Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Twenty-ninth round: Jun 15, 2010 - Jun 21, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 115 countries in the Express server.

1 D P R K C O M M I E R O C K E T (#24)  Game profile 106$21,790,279 HG
2 Hawt stuff (#68) 13,443$21,361,694 C
3 Mr Perlwhite (#99) 15,054$21,081,229 FG
4 Nightwish (#19)  Game profile 11,895$19,952,090 H
5 enshula (#22) 13,887$19,755,412 HG
6 BobbyATA (#93)  Game profile 12,958$16,970,399 RG
7 Vuvuzela Variation (#62) 7958$16,876,248 HG
8 Walding (#4)  Game profile 4414$16,374,210 H
9 WARLORDe (#16)  Game profile 13,117$15,119,995 F
10 Sacky Sacky 2 Dollah (#83) 8377$14,146,583 R
11 free2go (#40) 14,584$14,005,816 R
12 Grab me grab you (#5) 26,509$13,347,147 C
13 I Have MAGICAL Butt Fleas Lar (#17) 8534$13,021,174 H
14 Suitcase Full O Bumble Bees (#39) 19,635$12,715,433 C
15 Where The Shadows Lie (#13)  Game profile 10,700$12,696,441 R
16 Cp6uja (#2) 15,447$12,647,678 C
17 PRS Dragon (#87) 8374$12,363,560 H
18 Grab Me And I Will Smite You (#29) 15,464$12,327,336 C
19 Red Devil (#101)  Game profile 9445$12,180,361 HG
20 craqked (#63) 7593$11,487,007 R
21 King of ABs (#58)  Game profile 14,014$11,381,879 C
22 Sexy Panda (#6) 12,936$11,316,895 RG
23 Casher This Tyme (#12)  Game profile 13,883$10,496,064 HG
24 Mr Black (#73) 8784$10,079,179 H
25 Axiom (#9) 11,156$10,042,033 HG
26 RD Owns Team Server (#102)  Game profile 17,981$8,990,102 F
27 Why Cant We All Just Get Along (#3) 4152$8,925,441 H
28 C R O A T I A (#1)  Game profile 14,899$8,358,668 H
29 Monkey Nuts Revenge (#50) 14,441$7,789,231 T
30 pagingdrgreenthumb (#26) 14,160$7,509,218 C
31 Cyanide (#32) 13,871$7,323,875 C
32 Kake Kiko Ku (#36) 10,987$7,217,098 F
33 peek sdraagad (#82)  Game profile 12,511$6,961,005 H
34 Game Set Match (#89) 7749$6,808,989 H
35 Jaxon (#84) 13,525$6,783,396 RG
36 Down to One For 18 (#88) 12,687$6,583,447 H
37 bonsai (#69) 8798$6,530,612 R
38 Gentle unless provoked (#86) 7298$6,015,425 DG
39 TripleSixMafia (#71) 9933$5,983,539 T
40 Stop being a prick (#41) 14,018$5,298,159 FG
41 ArrrrrgggghTIE (#30) 15,536$5,191,254 FG
42 JEFF We Need Shooters (#95) 10,212$5,182,357 F
43 Dwindling Player Base (#11) 13,068$5,169,130 HG
44 Santana (#43) 16,198$5,070,804 C
45 the greatest battle (#31) 14,530$4,895,685 F
46 Zachelvania (#33)  Game profile 10,672$4,875,767 R
47 Rough fighter (#38)  Game profile 13,048$4,845,636 D
48 justme (#25) 10,323$4,652,331 C
49 Loose Screws (#21)  Game profile 5351$4,615,809 I
50 Step up (#46) 10,022$4,260,058 R
51 BoredOwl (#55) 13,587$4,181,632 F
52 Fluffy Nuggets (#49) 9010$4,100,900 C
53 GenTwizted (#27) 10,650$4,087,370 RG
54 Numedia (#44) 6401$3,970,069 H
55 leilei (#107) 11,891$3,950,697 I
56 LateAgain (#104)  Game profile 13,171$3,803,935 I
57 Buttercup (#35) 14,392$3,716,757 H
58 Mangles (#48)  Game profile 10,479$3,712,496 R
59 Dam The Torpedos (#103) 12,328$3,509,501 F
60 The Republic of Plato (#54) 7465$3,436,187 R
61 The Blob (#65) 12,542$3,329,897 RG
62 Suicidal Maniac (#72) 10,880$3,140,684 C
63 Kermits Pond (#60) 10,316$3,063,085 H
64 Your mums testicles (#59) 0$3,000,129 IG
65 R (#79) 8719$2,997,621 CG
66 giants (#52) 9231$2,668,013 R
67 iloveseasponges (#98) 6097$2,562,330 RG
68 CRISmaKEmeWAR (#34) 10,127$2,522,236 F
69 sleddogstudios (#113) 11,219$2,073,002 CG
70 genica (#92) 5409$1,796,185 D
71 3 LIONS OF ENGLAND (#57) 1309$1,750,709 R
72 You hit me i hit You (#15) 7009$1,727,977 R
73 BakerMike (#96) 8326$1,563,361 R
74 coalition of suicide (#23) 3586$1,558,991 I
75 hawkwind (#80) 5859$1,517,009 IG
76 orcs (#116) 6098$1,505,460 T
77 timmy (#109) 5404$1,438,344 H
78 Suzie RottenCrotch (#94) 10,793$1,399,887 I
79 Stoopid English (#111)  Game profile 7256$1,395,876 I
80 Mulder Sculley (#56) 6718$1,372,384 H
81 Project New American Century (#51) 6488$1,233,727 T
82 alc bot (#78) 14,873$1,201,484 DG
83 Just One Beer (#61) 6681$1,135,034 I
84 slick (#97) 4838$985,257 T
85 Top 500 or bust (#7) 1953$970,277 C
86 Vimmini (#67) 5266$933,341 C
87 R1p (#20)  Game profile 4382$920,201 RG
88 H (#90) 7266$894,281 H
89 Albion (#47) 4085$855,502 M
90 Euboea (#115) 5914$823,726 F
91 wookieSpeedball (#75) 6243$803,882 C
92 uranass (#105) 4392$743,582 C
93 Whiskey IN a jar (#70) 4925$652,716 H
94 onepointfive (#121) 3340$489,090 R
95 Tuesday Tuesday (#110) 2961$355,728 T
96 east west (#74) 3286$236,638 R
97 foo (#8) 1314$223,626 M
98 Ashtons Empire (#100) 829$95,513 C
99 me (#118) 224$15,017 M
100 fluffyou (#28) 100$8487 C

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