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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 257th round: Oct 27, 2014 - Nov 02, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 119 countries in the Express server.

1 BYOB (#65) 25,610$37,478,296 IG
2 Baboon (#26) 20,872$25,387,031 CG
3 The Desert Spear (#46)  Game profile 15,013$21,197,122 RG
4 Crimson (#5) 14,325$19,960,717 RG
5 This retal is goin hurt (#25) 13,613$19,667,772 HG
6 Dish of the Day (#67)  Game profile 17,797$19,354,883 RG
7 deezy doesnt know how to war (#2)  Game profile 18,469$19,146,800 CG
8 Ibiza (#38)  Game profile 16,218$18,602,501 CG
9 dOgMiLk (#31)  Game profile 14,393$18,469,063 DG
10 MakeMyDay (#66) 15,195$18,077,623 RG
11 HappyHalloweenAcresorEggs (#57)  Game profile 11,435$17,782,914 HG
12 Enterprise NX01 (#6)  Game profile 16,681$17,583,796 CG
13 36 Hours Bla Bla (#90)  Game profile 13,906$16,262,196 HG
14 RussianRoulette (#50)  Game profile 11,148$16,140,699 HG
15 llamky (#28)  Game profile 13,232$14,516,552 RG
16 A sky full of stars (#77) 11,836$13,977,708 DG
17 JBM (#76) 10,619$13,354,364 HG
18 Ayatollah of RocknRolla (#82) 15,387$13,252,448 RG
19 Where The Shadows Lie (#1)  Game profile 8681$13,164,853 HG
20 Poptarts (#80) 10,571$13,160,531 CG
21 Tired (#21) 12,520$13,115,514 RG
22 Zigar (#64) 16,958$12,477,841 CG
23 killyourspies (#59) 10,902$12,027,465 T
24 Aperture Science (#4) 12,676$11,482,906 RG
25 Pallas (#104) 14,409$11,233,766 F
26 Baboon on the Rice (#17) 11,511$9,898,526 RG
27 I will grab you back (#40) 17,549$9,766,859 HG
28 Palet Town (#19) 15,007$9,242,876 RG
29 Hatchet Underground (#22)  Game profile 8690$9,220,617 CG
30 Roman Shoes and Pretty Hats (#55)  Game profile 10,507$9,140,530 RG
31 shiggadoogy (#20) 13,685$9,002,824 CG
32 earth (#37) 12,237$8,314,527 CG
33 BaDonkaDonks (#73)  Game profile 7273$8,139,256 HG
34 shittyassman (#49) 13,891$7,944,636 HG
35 Cypselos (#27)  Game profile 12,250$7,941,196 RG
36 imnotagirlnotyetawoman (#78) 9901$7,863,292 DG
37 golden age (#60) 7938$7,777,581 H
38 Randy Salmon Sandwhich (#99)  Game profile 12,303$7,570,194 C
39 Orjuwan (#23)  Game profile 9051$6,556,978 DG
40 RoSvD (#12) 10,742$6,405,736 CG
41 FAQ (#98)  Game profile 4965$6,216,613 F
42 mrFORD suck donkey balls (#87) 8375$5,177,958 CG
43 droppin bombs (#48) 10,182$5,066,055 CG
44 And the band played on (#15) 7826$4,733,323 HG
45 SIEGE (#39) 10,320$4,576,817 HG
46 blitzville (#91) 9224$4,320,743 M
47 johnnies bar (#111) 6624$4,143,546 FG
48 RTZT (#24) 10,894$3,913,554 C
49 Bare back (#69) 5469$3,759,484 R
50 The land of Ham n Cheese (#53) 14,658$3,713,406 C
51 hawk (#96) 3560$3,705,124 H
52 Enterprise NCC1701D (#70)  Game profile 9368$3,673,759 CG
53 Zombieland (#11) 8873$3,535,380 M
54 XYZDENSITY (#61) 10,307$3,532,097 D
55 Modellers (#110) 6432$3,394,721 C
56 Celphi (#10) 5085$3,246,843 DG
57 PLAY BY MY RULES (#34)  Game profile 9953$3,182,607 DG
58 cloud (#89) 9611$2,925,354 R
59 TVA (#45)  Game profile 7963$2,833,100 F
60 No (#86) 13,282$2,800,368 D
61 BigMac (#16) 12,885$2,517,424 F
62 Lewinskyville (#106) 5937$2,496,453 R
63 Latvia (#108) 4411$2,482,326 R
64 kungfu (#33) 9240$2,365,473 I
65 Democracy Military Base Reseller (#56)  Game profile 5909$2,242,725 DG
66 Kenpachi (#75) 7813$2,057,795 R
67 TryItOut (#121) 6992$2,011,965 M
68 Ruthless (#36) 7656$2,009,737 C
69 DoomsDay (#63) 7271$1,778,361 CG
70 JohnEKwest (#29) 6142$1,767,143 M
71 Sparta (#18) 5919$1,747,190 M
72 JAYR (#100) 7594$1,625,422 CG
73 nuke (#93) 5345$1,610,722 T
74 C R O A T I A (#41)  Game profile 6453$1,546,966 TG
75 landfarm (#14)  Game profile 7593$1,529,949 RG
76 sparky (#7) 7877$1,466,479 T
77 trouble (#47) 5690$1,413,455 HG
78 BiBiGoN2 (#105)  Game profile 7423$1,334,318 R
79 A (#95) 7235$1,274,854 HG
80 Wargasm (#88) 3467$1,227,783 T
81 donazee (#13) 3821$1,173,368 D
82 Willow (#42) 5781$1,137,735 FG
83 C R O A T I A (#114)  Game profile 4356$1,116,299 M
84 Darth balls (#30) 5765$1,043,974 IG
85 i solve puzzles (#116) 4950$1,012,530 T
86 load (#9) 0$985,792 C
87 Terran Imperium (#44) 8373$955,964 T
88 DatzWhudItIzZ (#3) 3199$938,056 I
89 yiryighj (#118) 5842$929,838 T
90 this means war (#58) 7298$877,339 C
91 Macked (#84) 3857$830,548 F
92 Justin T White University (#101) 4648$729,222 F
93 The Cheese Empire (#112) 3153$666,479 M
94 annyed (#123) 3605$569,222 M
95 I keel you bitch (#83) 5160$469,240 T
96 L0G (#124) 2282$435,627 C
97 Kreig (#117) 2836$339,586 C
98 damn it (#119) 2673$239,342 M
99 FREEman (#102) 2522$235,291 C
100 Ghost (#107) 611$219,734 R

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