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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 195

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 524th round: Dec 09, 2019 - Dec 15, 2019 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 108 countries in the Express server.

1 AZN Is The Greatest Waller Alive (#26)  Game profile 26,682$31,213,939 CG
2 into the unknown (#4)  Game profile 9870$23,319,839 HG
3 On time to the Party (#15)  Game profile 12,445$21,519,987 HG
4 Where The Shadows Lie (#19)  Game profile 9720$18,395,953 HG
5 flip (#93) 8702$17,191,521 DG
6 (#56)  Game profile 19,157$16,605,556 CG
7 boobs (#12)  Game profile 15,423$14,575,572 TG
8 Gii (#41)  Game profile 14,644$14,310,498 RG
9 Kronic Psycho (#95) 21,720$12,469,029 TG
10 i Will fOrGet to play (#235)  Game profile 14,173$12,383,557 RG
11 XXXX (#49)  Game profile 10,403$12,222,887 HG
12 Ihavenoideawhatimdoing (#40)  Game profile 11,576$12,008,119 HG
13 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (#24) 9151$11,006,655 DG
14 double ott buck (#16)  Game profile 17,991$10,109,571 FG
15 Steady Mobbin (#89)  Game profile 16,705$8,619,423 RG
16 U Will Be My Hoe Hoe Hoe (#2) 13,748$8,587,308 HG
17 Mesilla Madness (#9) 10,713$8,307,357 RG
18 Santa is coming in a few weeks (#10) 11,740$8,126,617 CG
19 Its a Wonderful Life (#91) 13,251$7,897,968 HG
20 SwordOfFrost (#53) 9525$6,701,430 DG
21 Vectomon Sothale Sithik (#23) 12,754$6,510,915 RG
22 Cougar Lover (#99)  Game profile 12,840$6,507,487 HG
23 Friends of Actar (#18) 12,690$5,998,234 RG
24 kentuckyfriedChicken (#242)  Game profile 12,256$5,973,934 CG
25 Greste Van cruel (#33) 11,848$5,817,738 R
26 Comancheros (#7)  Game profile 14,408$5,807,967 DG
27 Venessa Kylrad Hermedes (#38) 13,791$5,653,743 RG
28 Relborons Angels (#73) 12,481$5,445,471 R
29 Secor Ghoulblade (#68) 12,239$5,313,454 R
30 Cream Corn (#78)  Game profile 14,109$5,254,657 FG
31 Badek (#13) 13,688$5,244,413 RG
32 Cevelt Sermak (#72) 9467$4,985,839 D
33 Grim Eyelid (#42) 3873$4,921,870 DG
34 Worm34 (#37) 12,695$4,894,007 H
35 AtariRiot (#169) 6253$4,879,571 CG
36 A M A T E R A S U (#14)  Game profile 10,615$4,647,985 HG
37 Saljin Bolrock (#48) 13,341$4,620,509 RG
38 I have Tits can you milk Me (#256) 11,628$4,376,194 R
39 Dismer Ghoulblade (#27) 7639$4,276,660 DG
40 Sutlin (#67) 7669$4,271,717 DG
41 Rivatha Dusaro (#57) 10,204$4,079,994 DG
42 Socialism or Barbarism (#8)  Game profile 14,804$4,002,830 C
43 TMNT (#94) 14,212$3,961,587 R
44 PoopTroop (#253) 12,589$3,951,403 M
45 Rivatha (#63) 11,832$3,892,497 R
46 Jihb (#62) 5665$3,805,107 H
47 Richard Cranium (#28) 3884$3,643,419 I
48 It was her I know (#141)  Game profile 6186$3,556,591 R
49 John Jacobs (#58) 8893$3,500,657 RG
50 ThePassage (#21) 12,164$3,454,269 M
51 Veldar Dybbuk (#1) 5148$3,446,791 D
52 Blue (#11) 6845$3,446,455 R
53 Asta Bloodrayne (#32) 5556$3,372,675 H
54 Hawkins George Klek (#29) 9010$3,294,387 C
55 Pineapple Wild (#83) 10,132$3,181,555 I
56 Nilex Vladimir (#39) 8743$3,153,121 C
57 Captain Nathan Davis (#64) 7735$3,087,367 C
58 Zona (#84) 9275$3,086,372 C
59 Cevelt Ritic (#36) 11,283$3,076,888 F
60 Homeless Helium (#82) 5085$3,029,320 H
61 Lightning Zenobe (#34) 8556$2,953,168 C
62 BIG MAC (#92) 7927$2,942,616 F
63 Lelani (#61) 9395$2,808,971 FG
64 ToddlerToddler (#79) 9044$2,717,209 CG
65 Knight Pup (#77) 6764$2,673,978 DG
66 Vectomonshane (#71) 13,243$2,662,525 RG
67 Lady Asada Vinther (#248) 10,336$2,491,316 R
68 poop (#211)  Game profile 11,250$2,449,940 C
69 Brutus Moonship Ravenblack (#44) 8967$2,428,058 C
70 Morbid Pluto (#245) 6120$2,381,285 H
71 Joe Blackman (#85) 11,917$2,248,398 H
72 Mary Ravenblack (#45) 11,771$2,221,490 H
73 Husky Hollow Artificial (#69) 5883$2,182,821 C
74 Vectomons Horde (#66) 12,174$2,073,831 FG
75 The Dwarfs from Wekmar (#87) 2945$2,069,162 DG
76 Regna Barbaric (#30) 12,118$2,001,314 M
77 Devine Edith (#60) 12,381$1,962,551 M
78 Cyril Scarlet (#46) 12,186$1,813,316 F
79 Silpalrythorn (#74) 6294$1,759,671 C
80 Cobra Beauty (#70) 11,969$1,649,849 C
81 SOONER NATION (#96) 10,472$1,648,540 R
82 Futomaki (#76) 8636$1,635,915 F
83 Todal (#35) 10,930$1,501,125 C
84 MAKE EARTH GAY AGAIN (#225) 8772$1,472,519 R
85 peanut gallery (#47) 0$1,445,758 C
86 Ursula White (#20) 11,725$1,396,169 MG
87 Amarisa (#75) 11,980$1,317,383 M
88 Insane King Bat (#25) 12,206$1,285,926 M
89 George Silverblade Redbeard (#55) 11,562$1,258,332 C
90 Lord Tobaz Drak (#90) 11,281$1,250,953 M
91 Lillith Redtooth (#238) 8636$1,183,772 MG
92 Crap (#255)  Game profile 5631$1,029,883 C
93 Zona (#50) 11,644$868,944 T
94 Driller (#3) 4167$716,205 TG
95 Privacy Policy Contact (#202) 4370$663,771 RG
96 ASTRAL (#97)  Game profile 2277$365,784 DG
97 santa (#5) 2622$330,172 H
98 Sia (#254)  Game profile 2805$299,535 RG
99 IIIiIIIImobIIIIIIII (#252) 2021$272,198 M
100 Turlas (#114)  Game profile 3765$226,913 H

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