Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2513
Currently Logged in: 185

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 400th round: Jul 24, 2017 - Jul 30, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 111 countries in the Express server.

1 ally (#3)  Game profile 22,190$50,197,655 HG
2 DeathFromAbove (#2)  Game profile 13,803$41,075,570 HG
3 ashe (#39) 25,321$35,444,737 CG
4 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#81)  Game profile 17,269$30,507,994 HG
5 (#105) 33,802$30,221,727 DG
6 AirBnB (#27) 24,993$26,435,536 DG
7 Violent Delights (#92)  Game profile 43,136$23,246,803 HG
8 (#46) 17,157$22,030,750 HG
9 Topfeeding Got Me 8th Place (#31)  Game profile 21,667$20,529,861 CG
10 Critical Nobody (#90) 13,279$18,432,367 HG
11 Dargor ShadowlordOfTheBlackMntn (#95) 12,885$16,755,138 R
12 snaga (#85)  Game profile 13,325$16,154,507 FG
13 Prelapsarian (#65) 13,117$15,771,228 DG
14 TheLynxArmy (#6)  Game profile 3870$15,217,522 DG
15 Dry Dock (#12) 11,244$15,008,801 FG
16 Smackdown Live (#94) 13,178$14,551,457 D
17 FreeportBrew (#76) 10,405$14,170,738 F
18 Yeah yeah (#63) 16,429$13,407,621 CG
19 Gallup (#18)  Game profile 12,947$12,719,656 R
20 BEERFACEDKILLER (#14) 13,720$11,809,495 HG
21 Macdaddy 7th country (#21) 14,270$10,822,511 CG
22 C R O A T I A (#83)  Game profile 12,293$10,604,431 DG
23 Arulco (#75)  Game profile 10,564$10,260,580 R
24 Hilary Care HSA (#36)  Game profile 19,827$9,947,315 CG
25 iNfamous (#11)  Game profile 9397$9,766,575 R
26 Sir Baron (#51) 13,250$8,185,545 R
27 Cordaleefar (#54) 14,067$8,047,120 C
28 Bryce Von drakon (#64) 14,332$7,869,194 C
29 WonderGinger (#93) 18,033$7,832,445 FG
30 Jhin Lackus (#43) 14,141$7,748,797 R
31 Ghastly Rusty Helium (#41) 11,889$7,731,176 F
32 Zestia Silpal (#59) 13,505$7,691,350 C
33 RawrTacos (#88) 12,353$7,619,953 TG
34 Druppel (#8) 12,771$7,128,043 R
35 Itchy Cloud (#34) 13,481$7,033,615 C
36 The Ghosts from Tok (#74) 14,102$6,702,137 C
37 Zilz Airis (#58) 11,875$6,363,466 I
38 Elthin Secor (#68) 13,180$6,267,332 R
39 DoggyDoggy (#77) 12,708$6,029,492 T
40 Zema Othelen Palpur (#24) 13,937$5,961,422 I
41 Marishka Iceshiard (#73) 13,092$5,697,149 R
42 Illia Lurd (#48) 11,386$5,683,226 R
43 H (#10) 9443$5,478,329 D
44 The Doe (#69) 13,241$5,453,059 C
45 Baxter (#86)  Game profile 9888$5,452,776 D
46 Parents of Telpur (#33) 12,198$5,398,871 R
47 Pale Darmor (#71) 13,569$4,978,449 R
48 Sand Made of Castles (#102) 18,309$4,805,611 TG
49 Maevi beneath the Angels (#38) 12,462$4,785,688 R
50 OoweeEEE (#52) 6279$4,699,150 R
51 God loves you (#79) 15,198$4,545,033 MG
52 garlic breath (#16) 16,777$4,056,738 R
53 Eric Erickson (#100)  Game profile 14,069$3,936,123 CG
54 Shelley Francois Harker (#17) 13,180$3,755,701 H
55 The Warriors of Zutar (#57) 11,583$3,344,361 H
56 ButtStuff (#25) 8094$3,227,357 C
57 Andreanes (#28)  Game profile 6542$3,225,427 M
58 Pakistan (#42) 10,726$3,156,903 M
59 Nuclear (#13)  Game profile 2730$2,788,703 I
60 Tiny land of Tech (#23) 9384$2,764,795 D
61 Naria Amerdan (#62) 12,598$2,680,571 H
62 Risky Biz (#9) 5011$2,595,647 HG
63 Merdon (#32) 11,920$2,572,734 H
64 Major (#84) 8563$2,554,704 F
65 Rythorn Sadaron (#47) 11,329$2,528,926 T
66 Not Magnanimous (#29)  Game profile 6897$2,525,329 T
67 The Devils of Eritai (#67) 11,674$2,495,114 D
68 Billybob (#111) 9074$2,459,661 H
69 ZorK (#26) 5535$2,407,969 R
70 Zilz Icing (#37) 11,070$2,322,905 T
71 Wtf (#109) 4415$2,196,310 HG
72 darwin award recipient (#49) 11,073$2,112,944 C
73 slim (#5) 8738$1,992,762 FG
74 Firdorn Amerdan (#44) 4687$1,989,356 C
75 BaDonkaDonks (#96)  Game profile 3037$1,980,763 HG
76 xtreme (#22) 0$1,863,507 C
77 Freaky Locomotive (#72) 12,162$1,815,812 H
78 Heavy Cobra (#80) 12,298$1,775,876 R
79 kAyDeN gOnA MINd HiS PsQs (#4)  Game profile 9328$1,751,695 FG
80 Tyden (#40) 12,874$1,654,930 M
81 the candy land (#20)  Game profile 7067$1,636,060 F
82 big chief (#87)  Game profile 12,724$1,625,530 I
83 Swords (#91)  Game profile 9062$1,597,615 RG
84 Scipio (#112)  Game profile 7793$1,565,477 C
85 BonBum (#97) 2924$1,553,402 T
86 Senic Eastern (#50) 12,636$1,520,203 M
87 Billy Blackbeard Silvergrim (#70) 12,076$1,464,882 M
88 Unsullied (#78) 3917$1,438,313 T
89 Aphrodite (#66) 7846$1,360,860 CG
90 Brave Waterbird (#30) 11,512$1,181,834 F
91 Haiduc Vildher (#60) 7391$1,124,619 I
92 Mine (#98) 9351$1,017,493 R
93 Chonia (#106)  Game profile 5871$970,022 IG
94 Ravenbeard Donna Coldbane (#55) 6921$970,001 I
95 Wtf bruh (#110)  Game profile 5593$860,135 F
96 the Temple (#61) 4157$843,697 HG
97 BluntRustyKnife (#101)  Game profile 5110$838,517 D
98 Ishas Tears (#104) 6832$753,228 C
99 New Mans Land (#113)  Game profile 2759$703,862 H
100 EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY (#99)  Game profile 5805$677,453 I

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