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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 213th round: Dec 23, 2013 - Dec 29, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 156 countries in the Express server.

1 Ateneo De Cagayan (#18) 23,950$34,247,960 CG
2 All Explore (#67)  Game profile 20,789$31,710,864 TG
3 Merry Christmas (#92) 19,082$28,083,173 CG
4 DAKKA DAKKA (#80) 18,769$28,058,453 CG
5 Regina (#33)  Game profile 19,732$23,913,198 CG
6 Henry Bowers (#73) 15,328$23,894,683 DG
7 Pancit Canton (#108) 15,534$23,418,108 HG
8 Walls Of Stalingrad (#52) 15,207$22,935,983 HG
9 I Retal End of Set Grabs 10 to 1 (#48)  Game profile 13,623$22,230,800 HG
10 fearvendor (#44) 16,098$21,079,394 RG
11 36 Hours Retal Window (#83)  Game profile 14,266$20,917,375 H
12 Happy New Year (#4) 13,241$20,736,766 RG
13 irene (#82) 11,437$20,618,199 RG
14 Dr Sardonicus (#9)  Game profile 13,146$19,694,846 RG
15 John Birch (#101)  Game profile 12,743$19,560,898 RG
16 Crimson (#20) 13,685$19,229,562 RG
17 Population (#79) 14,398$19,201,782 CG
18 BeatingYouSinceRound186 (#5)  Game profile 16,107$19,100,073 CG
19 Sweden (#50)  Game profile 14,291$18,772,869 RG
20 I R SuperFly n I Retal (#46)  Game profile 13,615$18,578,093 CG
21 Sound of Metal (#2)  Game profile 14,011$18,120,158 CG
22 Bullfrog (#12) 16,010$17,695,135 CG
23 LearnersPermit (#89) 14,651$17,203,461 DG
24 You grab me i grab you (#106) 16,271$16,742,694 CG
25 Syria (#54)  Game profile 15,235$15,704,771 F
26 Orjuwan (#34)  Game profile 14,709$15,658,567 H
27 BiBiGoN (#119)  Game profile 8374$15,622,943 H
28 Request For Production (#120) 15,978$15,292,892 RG
29 JingleBalls (#100) 12,487$13,910,665 CG
30 C R O A T I A (#86)  Game profile 14,726$13,903,635 FG
31 NightShift (#91) 13,076$13,700,008 HG
32 Kenny Powers (#78)  Game profile 13,185$13,017,704 RG
33 dOgMiLk (#43)  Game profile 9313$12,997,281 IG
34 to play or not to play (#135)  Game profile 12,327$12,964,310 RG
35 LioN KiNg (#128) 7499$12,796,384 HG
36 Rival (#45) 11,174$12,750,980 HG
37 Zorpmaster General (#70)  Game profile 15,125$12,655,421 RG
38 NastyMUF (#11) 14,858$12,474,852 RG
39 Kambeng (#23) 12,597$12,109,521 RG
40 Skulls of Dominion (#27) 14,296$11,944,724 RG
41 LetMeNukeYou (#56) 12,466$11,813,836 DG
42 Eone (#112) 10,799$11,318,251 HG
43 Smurfette is HOT (#1) 11,066$11,233,940 HG
44 Your Sister Sharted on our Date (#22) 11,152$10,999,945 RG
45 mink (#99) 13,636$10,958,328 FG
46 Reptiles Eat People (#64)  Game profile 10,077$10,587,649 HG
47 Last Day Retals (#28) 15,221$10,554,474 CG
48 Dominance (#32)  Game profile 13,057$10,553,536 C
49 BaDonkaDonks (#134)  Game profile 9650$10,495,940 HG
50 Wheat Fields (#140) 13,095$10,215,013 F
51 odooV dekaB (#61) 11,696$10,131,191 D
52 SLAJ (#24)  Game profile 13,721$9,934,199 DG
53 Appolyon XIII (#8)  Game profile 14,865$9,896,619 CG
54 (#141)  Game profile 11,336$9,845,265 HG
55 Enterprise NX01 (#25)  Game profile 13,605$9,842,904 DG
56 Reborn (#55) 14,814$9,788,302 RG
57 whoooooopppeeeee (#40) 14,289$9,497,277 C
58 Too Big To Fail (#16)  Game profile 16,346$9,311,132 F
59 JBM (#39) 13,710$9,110,542 HG
60 Pebkac Might Play (#74) 11,107$8,525,942 IG
61 Taris (#14) 12,136$8,204,670 CG
62 ddp (#65) 12,163$8,179,254 HG
63 Dals Rostock (#102) 6173$7,598,624 C
64 Land of the Wilddogs (#98) 12,673$7,255,127 R
65 Peter Pipers Pecker (#132) 7698$6,616,936 IG
66 BliTZKr33G (#110) 14,996$6,289,823 CG
67 Last Exit (#103) 10,944$6,252,047 FG
68 hihi (#26) 3547$6,211,758 D
69 tardland (#105) 11,913$5,798,721 CG
70 Shake and Bake (#77) 15,327$5,686,791 CG
71 Bud (#147) 8814$5,641,485 IG
72 YesIWillAttackYou (#60) 13,093$5,531,320 H
73 Santa (#121) 12,744$5,530,571 CG
74 buaka nimo oi (#131) 7393$5,498,080 R
75 Cedar Cove (#76) 12,762$5,275,796 I
76 vanaaasta (#145) 7525$5,262,862 I
77 Silverton (#123) 14,133$5,233,913 RG
78 yowo (#21) 14,460$5,189,384 T
79 EarthHasGoodGrafix (#36) 9059$5,069,525 CG
80 EmpirE (#138) 14,805$4,865,020 FG
81 gravity (#139) 11,579$4,860,841 C
82 badgerbadgerbadgerbadger (#31)  Game profile 13,009$4,835,421 CG
83 White Widow (#30) 8359$4,802,473 C
84 Vroom (#29) 4534$4,645,644 R
85 Sirdog (#51) 7699$4,550,822 C
86 Candyland pKi (#58) 5082$4,226,832 I
87 Australia (#104) 15,987$4,214,912 RG
88 ICN (#87) 14,965$4,031,986 FG
89 blid is a n00b (#63)  Game profile 9963$3,848,145 DG
90 Dragons Gate Keep (#111) 6272$3,781,949 C
91 maxnoxious (#38) 10,887$3,626,568 C
92 UntamedNation (#62) 5960$3,457,618 R
93 satrioter (#85)  Game profile 8376$3,386,050 FG
94 Country (#71) 12,933$3,309,286 D
95 badjuju (#114) 11,713$3,221,777 F
96 Pakistan (#81) 13,429$3,219,790 R
97 CerViX BruisErS (#68)  Game profile 10,745$3,218,888 DG
98 Back9Bandit (#13) 11,764$3,121,143 H
99 etvania (#69) 9886$2,928,004 C
100 Who plays on Xmas (#113) 7693$2,736,008 RG

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