Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2436
Currently Logged in: 189

Alliance Clan: LaFamiglia (LaF)

Ninth round: Apr 05, 2011 - Jun 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 24
Total Networth Rank2 of 24
Average Networth Rank2 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 a huge mistake (#402)  Game profile 36,333$314,995,513 DG
2 alpha shallows (#234) 75,924$248,180,386 HG
4 Into The Fray (#160) 72,061$205,149,884 HG
5 Short armed TRexes cant destock (#412) 26,710$201,736,043 DG
8 Jace the Mind Sculptor (#323) 19,146$187,389,406 HG
9 Quantum of Solace (#375) 63,783$187,205,591 HG
11 Hupnum Kinship (#530) 21,881$178,822,721 HG
21 Famiglia La (#150) 25,840$155,142,943 HG
22 As amusing as poo (#349)  Game profile 43,126$153,770,149 HG
26 In Soviet Russia LT farms YOU (#324) 47,746$141,218,905 HG
32 Mulled Mead (#285) 37,976$134,740,401 HG
42 LTechnosaurus in Borogovia (#416)  Game profile 30,426$124,643,332 DG
47 LT screwed up and still won (#360) 23,747$121,738,837 HG
54 Team Bring It (#396) 25,190$120,000,000 DG
56 Tarnavsauras Stole My Sheep (#321) 23,803$119,147,123 HG
58 cruddys world (#210) 27,803$118,866,314 HG
61 PangForcefedLTsomeofSnake (#369) 23,315$118,553,781 HG
63 I adore my new K2 (#578) 26,480$118,032,634 HG
70 untouchable infidel (#602) 26,848$114,939,502 HG
73 Only Wasting Time (#159) 12,526$113,719,894 DG
74 Wildflower (#480) 28,207$113,573,061 HG
76 i am tarnavacus (#621)  Game profile 26,309$112,307,074 HG
80 TiMBeR (#417)  Game profile 18,025$111,561,538 HG
89 Dante Inferno (#26) 32,262$108,702,434 HG
92 PeekABoo (#51) 32,027$107,561,396 H
105 My Game Profile (#419) 33,867$102,619,563 HG
109 Casino Gulag Economy (#484) 22,232$101,792,766 DG
113 Aldo (#496) 26,988$100,844,690 HG
120 Livia (#401)  Game profile 24,644$95,638,635 H
122 Champagne Supertarnova (#292)  Game profile 23,409$95,306,999 H
127 Farmers Market (#415) 26,774$93,375,179 HG
141 Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (#726)  Game profile 24,324$89,091,569 HG
144 I OWNZ L a U Y3 3 PornZ (#432) 24,446$88,576,092 HG
161 The Dumpster (#182)  Game profile 26,265$81,469,448 HG
165 Fukushima Daiichi (#310) 30,807$80,470,391 H
167 LTbride dot ru (#464)  Game profile 34,172$79,904,718 H
171 Lord Cardamon (#216) 23,582$78,822,348 DG
181 Lands of hope (#278) 14,461$76,203,066 H
190 Dying2LaF (#641) 26,005$73,399,025 HG
195 Martyr (#178) 21,086$72,212,050 H
198 Overkill666 (#630) 28,802$70,903,896 HG
204 TormyIsNublet (#776) 31,718$68,229,611 HG
296 Snorkles McGee (#638) 22,353$40,774,981 HG
318 Chibua (#529) 20,840$36,977,144 HG
353 Grinchville (#574) 19,717$29,983,191 I

Total countries: 45

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