUS (#288) 11,691$6,871,105 T
387 DARC SINDAKITS CLUBHOWS BAKN BIZ (#931) 12,361$5,816,365 T
388 Kordinsaad (#724) 13,176$5,814,163 T
391 IMPERIALIST KLUHBHAOOSE (#922)  Game profile 9481$5,658,604 T
395 LLEY FROM THA CUBHOUSE (#138) 2012$5,466,702 T
396 Xavier N Sanct (#395) 15,623$5,440,898 T
400 TAKEYOURSPANKINGLIKEAMAN (#1034) 8433$5,266,293 T
401 Revenge off The Dog (#926) 8030$5,185,964 T
403 Amyranthe (#896)  Game profile 10,367$5,080,076 R
404 4th times the charm (#1124) 5357$5,004,350 T
406 Guardian of Elysium (#580) 14,111$4,730,886 F
407 I WANN IN DA CLUBHOUS (#269) 10,673$4,556,806 T
412 Got Da Key To Axlaars Klubhowse (#953) 3860$4,291,496 T
413 WE OMLEE UZ CAPS IN MAI CLUBHOWS (#945) 7433$4,184,689 R
415 LLAAMMAAZZ RR BBAAKK BBIISSHHEES (#962) 16,764$3,958,429 T
422 TIS KLUB HOUSE IS 4 RESTARS (#875) 9209$3,210,102 T
428 Sol Farmer (#1104) 11,153$3,073,245 T
432 WTHamIdoing (#779) 3740$2,929,338 D
433 CLUBHOWSE OF HAWRURZ (#56) 3000$2,844,118 I
435 Apok Huevo (#944)  Game profile 11,628$2,819,046 T
460 CoLLaB GoT THaT SWaGGeR (#934)  Game profile 5000$1,392,077 T
510 Grunt Restart (#988) 4137$535,344 D
613 Penis (#1190) 491$141,566 T
620 SOL Dies take 3 (#1247)  Game profile 1713$108,728 M
660 Baaaahhhh (#1233) 382$28,683 M
666 Last Penis To Die (#1298) 341$25,009 M
690 I am the best (#1195) 152$11,107 M
704 4th Restart go me (#1287)  Game profile 100$6365 C
723 we cheat alot (#1297) 100$4717 M
731 Radek bak in da hauz (#1295) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 49 (Show all countries)

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