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Currently Logged in: 184

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 522nd round: Nov 25, 2019 - Dec 02, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 111 countries in the Express server.

1 TVC15 (#75) 24,589$31,582,582 TG
2 Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (#3)  Game profile 26,162$28,765,847 CG
3 deepmind bot (#7)  Game profile 17,459$24,834,497 HG
4 Ihavenoideawhatimdoing (#24)  Game profile 9816$14,632,045 HG
5 Steady Mobbin (#93)  Game profile 17,591$14,587,108 RG
6 gotnostratagem (#4)  Game profile 16,485$12,898,796 FG
7 World Of Tankers (#13) 15,511$12,696,806 RG
8 Tigress (#95)  Game profile 19,672$12,517,611 DG
9 Torx Screwdriver (#50) 11,171$12,368,691 FG
10 yes no maybe (#20)  Game profile 25,976$12,142,034 T
11 Seaweed Salad (#12) 12,669$12,113,393 F
12 Matsf (#102) 15,170$12,038,990 R
13 (#94) 7990$11,613,252 TG
14 1st Battalion (#97) 18,697$11,378,603 HG
15 Suicider (#110)  Game profile 12,807$10,696,644 RG
16 This one is on you buddy (#18) 13,814$10,059,948 IG
17 Mr Plutonium (#6) 14,785$9,999,999 RG
18 Amaterasu (#2)  Game profile 11,680$9,626,855 HG
19 Late to the Party (#103)  Game profile 23,399$9,271,505 IG
20 Mesilla Madness (#10) 11,912$7,971,083 HG
21 Supersonic Lady Student (#58) 13,913$7,804,323 R
22 Earth 2025 is flat (#15) 14,168$7,729,276 TG
23 Negation of the Negation (#25)  Game profile 13,723$7,670,717 C
24 Not Testing Things Nor Stuff (#8) 8589$7,644,463 DG
25 Modern Heavy Juggler (#83) 13,695$7,099,169 R
26 Restless Running Plutonium (#78) 14,822$6,973,357 R
27 Prince Derik Gallowsraven (#88) 13,433$6,550,236 RG
28 a new golden age (#68)  Game profile 10,853$6,538,955 H
29 The Dreaded Place (#19) 14,004$6,455,105 F
30 The Devils of Narrayah (#51) 16,576$6,377,854 R
31 PoopTroop Farm (#35) 11,586$6,286,883 M
32 duc gear (#92)  Game profile 12,726$6,137,333 MG
33 l (#106) 8146$6,037,069 I
34 WhoFarted (#72) 7231$5,988,085 HG
35 Meaningful Panther (#48) 13,539$5,835,524 IG
36 Do I know you (#55)  Game profile 9231$5,460,275 F
37 Cloudy Limousine (#38) 11,529$5,308,289 RG
38 Philadona Gosform (#46) 13,885$5,067,752 F
39 Running Snake (#89) 12,814$5,047,114 C
40 Kassina Vladimir (#1) 8046$4,959,736 H
41 Doktor Gruesome (#23) 11,083$4,932,165 RG
42 Richard Cranium (#28) 5570$4,924,052 IG
43 ThePassage (#22) 12,891$4,843,837 R
44 RatZilla (#9) 10,353$4,830,973 CG
45 Where The Shadows Lie (#5)  Game profile 10,418$4,820,859 HG
46 Dark Loons (#34) 11,845$4,744,527 C
47 Guinea Captain (#63) 12,326$4,650,743 R
48 STOCKING MISSILES (#26) 7596$4,357,975 CG
49 The Eagles from Ihaspusi (#86) 13,050$4,283,241 D
50 Damien Von elfstein (#29) 11,870$4,119,204 C
51 Cult Titan (#54) 13,028$4,104,963 C
52 Illia Zestor Lidorn (#81) 11,876$4,013,732 R
53 Cold Drill (#41) 11,797$4,004,553 R
54 Karmakzerin (#39) 11,648$3,955,944 C
55 Nymiaorin (#56) 11,586$3,760,598 D
56 Maestros of Mafur (#71) 11,499$3,754,521 DG
57 Bill Dreadbeard Scarlet (#42) 5185$3,737,668 DG
58 Insert name of nation here (#101)  Game profile 12,291$3,717,350 FG
59 Tesla CyberTruck (#31) 7514$3,599,770 H
60 Pet Cult Devil (#74) 10,312$3,193,118 C
61 Scully Roger Darkmoon (#60) 10,687$3,186,798 R
62 Cibrock Tilthan (#52) 5240$3,145,327 D
63 Confidential Temple (#59) 9772$3,140,036 C
64 Boats and hose (#43) 10,972$3,106,611 T
65 Land of stinky goo (#96)  Game profile 10,128$3,029,165 C
66 Midiga (#37) 5515$2,982,394 D
67 Screaming Viper (#69) 9684$2,965,245 C
68 Todal (#79) 9586$2,952,987 CG
69 Crixus (#21)  Game profile 5227$2,942,639 HG
70 Simon Harker Gully (#64) 9641$2,911,527 C
71 13 (#66)  Game profile 11,289$2,870,511 RG
72 Give Thanks To MODS (#84)  Game profile 6851$2,867,703 T
73 Tusdar Slayers (#87) 4792$2,809,105 DG
74 Maroon Epsilon (#61) 10,802$2,778,633 DG
75 Tyden (#44) 9839$2,731,002 I
76 Coldbane Peter Silvergrim (#27) 5523$2,721,568 DG
77 Falcons of Mylo (#62) 4255$2,640,923 H
78 Ayne Ixil (#14) 9393$2,597,194 I
79 Elysium (#98) 10,543$2,523,204 CG
80 Lady Despair Lillith (#82) 5218$2,457,861 D
81 Dangerous Bird (#57) 4559$2,453,039 HG
82 Mylene Lox (#17) 4178$2,444,089 HG
83 Pig Skinny (#67) 3878$2,332,268 DG
84 Naterish (#32) 3978$2,238,597 H
85 Elik (#30) 9778$2,204,996 M
86 TOMMY (#100) 7560$2,204,307 D
87 Gauthus Zio (#40) 10,862$2,110,865 R
88 Darpick Grimryder (#70) 9525$2,084,327 M
89 Cool Chipmunk (#47) 3753$2,052,493 T
90 I am galleri (#11) 2417$1,958,267 IG
91 Archibalds Next Big Thing (#104) 7641$1,947,650 C
92 Cookie Monster (#76) 6877$1,886,484 MG
93 Gertieland (#107)  Game profile 7831$1,875,328 C
94 Elthin Lackus Teslanar (#90) 9721$1,801,038 M
95 Dirty Cat (#77) 3769$1,572,556 TG
96 Lord Secor Arsenic (#45) 10,168$1,296,282 T
97 Wolf Tiny (#65) 10,457$1,219,151 F
98 Tootsie Rolled (#49)  Game profile 8266$1,146,642 TG
99 Penduhl Mythik (#85) 9731$1,088,989 F
100 one2 (#16) 0$1,076,976 C

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