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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 195

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 503rd round: Jul 15, 2019 - Jul 22, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 119 countries in the Express server.

1 green tea (#104)  Game profile 18,679$43,554,965 HG
2 In line at the ski slopes (#23) 20,371$33,159,166 DG
3 wigwam willie (#19) 13,594$31,317,461 HG
4 Worst round ever (#2)  Game profile 17,437$29,571,561 HG
5 Bug (#112)  Game profile 31,711$23,708,661 CG
6 Retal is real (#99) 16,871$22,444,060 HG
7 Mr Titanium (#28)  Game profile 20,675$22,069,985 CG
8 Struggle and Famines (#8)  Game profile 11,335$17,209,176 DG
9 DbDonkBaDonks (#108)  Game profile 11,555$16,680,392 HG
10 try out (#25) 22,977$15,779,921 DG
11 Jimberly (#18)  Game profile 18,364$15,606,294 IG
12 Forgot to jump again (#78)  Game profile 13,978$15,043,700 DG
13 Expect The Unexpected (#95)  Game profile 17,451$14,159,361 FG
14 doingu (#81) 11,626$13,389,626 T
15 WIntermute (#103)  Game profile 23,593$11,861,737 DG
16 Freaky Angel (#43) 15,835$11,738,842 R
17 Where The Shadows Lie (#3)  Game profile 11,809$11,726,843 DG
18 Kaldar Odeir (#73) 15,308$10,911,723 R
19 Slayerville (#17)  Game profile 12,360$10,777,442 H
20 Stink Pickle (#6) 12,902$10,727,994 HG
21 bleh (#37)  Game profile 14,069$10,545,148 C
22 Vildher Safize (#72) 5376$10,194,128 D
23 Count Vladimir Von slavik (#52) 5558$10,191,050 D
24 Artillery Barrage (#80) 11,512$10,112,877 H
25 Lone Fast Gazelle (#42) 6046$9,836,329 HG
26 Kilbass Maestros (#68) 16,326$9,800,860 R
27 My Friends of Misery (#100)  Game profile 15,136$9,570,805 RG
28 CandiLand City (#41)  Game profile 18,974$9,547,181 R
29 Remote Emerald (#33) 14,392$9,457,391 R
30 Frida (#38) 16,692$9,083,949 RG
31 Dan Backslide Steals a Runabout (#5) 15,307$9,030,163 TG
32 Brotherhood of Nod (#51) 10,198$8,997,779 R
33 Count Secor Eastern (#58) 14,743$8,982,040 R
34 Zestia (#27) 5413$8,751,159 DG
35 Updar Eckard Florian (#13) 15,036$8,548,108 RG
36 Bot Nathan Saroka (#45) 7932$8,537,241 H
37 Enoka (#63) 15,458$8,395,015 R
38 Airmen Maxi (#31) 14,486$8,371,269 R
39 Roulette (#14) 15,286$8,347,096 R
40 Pee in Your Weaties (#49) 22,185$8,111,039 TG
41 Zyneste (#1) 5941$8,101,087 T
42 Iroldak above the Falcons (#83) 15,588$7,692,234 R
43 ShatteredTeeth (#22) 15,619$7,591,596 C
44 Richard Cranium (#48) 9830$7,299,475 IG
45 Bogdalistan (#102) 16,154$7,110,973 DG
46 Zouca Demon (#32) 5289$7,083,033 T
47 Dang143 (#57) 13,400$7,019,043 F
48 Payback Time (#111) 4139$7,015,590 D
49 Maverick Ranch (#53)  Game profile 13,332$6,899,108 RG
50 It still Happens (#10) 14,575$6,761,462 HG
51 Heart of Bulxso (#66) 12,766$6,400,985 FG
52 Eastern Alexandra (#71) 13,600$6,281,605 FG
53 Laenaya (#88) 15,272$5,910,104 IG
54 Urdacyton (#46) 13,064$5,865,728 F
55 Dum dum (#106)  Game profile 15,934$5,699,401 C
56 Prince Kafar Grimrage (#77) 5310$5,534,651 DG
57 Zana Sangre (#56) 13,081$5,433,227 R
58 Sathe Nadale (#47) 5301$5,186,862 T
59 Protector of Gibolt (#79) 13,034$5,065,974 CG
60 Count Deathstrike Albrecht (#61) 13,568$4,919,966 FG
61 Fierce Bird (#76) 11,606$4,777,388 F
62 Zema (#91) 11,192$4,464,099 FG
63 Neal and Bob (#97)  Game profile 9454$4,282,750 H
64 Teathdime (#114)  Game profile 13,140$4,235,915 C
65 PoopTroop (#59) 11,104$4,156,680 C
66 Akassa Haston Xithyl (#64) 11,944$4,039,939 C
67 The Fiends of Acaman (#60) 11,148$3,960,760 D
68 Erim Connell Cevelt (#39) 10,533$3,841,438 C
69 H3NT41 K4M3N (#9) 9560$3,805,690 H
70 Zouca Shelley (#69) 11,250$3,719,278 C
71 Lady Miss Detective (#82) 5621$3,717,637 D
72 Wanar (#54) 11,193$3,712,597 C
73 Mizar Azariel (#89) 12,007$3,711,032 C
74 Maroon Scorpion (#34) 10,937$3,574,931 C
75 Princess Marcia Morbid (#11) 12,166$3,515,929 F
76 Do Not Hit Suicide Country (#21) 11,286$3,382,584 T
77 Believer Eager (#30) 12,642$3,355,030 R
78 Brana Puthor Agon (#86) 12,748$3,338,295 F
79 Forsaken Windshield (#84) 9951$3,298,502 C
80 Wild Minimum Swallow (#44) 10,368$3,293,438 C
81 Disappointed Strawberry Coffin (#62) 5482$2,895,758 H
82 voo doo u do do (#87) 5753$2,847,536 MG
83 Onathe Jamik (#24) 9820$2,727,535 I
84 Qupar of the Masses (#74) 8699$2,726,848 I
85 Eriz above the Heart (#35) 11,949$2,718,065 H
86 Wilson (#92) 7624$2,616,076 H
87 John Wayne Pilgrims (#15) 5903$2,593,978 T
88 Peace be with you (#7)  Game profile 6421$2,458,540 C
89 Late to party (#118)  Game profile 6755$2,445,815 C
90 Ravenna Beer (#93)  Game profile 8258$2,418,775 D
91 Klennex Box (#36) 6844$2,356,858 TG
92 No Pew Pew 4 U (#101)  Game profile 1$2,253,732 D
93 Shardo Florian (#65) 12,988$2,205,812 M
94 Zema (#67) 4116$2,172,724 DG
95 The Riders of Beeron (#50) 12,095$2,103,651 M
96 SwordOfFrost (#105) 5880$2,047,301 T
97 Wellisa (#90) 12,972$2,021,226 M
98 Hump Day (#12)  Game profile 1864$1,960,520 HG
99 Nadorn (#75) 12,635$1,677,254 M
100 Nuka Cola (#115)  Game profile 9739$1,590,585 C

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