01brett1992's country News on the Express Server

191st round: Jul 22, 2013 - Jul 28, 2013

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Jul 24, 13:49
Bottom Feeder (#108) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 65 enemy spies.

Jul 24, 13:49
Bottom Feeder (#108) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 65 enemy spies.

Jul 24, 13:49
Bottom Feeder (#108) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 65 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 3:04
The FTC (#115) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 139 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 5:29
I struggle to win (#12) attempted to spy on your relations! You killed 745 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 15:42
Makinso (#126) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1272 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 21:10
Litterbox (#37) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 678 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 21:16
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives destroyed 1 of our missiles!

Jul 25, 21:16
Litterbox (#37) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 3869 enemy spies.

Jul 25, 21:16
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives destroyed 1 of our missiles!

Jul 26, 4:53
Litterbox (#37) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 3910 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 4:53
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives stole $283,532 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 26, 4:53
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives stole $282,398 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 26, 4:53
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives stole $281,268 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Jul 26, 4:54
Litterbox (#37): Enemy operatives destroyed 9 buildings!

Jul 26, 4:54
Litterbox (#37) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 3884 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 5:38
ingle (#63) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2108 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 18:48
Oddy trying out this game (#87) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1740 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 21:59
El Amigo De SuperFly Y Galleri (#111) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2337 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 22:55
Socks on the beach (#15) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5251 enemy spies.

Jul 26, 22:55
Socks on the beach (#15) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5251 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 5:27
Litterbox (#37) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 6489 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 11:47
Bazingo (#139) attempted to spy on your military! You killed 530 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 13:02
dOgMiLk (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2899 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 14:03
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 589 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 14:03
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 579 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 14:03
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 569 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 545 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 535 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 526 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 517 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 508 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 502 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 494 enemy spies.

Jul 27, 19:07
Winterfell (#165) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 485 enemy spies.