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General Information Warfare is the primary method of achieving greatness and recognition amongst your opponents. Your military can make attacks using various strategies, each with benefits and drawbacks. Each attack is described below. Any attack requires one to three turns to complete depending on your government.
Standard Strike The standard strike is the normal attack used when you want to attack an opponent and capture their holdings. Standard strikes cause the readiness of those forces to fall about 18-20%, so it is best not to send too many forces for no reason. These attacks take no time beyond the two turns. Standard strikes capture between 3% and 8% of your opponent's land, along with money, food, buildings, and technology. The percentage of land you receive depends on the size of your opponent, but successive attacks bring lower returns.
Planned Assault Similar to the standard strike, this attack takes place immediately but your forces will be placed in rehabiliation for about 18 hours. During this time, your forces will not be available for attacks or defense. Like a standard strike, this attack captures a variety of your opponents' holdings, at slightly higher rates. However, because of the planning, your offensive forces get a 50% bonus in attack strength. This attack is best used for challenging larger opponents.