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Active countries: 2430
Currently Logged in: 190

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 439th round: Apr 23, 2018 - Apr 29, 2018 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 115 countries in the Express server.

1 DeathFromAbove (#2)  Game profile 16,320$44,131,678 HG
2 General Sherman (#72)  Game profile 32,496$41,398,178 CG
3 interesting (#98) 39,491$37,525,820 TG
4 Slow Play My Way Into Top10 (#26)  Game profile 32,002$33,343,355 CG
5 middle seat (#51)  Game profile 19,989$32,063,080 HG
6 (#45) 13,974$30,860,741 TG
7 The Contrarian (#55)  Game profile 18,003$27,726,262 HG
8 Tom Swift (#32) 23,046$27,724,148 CG
9 kAdEn (#4)  Game profile 17,480$25,342,303 HG
10 Clints whining excuse 4 losing (#69)  Game profile 18,840$24,218,061 DG
11 HatchetUnderground (#99) 16,812$24,040,613 CG
12 kerafyrm (#47) 40,261$22,288,192 T
13 Mr Carolina Blue (#8)  Game profile 14,881$20,840,485 H
14 Event Horizon (#76)  Game profile 15,009$18,503,992 HG
15 I will do better This time (#30)  Game profile 6730$17,980,732 DG
16 Mulligan (#3)  Game profile 10,740$17,958,356 RG
17 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#105) 17,473$16,854,288 R
18 XCIV (#94) 23,361$16,838,743 HG
19 Teenage Suicider Dont Do It (#87)  Game profile 9245$15,076,229 F
20 Mustang (#23)  Game profile 10,072$14,046,102 D
21 2 X 4 (#13)  Game profile 10,000$11,078,151 FG
22 Killed (#7) 17,903$11,048,162 HG
23 VvV (#61)  Game profile 24,102$10,731,729 FG
24 ByzantineEmpire (#63)  Game profile 16,748$9,248,157 C
25 BaDonkaDonks (#9)  Game profile 20,037$8,606,083 HG
26 Ghastly Omega (#88) 12,302$8,510,426 RG
27 Shelley Peter Shelley (#28) 12,589$8,432,969 RG
28 InvisibleBully2 (#38)  Game profile 6963$7,999,353 T
29 Galin Wider (#78) 13,414$7,869,963 R
30 Here we go again (#102) 15,934$7,771,405 D
31 Brutal Alexander (#43) 12,194$7,624,048 R
32 Izic Darkblood (#16) 12,065$7,513,480 F
33 dinbat (#79) 12,947$7,383,311 C
34 Cloudy Haystack (#83) 13,154$7,319,624 R
35 Egmardern Parents (#29) 11,691$7,114,044 C
36 Sidathe (#58) 12,309$7,103,580 R
37 The Hordes of Gustov (#44) 12,922$6,979,662 C
38 Urda Zestor (#37) 4488$6,707,790 D
39 MustangMustang (#73) 14,872$6,694,889 R
40 Madons Light (#48) 13,364$6,658,021 RG
41 Needless Sticky Flag (#57) 4750$6,625,556 DG
42 look up way up (#10)  Game profile 15,102$6,613,818 CG
43 Megatron (#114) 13,618$6,568,931 R
44 Raccoon Vicious (#27) 3965$6,512,671 DG
45 Heart from Hecton (#74) 13,440$6,478,616 C
46 The Light from Ohmar (#68) 13,297$6,443,654 R
47 Charlotte Coldbane (#71) 12,269$6,355,351 FG
48 Pronymafydar (#22) 4906$6,317,356 T
49 Urda (#12) 3670$6,274,142 DG
50 Margaret Silverbeard (#54) 11,270$6,260,492 C
51 The Riders of Mathar (#97) 4148$6,246,336 D
52 GG (#56)  Game profile 13,426$6,120,963 RG
53 Foxy Yak (#91) 13,492$5,931,040 RG
54 Xandar Ozeloth (#84) 12,403$5,907,921 C
55 Unique Viper (#34) 12,099$5,831,936 C
56 Blood N Gore (#6) 13,527$5,804,906 RG
57 Lydia Scarlet (#86) 12,583$5,601,559 R
58 Riders out of Kylrad (#39) 11,985$5,554,902 C
59 Grimbeard Johnny Darkblade (#62) 5248$5,382,869 T
60 Old Otter (#59) 12,103$5,324,512 C
61 Beatrice Grimrage (#1) 3776$5,143,683 H
62 Laelajulthor (#81) 13,986$5,092,251 I
63 (#110) 15,803$4,909,245 R
64 Keep off the Grass (#17) 15,861$4,845,763 H
65 Crosshaired Orv (#80) 17,478$4,834,390 I
66 Eckardxithyl (#46) 13,767$4,785,937 R
67 Rysdandosk (#42) 4987$4,649,538 TG
68 Ana Grimdark (#24) 13,385$4,509,318 I
69 Meth Head (#95) 10,069$4,412,661 C
70 Riddler (#53) 9736$4,294,495 T
71 Ada (#31) 11,640$3,895,246 F
72 EverybodyDoTheHeadlessBuggie (#15)  Game profile 9583$3,760,111 CG
73 Sidara Elthen Puthor (#82) 3611$3,417,230 H
74 Sofia De Belleville (#52) 3803$3,392,912 H
75 Chaos (#64) 9976$3,168,466 R
76 Atmas Villains (#92) 4699$2,961,105 D
77 GENE (#93) 13,472$2,652,368 I
78 Little Blue Bug (#96)  Game profile 8649$2,202,438 D
79 Darkmoon John Davis (#67) 4525$1,772,652 DG
80 stank (#14) 0$1,646,892 C
81 Coyote Sleepy (#75) 12,965$1,604,388 I
82 Pink Arm (#25) 13,313$1,583,944 R
83 Sythfolmer (#77) 4379$1,555,719 TG
84 Kassina Othelen (#40) 13,370$1,493,834 M
85 Fever (#101) 5535$1,490,542 DG
86 The Conquerors of Elthen (#35) 12,225$1,463,348 I
87 Madam Scissor (#100) 13,961$1,461,764 M
88 The Friends of Gehardt (#70) 13,442$1,460,591 M
89 Firdorn (#90) 13,019$1,453,326 M
90 Blacksmith George Davis (#60) 12,048$1,441,716 M
91 Eriz Ogres (#50) 14,004$1,437,424 M
92 Bydern Nothar (#20) 13,539$1,418,474 MG
93 Off to see the wizard (#5)  Game profile 7218$1,407,584 TG
94 Rosewood (#113) 10,262$1,266,162 D
95 Akia (#65) 12,895$1,210,320 F
96 MiMaMiMaMiMaMiMaMiMaMiMaMiMaMiMa (#115) 4277$1,117,631 C
97 LamChoppy (#89)  Game profile 10,302$963,609 C
98 Xl1200c (#49)  Game profile 7045$864,054 T
99 Country Name (#107)  Game profile 0$856,511 T
100 Swooossshhhh (#111)  Game profile 8676$669,081 C

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