Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2430
Currently Logged in: 191

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 540th round: Mar 30, 2020 - Apr 05, 2020 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 122 countries in the Express server.

1 opening day (#96)  Game profile 18,623$48,285,999 HG
2 floor vent cover (#12)  Game profile 36,843$46,893,491 CG
3 Purple Spiral Flash Attack (#56) 24,548$38,691,540 HG
4 Beef tataki (#83) 27,864$36,201,245 CG
5 R Kelly Prefers COVID 15 (#8) 16,371$32,644,368 RG
6 Snapples (#9)  Game profile 25,589$32,310,017 HG
7 LSD for breakfast (#103) 16,887$26,648,526 HG
8 New Beginning (#7)  Game profile 17,227$24,557,308 D
9 Sleep Joe Biden what a DOPE (#61) 20,814$23,960,068 HG
10 CX LaE and Ugolinos Nemisis (#6)  Game profile 16,602$19,663,696 H
11 Republic of Madagascar (#68) 26,481$19,604,754 RG
12 Free Market (#113)  Game profile 16,781$19,540,744 HG
13 Where The Shadows Lie (#23)  Game profile 13,000$19,196,957 HG
14 Battle Of The Commie Indies (#19)  Game profile 15,116$17,887,222 CG
15 Hanginlow (#42)  Game profile 12,358$14,926,035 RG
16 UgolinoII (#33)  Game profile 14,709$14,833,610 H
17 PukiMaEE (#99) 17,350$14,147,000 FG
18 Van down by the river (#45)  Game profile 8446$13,048,911 H
19 Tubey thing (#4) 13,672$12,442,929 CG
20 Hair Farmer (#3)  Game profile 9504$12,401,252 CG
21 A M A T E R A S U (#5)  Game profile 10,830$12,273,241 HG
22 Steady Mobbin (#94)  Game profile 20,595$11,978,461 RG
23 REDACTED (#57) 7789$10,555,556 H
24 DaZhongHua (#104) 8104$9,578,446 C
25 Coldbane James Ravenbeard (#72) 4912$9,432,911 D
26 Mardin (#22) 4560$9,326,235 H
27 Drinks On You (#76)  Game profile 11,047$9,301,587 FG
28 ThePassage (#62) 12,105$8,860,530 RG
29 Tidy Tire (#77) 4916$8,746,784 DG
30 Rysdan (#43) 11,947$8,731,405 R
31 Mesilla Madness (#16) 10,361$8,680,837 HG
32 Lone Long Mustard (#93) 13,615$8,530,906 RG
33 Zilex Blackraven (#63) 13,419$8,114,215 R
34 Meh (#26)  Game profile 9737$8,036,572 T
35 Lolimgolas (#32) 5444$7,873,464 H
36 Nizel Niro Uhrd (#18) 12,743$7,833,468 RG
37 Ariannona Voltain (#53) 12,923$7,760,627 R
38 Reap What You Sow (#106)  Game profile 14,310$7,721,374 RG
39 Irona Ixen (#73) 13,283$7,670,020 R
40 Hill Billyton (#100) 7930$7,608,374 RG
41 54536783 (#120) 13,121$7,533,559 CG
42 Wider (#58) 12,979$7,455,876 R
43 Byakuya beneath the Beasts (#88) 12,528$7,362,705 RG
44 PoopTroop (#11) 11,926$7,164,098 M
45 ASTRAL (#80)  Game profile 8815$7,140,351 TG
46 Calden above the Savages (#91) 13,599$7,019,039 FG
47 Captain Nathan Wormwood (#27) 5085$6,880,274 TG
48 Intensive Eyelid (#92) 4690$6,825,269 T
49 Hawkins Bella Blackman (#37) 4622$6,756,003 H
50 Torx T5 screwdriver (#17) 10,658$6,672,797 HG
51 Celine Rakshasas (#81) 12,520$6,481,963 F
52 Barbaric Bleeding Sound (#1) 5230$6,426,820 T
53 Venom Streaming (#86) 13,413$6,326,281 F
54 Chicken little (#38)  Game profile 8240$6,243,044 T
55 Safizereaper (#46) 12,418$6,208,146 F
56 Tasty Demon (#51) 12,936$6,194,982 F
57 Dancing Major Bunny (#66) 12,773$6,045,871 FG
58 Lacspor Abdun (#67) 5563$6,010,695 TG
59 Calina (#21) 11,723$5,966,605 F
60 Not Derrick (#101) 12,673$5,961,011 CG
61 four7 (#47) 6948$5,896,241 DG
62 Old Haystack (#41) 14,474$5,769,479 R
63 despair (#52) 4955$5,670,690 RG
64 Richard Cranium (#35) 6606$5,507,991 IG
65 Captain Bill Gully (#82) 5337$5,480,238 H
66 tommy (#112) 12,530$4,692,497 C
67 WarWolf (#64)  Game profile 17,101$4,674,350 R
68 Gizmodo Land (#122)  Game profile 15,563$4,658,543 C
69 Do The Chickens Have Large Talon (#108)  Game profile 9361$4,649,400 H
70 Ratbass tard (#14) 15,247$4,598,237 HG
71 Tuscan (#10) 11,868$4,194,744 C
72 Redblade Simon De Belleville (#97) 5068$4,104,122 D
73 xirtam (#87) 8819$4,094,663 D
74 Princess Irene Icing (#30) 11,092$3,875,860 M
75 Vigothwider (#29) 10,698$3,745,334 C
76 temp (#125)  Game profile 8484$3,739,609 F
77 Light from Niro (#89) 10,767$3,608,742 C
78 Staphs Renegades (#49) 10,280$3,602,690 C
79 Aldarens Daemons (#54) 10,637$3,590,499 C
80 Prince Vigoth Despair (#90) 13,213$3,508,278 R
81 Rhyna (#39) 10,703$3,494,766 C
82 Brynhilde Merdon (#65) 12,604$3,449,716 M
83 El Prince (#69) 10,976$3,448,682 C
84 Hildar (#34) 10,821$3,435,742 C
85 White Widow (#102) 6718$3,344,137 I
86 LockDown101 (#20)  Game profile 7283$3,284,489 R
87 Lady Titania Grimrage (#70) 11,168$3,282,111 C
88 Silcoatgur (#15) 11,125$3,182,933 M
89 El Pig (#84) 9536$3,132,778 C
90 Bloody Carolina Silverbeard (#24) 9827$3,104,939 C
91 Food market buy outs (#44) 1772$3,090,085 DG
92 Dorn (#75) 11,352$3,056,421 I
93 Deserted Sun (#74) 9257$2,825,750 C
94 Gustaver (#105)  Game profile 11,573$2,819,447 R
95 Scarlet Pioneer (#79) 9172$2,718,056 CG
96 Riss Durmark (#55) 12,251$2,608,394 M
97 Lord Zilex Visigoth (#60) 10,944$2,594,981 T
98 retal with nukes (#2)  Game profile 11,345$2,526,401 F
99 Gibolt (#85) 12,849$2,267,369 M
100 Western Xylophone (#25) 11,896$2,117,965 C

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