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Currently Logged in: 186

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 517th round: Oct 21, 2019 - Oct 27, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 123 countries in the Express server.

1 daM oG goD gnikraB (#17)  Game profile 39,669$55,458,248 CG
2 PSU 4 Ever (#20)  Game profile 19,094$46,311,253 HG
3 (#98) 6950$41,651,425 DG
4 Let The Top 10 Net Again (#9)  Game profile 24,721$33,931,093 CG
5 IhaveSexForTech (#103)  Game profile 39,253$33,132,148 CG
6 Light em up (#64)  Game profile 14,940$24,602,246 RG
7 1 in 5 (#93)  Game profile 30,653$23,677,236 HG
8 lANE KIFFIN GREAT PUMPKINHEAD (#102) 20,389$23,268,208 HG
9 Where The Shadows Lie (#1)  Game profile 11,801$16,702,136 H
10 you bet (#5)  Game profile 15,536$16,657,664 H
11 Cornhole (#101)  Game profile 21,471$15,749,597 TG
12 SwordOfFrost (#60) 19,475$15,736,474 RG
13 Ihavenoideawhatimdoing (#55)  Game profile 11,415$14,429,048 HG
14 Free Range Pumpkins (#70)  Game profile 13,431$13,997,176 F
15 D A N C E W I T H T H E D E A D (#4)  Game profile 10,716$13,913,396 HG
16 Land of the Peaceful Pies (#80)  Game profile 20,022$12,028,356 DG
17 Sidathe (#38) 14,951$11,399,318 RG
18 Gander Island (#82)  Game profile 14,219$11,219,021 CG
19 Ophelia Schneeky (#32) 5600$10,289,365 H
20 ThePassage (#27) 16,019$9,832,049 RG
21 Great Southern Land (#26)  Game profile 15,855$9,506,078 F
22 Hidden Storm (#7) 4829$9,133,819 H
23 Kahuna loves AR and Big D (#61) 11,606$8,981,681 TG
24 Zek Galiron (#58) 14,344$8,714,790 R
25 Santhils Riders (#22) 5120$8,478,235 D
26 InMyRearviewMirriorTheSunIsGoing (#78) 4549$8,439,392 R
27 Oceloths Masses (#88) 15,454$8,417,742 RG
28 baconwrappedChicken (#105)  Game profile 22,066$8,411,285 T
29 Los Dog (#87) 5414$8,324,820 HG
30 Sangre Joe Stoker (#28) 13,121$8,274,062 RG
31 Maestros of Calebaas (#46) 12,777$8,063,501 F
32 Camon Vacon Telpur (#33) 14,190$7,909,709 R
33 milly bo billy vo Nilly ShiLly (#19) 8573$7,772,920 H
34 Sticky Autopsy (#37) 5327$7,649,363 T
35 Lerin Justahl (#71) 13,538$7,456,080 FG
36 Contra Spirits (#79)  Game profile 10,475$7,401,438 HG
37 The Beasts of Merdon (#43) 14,202$7,264,043 I
38 B4N4N4S (#36) 13,622$7,022,841 HG
39 Big Old Sausage (#8) 11,418$6,996,670 HG
40 Futomaki (#25) 23,339$6,896,111 F
41 Cardon (#47) 5046$6,858,529 H
42 Tegridy Farm (#31) 8600$6,753,114 H
43 Klek Jack Seagull (#73) 13,764$6,715,177 R
44 WhatsTheSpaghettiPolicyHere (#12)  Game profile 13,281$6,628,061 DG
45 RatZilla (#11) 13,979$6,626,383 HG
46 Kassina Jamik (#18) 11,555$6,609,854 RG
47 Mjoedqupar (#42) 5173$6,448,610 DG
48 Z (#108) 11,165$6,166,931 H
49 Old Fart (#49) 15,101$6,083,230 F
50 mMm (#118) 14,073$6,050,228 RG
51 Ive been everywhere man (#41) 15,433$5,907,837 CG
52 Jacob White Blackstroker (#52) 5056$5,882,184 H
53 PoopTroop (#6) 11,879$5,826,032 M
54 Laenaya (#86) 12,408$5,798,298 F
55 Rusty Panther (#68) 13,645$5,671,992 R
56 Desdemona Cryptmaw (#81) 12,236$5,370,874 F
57 Bear Stray (#63) 14,203$5,359,370 R
58 zxc (#104)  Game profile 9233$5,357,131 D
59 Tonto (#13) 13,230$5,347,213 CG
60 Piotr Morrisey (#51) 13,352$5,137,794 F
61 Salty Henri Digger (#76) 12,699$5,064,487 F
62 Du Hast (#91)  Game profile 9249$4,978,700 F
63 Lyaerak (#83) 11,535$4,895,270 R
64 Sinners from Elbane (#57) 5403$4,880,767 HG
65 Full Communism (#44)  Game profile 11,188$4,404,490 C
66 Captain William White (#96) 12,703$4,203,245 F
67 violent convulsions (#10) 8462$4,195,487 T
68 FFOKCUF (#14)  Game profile 11,699$4,046,510 M
69 John Thomas (#15) 5303$3,994,155 I
70 Walk the line of the Yin Yang (#35)  Game profile 6562$3,786,168 HG
71 Ravenna Coalition (#48)  Game profile 10,953$3,759,717 D
72 Lieutenant Pig (#45) 13,273$3,660,143 D
73 Pink Door (#75) 12,702$3,565,797 R
74 Zutar Blackraven (#59) 11,856$3,552,273 C
75 Percy Fogripper (#74) 10,827$3,529,798 C
76 Elenor Van locker (#89) 11,542$3,321,859 C
77 Risky Steamy Autopsy (#29) 12,021$3,296,486 C
78 Seth Rysdan (#34) 10,664$3,258,601 C
79 Captain Steve Fargloom (#67) 5114$3,144,762 HG
80 Mythikerak (#39) 11,050$3,086,575 C
81 Eritai Durmark (#54) 11,059$2,949,800 C
82 Taiwan (#16)  Game profile 8582$2,901,233 H
83 Dakamon (#69) 9971$2,830,202 C
84 Alliance out of Beeron (#65) 12,071$2,669,701 M
85 Klek Thomas Darkblood (#94) 10,179$2,645,728 C
86 Useli Zek Quid (#84) 9864$2,641,763 C
87 Ns (#121) 5702$2,614,553 F
88 Brutus Black Deadwood (#50) 12,429$2,570,674 M
89 The Warriors of Jihnbo (#30) 12,369$2,547,347 M
90 Nasdaq (#21) 10,673$2,528,994 HG
91 Theodora Barbaric (#40) 13,826$2,290,041 M
92 mob (#117) 8791$2,269,591 T
93 Mustard in the Ketchup Bottle (#66)  Game profile 0$2,253,585 T
94 Corda (#85) 13,718$2,126,765 R
95 Cosgai (#72) 5170$2,123,015 D
96 RED (#56) 4832$2,074,987 CG
97 Making Time (#97)  Game profile 6358$1,991,683 FG
98 Count Gabriel Alberict (#100) 13,672$1,885,872 M
99 Helenia (#77) 5454$1,825,925 HG
100 Bitter Lama (#95) 12,530$1,734,827 MG

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