Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
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Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2433
Currently Logged in: 187

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 475th round: Dec 31, 2018 - Jan 07, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 117 countries in the Express server.

1 The Cruz (#10) 17,064$53,315,649 DG
2 Drexl Spivey (#80) 43,851$36,918,067 CG
3 eno0one (#101) 14,345$35,575,277 TG
4 Some guy and a keyboard (#61) 18,043$31,886,653 DG
5 Dharma Dhawaj Rakshak (#99)  Game profile 27,891$29,014,091 FG
6 John Cena (#58)  Game profile 21,980$25,597,800 HG
7 Best served cold (#22)  Game profile 22,027$24,363,727 IG
8 Googly Eyes (#11) 17,552$23,644,303 HG
9 veandaff (#102) 21,652$20,509,450 CG
10 MrBully2U (#42)  Game profile 10,708$20,178,173 H
11 kAYdEn (#4)  Game profile 11,709$20,159,090 HG
12 15 (#15) 21,953$18,488,203 HG
13 TL Semicolon DR (#96) 16,503$17,963,482 HG
14 Anti Antifa (#6)  Game profile 11,007$17,255,466 HG
15 Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (#5)  Game profile 25,808$17,048,023 CG
16 BarBouncer (#89)  Game profile 19,883$14,962,274 RG
17 TTTF (#110) 25,639$13,526,099 TG
18 Ahahaha snort (#97) 24,040$13,485,830 H
19 Timmy (#23)  Game profile 16,691$11,326,550 R
20 LS8 (#93)  Game profile 19,344$11,238,162 CG
21 Arryn Zilz (#27) 4333$10,518,857 DG
22 Prince Marius Nephilim (#37) 5253$10,268,777 H
23 Danger Zone (#45) 16,709$10,062,569 RG
24 Baconator (#111)  Game profile 23,031$9,976,324 DG
25 Zigmal (#57) 5351$9,484,140 HG
26 Fighting Penman (#19)  Game profile 11,807$9,100,979 FG
27 Jack Darkmoon (#72) 4236$9,006,448 H
28 Elenor Bloodrayne (#1) 6420$8,871,600 T
29 Ginger 5 (#2) 10,953$8,814,796 CG
30 Cibrock of the Friends (#62) 5661$8,674,243 D
31 5th Reich (#13) 15,517$8,415,508 IG
32 Parthinia Eldar Kildar (#82) 5228$8,207,940 H
33 Cytor Dreadweep (#12) 6536$7,986,232 TG
34 Bug03 (#112)  Game profile 12,119$7,616,882 RG
35 Dusaro Spirits (#33) 14,459$7,341,434 R
36 Zestia Padan (#83) 13,923$7,286,388 R
37 Raw Mutant (#67) 5246$7,207,620 HG
38 The Monsters of Donatel (#43) 14,908$7,132,596 R
39 The Maestros from Jhin (#78) 13,685$6,913,835 R
40 Ancestor of Boldel (#18) 13,354$6,890,842 RG
41 Fisty Screaming Chinchilla (#68) 13,049$6,819,994 R
42 Lord Etar Ethelred (#53) 12,965$6,803,420 R
43 Strong Mars (#77) 4632$6,573,845 HG
44 Haston Kib (#56) 14,479$6,531,280 R
45 Megatron (#34) 15,657$6,230,443 R
46 Pronyma (#88) 14,881$6,176,819 RG
47 Narisa (#87) 4272$6,073,938 DG
48 Zenobe Macbath (#73) 12,782$5,918,753 R
49 Dog Lick (#17) 5753$5,827,895 TG
50 Aidan Tesio (#36) 12,592$5,737,993 F
51 Brave Lama (#31) 13,427$5,511,247 R
52 Migorn Yerpal Xavor (#71) 13,302$5,258,224 RG
53 Troopers (#90)  Game profile 12,075$5,222,827 F
54 Sunny Child (#81) 12,860$5,018,542 F
55 Lord Redtooth Bryce (#41) 13,690$5,009,539 F
56 Tiberius (#84) 15,805$4,849,441 MG
57 you like my beer belly (#65) 10,980$4,826,527 HG
58 Rismak (#91) 13,497$4,589,130 RG
59 Chicago (#52) 11,919$4,475,621 T
60 Seth (#66) 12,374$4,382,048 FG
61 Lady Screaming Sennetta (#86) 12,459$4,240,328 F
62 mako (#107) 10,727$4,197,782 HG
63 Pointless Trombone (#26) 12,009$4,084,936 F
64 Phenom (#92) 14,350$4,073,287 F
65 Phreakcoria (#32)  Game profile 12,394$4,029,825 C
66 Skinny Dreaded Chipmunk (#24) 12,581$3,685,729 C
67 Nildales Fiends (#35) 13,424$3,650,372 R
68 Midiga Zilz (#39) 11,698$3,639,992 C
69 kame hame haaa (#94) 4820$3,636,014 DG
70 Thea Camon (#29) 11,883$3,587,486 C
71 Lord Gabriel Ethelred (#74) 9608$3,540,715 C
72 Spork (#115)  Game profile 7157$3,526,714 H
73 Princess Bloody Ruby (#59) 10,553$3,331,604 C
74 drinkhrwcom (#100) 4791$3,316,356 H
75 Orange Sergeant Fiend (#20) 11,345$3,198,825 HG
76 Relboron (#64) 11,150$3,143,053 C
77 Shipwreck Cove (#54) 11,506$3,099,695 DG
78 Johnny Bloodrayne De Belleville (#49) 10,338$3,084,309 C
79 Centerland (#119)  Game profile 11,547$3,017,717 F
80 Mine (#104) 11,621$3,014,280 D
81 big jack horn (#30)  Game profile 9661$2,956,525 M
82 Frozen Pure Lobster (#60) 11,279$2,956,427 I
83 Felipe Da Martinez (#8) 7074$2,912,876 RG
84 Fildon Valyn (#75) 11,049$2,861,490 M
85 f u (#114) 6144$2,834,100 C
86 Irina Mythik Achard (#44) 10,428$2,831,673 C
87 Prince Dante Grimryder (#79) 10,346$2,779,053 CG
88 Salty Sofia Silvergrim (#69) 9880$2,761,107 C
89 Knuckle Dragger (#7) 7495$2,734,942 CG
90 Im Chris Hansen Have A Seat (#38)  Game profile 9893$2,573,738 C
91 Troopin n Poopin (#9) 7490$2,433,123 M
92 Narisa Morbid (#40) 11,546$2,349,156 M
93 Little Guitars (#3)  Game profile 1$2,331,740 D
94 Cardon Rikar (#55) 12,130$2,186,886 I
95 Gortons Fisherman (#63) 7715$2,167,291 I
96 Sathe Alderman Syr (#50) 11,458$2,164,975 I
97 Bleach and Mayo (#51)  Game profile 5963$1,946,593 TG
98 Davezzorr (#70) 12,744$1,942,538 M
99 damn toxic (#28) 13,185$1,850,219 C
100 Gematria (#46)  Game profile 6132$1,641,801 M

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