Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 195

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 170th round: Feb 25, 2013 - Mar 03, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 156 countries in the Express server.

1 Aston Martin (#88)  Game profile 31,304$29,923,896 CG
2 dont hit me im very new at this (#99) 25,342$29,846,680 CG
3 DoYouBelieveInLoveAtFirstGrab (#56)  Game profile 15,369$23,163,999 HG
4 Remnant Hale Shine (#46) 18,902$22,207,718 CG
5 FireZeMissiles (#105)  Game profile 5950$19,557,968 H
6 Big Ks Empire (#79)  Game profile 12,659$19,392,141 RG
7 John Birch (#4)  Game profile 12,867$18,571,401 RG
8 Runs With Boners (#10) 12,383$18,129,473 CG
9 Stop LGin me (#6) 12,467$18,026,378 RG
10 Dont Hit the Hand that Feeds (#19) 18,559$17,831,304 F
11 Will do everything to retal (#112) 20,026$17,641,999 CG
12 all x retaller (#101) 12,544$17,584,968 CG
13 KaNiNe (#51) 21,858$16,560,395 CG
14 Arathodoxia (#31)  Game profile 14,075$16,533,230 RG
15 C R O A T I A (#54)  Game profile 11,389$16,422,808 DG
16 Enterprise NX01 (#3)  Game profile 8485$15,934,655 DG
17 Dark Knight (#38)  Game profile 12,822$15,931,718 RG
18 D (#128) 14,082$15,333,712 DG
19 retal inc (#32) 12,985$14,920,306 RG
20 H1N1 (#111) 12,271$14,901,951 RG
21 Lady Caith (#97) 15,036$14,185,560 C
22 Suh (#71) 16,260$13,865,111 F
23 Im a Ghost Ghost Ghost (#69) 12,626$13,788,204 RG
24 dorothea (#102) 12,373$13,550,126 RG
25 shut the front door (#83) 14,279$13,458,529 RG
26 Sigma (#107) 14,838$13,413,023 F
27 brass hat (#127)  Game profile 21,003$12,978,217 CG
28 Ayatollah of RockinRolla (#117) 14,996$12,945,440 R
29 Who Wants to Live Forever (#53)  Game profile 11,423$12,523,108 HG
30 Helos (#64) 14,441$12,472,550 H
31 The Nigerian Nightmare (#70) 15,536$12,074,248 DG
32 YouPunk (#2)  Game profile 8431$11,970,646 HG
33 I R WoG SuperFly Friend of Cris (#44)  Game profile 15,684$10,495,070 CG
34 Excelsior (#133) 15,320$10,393,778 RG
35 Heavy Neolithic Qaraoun Culture (#48) 13,935$10,145,998 C
36 Aerie Peak (#14) 11,789$10,027,775 DG
37 version7point0 (#5) 17,106$9,447,888 C
38 Freight Train (#139) 8707$9,201,390 R
39 Olura (#36) 10,186$9,048,109 R
40 RussianRoulette (#106)  Game profile 8245$8,825,152 T
41 Kazruva (#120) 7276$8,803,665 DG
42 LearnersPermit (#116) 14,037$8,736,175 I
43 (#1)  Game profile 9988$8,647,529 CG
44 USS Enterprise E (#8) 11,092$8,320,830 H
45 Express Panda (#25)  Game profile 16,560$8,309,984 RG
46 Dont Panic (#103) 10,322$8,136,859 DG
47 The land of Sweden (#62)  Game profile 12,411$8,123,430 RG
48 Criscall friends of SuperFly (#16) 11,206$7,936,203 HG
49 acorn hollow (#119)  Game profile 9745$7,898,122 H
50 Jossey Jump Up (#68) 9836$7,748,969 HG
51 i will finish this time (#109) 11,064$7,724,594 R
52 RIP farmers (#108) 10,886$7,645,030 H
53 Nero (#39) 5398$7,403,075 DG
54 24 Soldiers (#66) 7702$7,314,817 C
55 lalaland (#113) 13,646$7,215,363 D
56 Adeptus Astartes (#12) 10,313$7,101,159 D
57 Necrons (#41) 11,437$7,098,324 CG
58 The Round Table (#37) 12,092$6,967,864 RG
59 I left 30M bushels last set (#57) 10,641$6,882,116 FG
60 Mustang Country (#114) 13,446$6,853,419 RG
61 donde este y gordos (#40) 11,967$6,773,853 F
62 Disco inferno (#49) 11,771$6,749,219 FG
63 vengence (#115) 9022$6,467,164 R
64 The Pain Train (#94) 9650$6,094,886 C
65 Tnalp (#84) 12,088$5,839,691 R
66 WarLock (#122)  Game profile 14,974$5,520,758 CG
67 EarTH Pschills Deluxe (#30) 4168$5,422,902 C
68 muscovy (#15) 6760$5,308,677 H
69 Agravor (#7) 11,193$5,199,936 H
70 Gotham (#23) 9310$5,163,783 C
71 BaDonkaDonks (#78)  Game profile 8074$4,845,524 H
72 Candyland pKi (#11) 6422$4,840,444 I
73 Kads (#47) 5322$4,803,426 DG
74 Tits R Us (#82) 9698$4,617,824 M
75 IRetalWithNukesDealWithIt (#67) 12,140$4,520,074 R
76 sleepy (#58) 7566$4,391,779 R
77 Pigistan (#104) 9966$4,386,651 DG
78 Truth (#60) 7429$4,276,027 R
79 HOSTILE (#20) 12,483$4,211,167 H
80 Little Miss Pebkac (#59) 9922$4,090,873 C
81 Juggler (#125) 14,577$4,072,459 CG
82 SkylineGTR (#29) 11,729$3,935,072 C
83 joegals (#35) 7757$3,896,580 CG
84 Young blood (#132) 10,568$3,654,606 H
85 OnePiece (#131) 7530$3,510,612 C
86 Poo For Brains (#45) 8703$3,479,496 R
87 supercharger heaven (#21) 7892$3,416,875 C
88 Monty (#89) 10,060$3,139,362 HG
89 Tic Tac (#85) 1928$3,085,877 T
90 marchland (#157) 12,166$3,042,299 R
91 zoomzoom (#137) 6962$3,042,176 D
92 Hunta Claus (#28)  Game profile 11,495$2,872,481 CG
93 hag (#146) 8772$2,846,019 R
94 Walls Of Stalingrad1 (#52) 10,632$2,565,491 CG
95 Caustic (#24)  Game profile 9920$2,558,905 RG
96 wee (#74) 11,639$2,479,365 HG
97 Crosseyed Hippo (#42) 13,343$2,389,164 C
98 Undead Zeus (#100) 7184$2,365,406 H
99 ZT again (#81) 3544$2,290,096 DG
100 Puritania (#130) 6137$2,050,953 C

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