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Active countries: 2471
Currently Logged in: 190

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 447th round: Jun 18, 2018 - Jun 24, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 115 countries in the Express server.

1 DeathFromAbove (#2)  Game profile 22,844$83,399,080 HG
2 (#50) 19,990$54,419,095 T
3 ashe (#93) 38,119$45,792,951 CG
4 Nervous Noobie (#83)  Game profile 17,052$34,357,809 HG
5 Pestilence (#8)  Game profile 23,391$34,051,005 H
6 dOgMiLk (#30)  Game profile 22,002$30,286,478 DG
7 Punks (#63)  Game profile 22,100$24,872,095 HG
8 This country has no name (#14)  Game profile 10,600$24,076,126 HG
9 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#12) 15,164$19,486,040 R
10 DeathFromSpace (#106)  Game profile 6894$19,036,012 HG
11 FromEverywhere (#20)  Game profile 19,124$18,644,192 HG
12 you like my beer belly (#75) 8885$17,946,824 HG
13 FREE WORLD (#19)  Game profile 12,375$15,966,805 RG
14 Nissan GTR Twin Turbo (#47)  Game profile 14,734$15,892,339 CG
15 Crimson (#4) 14,688$14,741,830 HG
16 Negan (#108) 42,598$13,244,882 IG
17 summer fun time (#6) 7562$12,405,312 T
18 Gull Edward Sangre (#37) 4986$11,427,392 T
19 Spirit (#17) 13,485$11,009,577 RG
20 Insert Name Here (#51) 34,351$10,645,094 HG
21 serra ab comme de la merde (#99)  Game profile 20,381$9,041,875 HG
22 Sidara (#1) 7278$8,944,172 T
23 Skyrim (#29) 19,312$8,914,047 C
24 Dilly Dilly (#38) 9631$8,402,718 MG
25 The 100 (#105) 13,501$8,356,261 R
26 OverlordOfChaos (#25)  Game profile 8000$7,797,331 DG
27 Lord Tristan Von wolf (#44) 14,494$7,751,623 C
28 Obama Care ACA (#116)  Game profile 11,113$7,477,797 FG
29 Aliyah on Top (#7)  Game profile 6197$7,409,182 H
30 Order out of Ledal (#42) 4785$7,294,036 HG
31 RiddlerReturns (#15) 13,237$7,162,047 TG
32 Rock Crusher (#11) 14,407$7,110,743 RG
33 Tidy Barbershop (#33) 16,560$6,942,140 R
34 Kencomi (#9) 14,733$6,836,386 RG
35 LST (#109) 9522$6,702,682 H
36 Valtauryerpal (#56) 14,350$6,682,783 F
37 PukiMaEE (#32) 8797$6,647,545 FG
38 Lillith Wormwood (#23) 16,325$6,641,179 RG
39 The Overlords from Nythil (#64) 13,574$6,615,766 C
40 Lord Viktor Von wolf (#58) 15,738$6,600,611 R
41 Risky Avenue (#53) 13,202$6,541,137 R
42 Black Yard (#18) 14,313$6,342,195 RG
43 Nilex Despair (#79) 15,250$6,338,217 CG
44 Light of Wekmar (#28) 14,497$6,304,004 RG
45 Sina (#39) 14,361$6,137,923 C
46 Awnia Merdon Boldel (#48) 14,452$5,949,971 IG
47 Narisa Samot (#74) 15,567$5,892,951 C
48 Milencasdon (#66) 14,685$5,702,336 FG
49 Blue Haystack (#78) 13,797$5,583,268 R
50 Luna Darkblade (#76) 13,746$5,371,401 F
51 Jod (#43)  Game profile 14,289$5,365,546 R
52 Protector of Eritai (#62) 4686$5,351,948 H
53 Flying Burst (#69) 14,623$5,348,090 C
54 Tomararikar (#59) 10,758$5,335,947 C
55 Orange Mister Knife (#21) 14,105$5,297,438 F
56 Homeless Old Zeus (#86) 14,022$5,275,880 F
57 V for Vendetta (#10) 21,560$5,205,451 H
58 Hammer Rebel (#68) 14,299$5,115,758 R
59 Lion Cruel (#71) 15,599$5,106,622 RG
60 Narisa (#94) 13,312$5,100,459 C
61 Calden (#84) 12,067$5,057,447 C
62 Nathan Ravenblack Stoker (#88) 14,113$4,953,254 RG
63 Rebels of Mylo (#81) 14,678$4,948,547 R
64 Eager Saint (#61) 14,171$4,893,263 IG
65 To Catch a Predator (#54)  Game profile 8793$4,851,639 I
66 Beauty Foal (#82) 5379$4,542,794 H
67 Sergent Beast (#31) 15,031$4,466,031 R
68 Fisherman Itchy (#26) 14,661$4,421,640 I
69 cry cry cry (#102)  Game profile 19,876$4,212,740 RG
70 Jelli (#57) 5190$4,057,469 HG
71 Comtesse Sidara Ravencrypt (#36) 13,780$4,053,504 F
72 Lyna (#87) 4604$4,009,844 TG
73 Sonia Barbaric (#60) 12,627$3,791,260 H
74 ABs are OP (#49)  Game profile 10,496$3,664,698 I
75 Puppy Ruthless (#16) 14,503$3,659,727 F
76 Kilia (#45) 12,772$3,339,852 H
77 Pitman (#96)  Game profile 13,162$3,251,554 F
78 Airnergy (#89)  Game profile 13,609$3,139,015 M
79 Pildoor (#91) 14,043$3,028,587 FG
80 Land of the raptors (#24)  Game profile 11,886$2,971,768 C
81 DMscranton (#34)  Game profile 7011$2,724,209 C
82 Demos Oneiroi (#3)  Game profile 7741$2,629,277 R
83 Tibers Eagles (#40) 13,645$2,592,438 M
84 Mylene Staph Talberon (#55) 12,490$2,445,995 C
85 Latzaf (#90) 12,795$2,320,692 C
86 Bill Stoker Scarlet (#67) 4075$2,142,340 TG
87 Mine (#101) 13,744$2,141,228 D
88 For the Homies (#114) 11,990$2,126,032 F
89 baked scallop (#52)  Game profile 6652$1,990,117 HG
90 Golden Colt (#85) 12,404$1,936,643 M
91 Olivia Relboron (#35) 13,146$1,924,052 I
92 Luna Mythik (#70) 12,566$1,908,054 M
93 Aquatic Love (#5) 10,395$1,695,236 R
94 Poopy Doopy (#110) 9703$1,674,255 H
95 DuckSauce (#117) 16,890$1,457,130 H
96 Kilder of the Ghosts (#80) 11,638$1,392,796 T
97 Seth Tholan (#77) 3366$1,181,189 DG
98 Little Blue Bug (#100)  Game profile 4019$1,138,488 D
99 her shaggy hogg (#13) 3231$1,133,679 M
100 x (#65)  Game profile 3877$974,700 H

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