UgolinoII's country News on the Express Server

480th round: Feb 04, 2019 - Feb 10, 2019

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Feb 10, 22:21
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 2605 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:19
TBH (#122) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2658 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:15
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 2712 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:15
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 2767 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:15
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 2823 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:15
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 2881 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:14
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 2940 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:14
TBH (#122): Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 2048 points of technology!

Feb 10, 22:14
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3000 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:14
TBH (#122): Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 2054 points of technology!

Feb 10, 22:14
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3061 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:12
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 3122 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 22:12
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives caused 7433 civilians to flee our lands!

Feb 10, 22:12
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 3186 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 19:08
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3250 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 19:05
TBH (#122) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 3316 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 19:00
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3383 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 19:00
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3452 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 19:00
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 3522 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 18:59
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole $175,615 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Feb 10, 18:59
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole $176,320 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Feb 10, 18:59
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 3594 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 18:58
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 3668 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:26
TBH (#122) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 3743 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:26
TBH (#122) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 3819 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:24
TBH (#122) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3897 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:24
TBH (#122) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 3976 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:24
TBH (#122) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 4058 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:24
TBH (#122) attempted to attack your intelligence centers! You killed 4140 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:24
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives killed 3553 of your spies!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 4225 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives caused 8066 civilians to flee our lands!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 4311 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 4399 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to stir rebellions in your country! You killed 4489 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives caused 31,550 troops to leave your army!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives caused 31,550 troops to leave your army!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 4580 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 4674 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to cause dissension among your troops! You killed 4769 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 4867 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 4966 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 5067 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives poisoned our water supplies! Only our scientists can save us now!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5171 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5276 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 502 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 17:22
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5384 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:11
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives killed 3607 of your spies!

Feb 10, 17:10
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole $546,900 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Feb 10, 17:10
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 5494 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 5606 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 5720 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 5837 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives destroyed 29 buildings!

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives destroyed 29 buildings!

Feb 10, 17:09
TBH (#122) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 5956 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 15:40
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2124 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 15:38
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2164 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 6966 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7065 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5368 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5469 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5573 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:56
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5679 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:55
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7165 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:55
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7267 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:55
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7370 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:54
TBH (#122) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 5755 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5618 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7475 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5717 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7581 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7688 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7797 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 7908 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5795 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8020 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8134 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8250 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5883 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8367 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:48
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8486 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8606 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 5972 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 6086 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8728 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8852 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 6187 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 8978 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9106 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9235 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 6283 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9366 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:45
TBH (#122) attempted to raid your oil reserves! You killed 6396 enemy spies.

Feb 10, 8:44
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9499 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:44
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 198,720 bushels of food and lit 0 on fire as they fled!

Feb 10, 8:43
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9634 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:40
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9771 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 8:36
TBH (#122): Enemy operatives stole 9909 barrels of oil and lit 0 barrels on fire!

Feb 10, 1:56
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1857 enemy spies.

Feb 08, 16:17
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 1446 enemy spies.

Feb 08, 16:17
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 1473 enemy spies.

Feb 08, 16:16
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1498 enemy spies.

Feb 08, 4:51
Garbonza Ericka (#24) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 708 enemy spies.

Feb 07, 17:33
primeval (#119) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 274 enemy spies.