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Currently Logged in: 185

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 572nd round: Nov 09, 2020 - Nov 15, 2020 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 104 countries in the Express server.

1 DontKnowWhyImStillPlayingExpress (#54)  Game profile 20,329$53,682,306 DG
2 Anya Taylor Joy (#88)  Game profile 23,609$52,602,746 DG
3 ASTRAL (#2)  Game profile 24,851$31,646,886 DG
4 A Star Is Born Movie Soundtrack (#9)  Game profile 33,437$26,736,222 CG
5 halfwit (#5) 10,544$22,771,363 H
6 XxDionysusxX (#13) 15,101$21,464,112 D
7 85 (#86) 22,660$20,264,913 HG
8 SwordOfFrost (#56) 19,651$17,584,285 RG
9 Swede (#90) 14,012$16,163,099 H
10 Deathwish (#33)  Game profile 10,566$14,947,708 H
11 Bloody Steve Gully (#67) 5094$13,149,696 DG
12 qwerty (#96) 14,059$12,074,277 HG
13 H S A U Q S T ENE T S Q U A S H (#87)  Game profile 22,516$11,012,514 CG
14 Manctopia (#46)  Game profile 8673$10,595,077 C
15 Italian Ginseng Bazaar (#37) 18,278$9,806,763 HG
16 Solid Third Sun (#82) 5148$9,710,459 T
17 Myriadgamers (#70)  Game profile 12,477$9,505,903 R
18 KINGKOBRA (#18) 19,744$9,093,427 C
19 Munyano (#19) 13,005$9,042,757 C
20 i am the imposter (#59)  Game profile 14,441$8,709,641 F
21 Lady Faith Slavik (#36) 15,459$8,682,557 R
22 Ijin Rythorn (#77) 4943$8,618,441 TG
23 Bare Dingo (#53) 14,124$8,588,195 R
24 Lynessa Fearlock Gametris (#1) 4626$8,325,707 H
25 Pfft (#84) 13,760$8,286,398 MG
26 Bohl Izic (#41) 15,079$8,144,360 D
27 The Renegades of Sothale (#38) 14,002$8,044,712 RG
28 Lacspor Relboron (#23) 14,346$8,006,686 RG
29 Mehal Patel (#6) 19,577$7,978,462 C
30 Duck Vicious Darling (#22) 5470$7,719,515 D
31 Fallen Angel (#11) 12,659$7,066,835 RG
32 Stupid King Cockroach (#78) 14,320$7,033,908 R
33 A M A T E R A S U (#28)  Game profile 11,570$6,991,288 HG
34 Dwarfs of Drophar (#58) 13,691$6,942,035 R
35 Drizphar (#66) 16,333$6,808,123 IG
36 Nocturnicon (#15)  Game profile 15,875$6,792,443 RG
37 Harker Brutus White (#71) 15,035$6,784,087 FG
38 The new and improved me (#8) 11,972$6,639,907 MG
39 Teressa (#48) 15,539$6,636,575 IG
40 Silverbeard Henri Ravenbeard (#73) 13,198$6,276,517 R
41 Lt Dan got no legs (#4)  Game profile 13,563$6,162,231 R
42 Jamikeli (#57) 5272$6,115,048 HG
43 Atgur Mythik (#63) 14,469$6,014,765 R
44 Big John (#50) 14,662$5,965,003 F
45 Salty Joe Silverbeard (#32) 5043$5,953,062 D
46 Vinkol Shillen (#83) 13,679$5,824,934 R
47 Viper Stormy (#27) 5283$5,774,962 HG
48 Halmar (#51) 14,635$5,629,056 F
49 The Brothers of Updar (#76) 14,692$5,547,419 F
50 PoopTroop (#12) 10,837$5,509,169 M
51 Grim Ibfist (#61) 15,268$5,458,447 IG
52 Waffle Raw (#16) 14,356$5,400,572 F
53 Hot Neutron (#68) 14,553$5,138,715 I
54 jubi (#7)  Game profile 7874$4,832,139 H
55 The Lamb (#49) 12,543$4,780,868 C
56 Gom Phar (#60) 13,910$4,422,279 I
57 LlamaLlama (#64) 13,628$4,419,960 C
58 Chaos Eaglet (#30) 13,975$4,202,978 R
59 NA (#97) 7976$4,033,911 I
60 Silkie Chicken Farm (#40) 11,892$4,013,181 I
61 The Farrow (#34) 12,006$3,976,595 C
62 Silvergrim Billy White (#42) 5106$3,943,896 TG
63 Darkblade William Crawhawk (#14) 11,789$3,787,720 C
64 Zestor Creatures (#24) 11,466$3,774,703 C
65 Risky busniess (#3) 14,642$3,772,739 RG
66 NastyMUF (#72) 9867$3,706,091 C
67 Mischief Managed (#17)  Game profile 17,273$3,697,309 I
68 Schfifty Five (#26)  Game profile 10,079$3,640,459 H
69 Deriks Survivors (#20) 12,664$3,569,441 DG
70 Teal Snake (#39) 11,748$3,560,487 C
71 23 (#102) 11,701$3,553,825 I
72 Thea Dangeir (#10) 12,785$3,512,929 C
73 Lector Stoker (#29) 11,549$3,475,744 C
74 Elenor Thanatos (#80) 13,367$3,425,814 M
75 Redbeard Grace Fargloom (#69) 10,714$3,410,926 C
76 Sevestra Elik Merklin (#85) 13,831$3,394,523 R
77 Chonistan (#91)  Game profile 8928$3,282,228 R
78 Mirayam (#44) 10,338$3,200,050 C
79 Walmart (#25) 7652$2,986,272 T
80 Coldbane Jack White (#75) 13,294$2,723,141 M
81 Yurdle the Turd Burglar Turtle (#21)  Game profile 10,054$2,631,788 FG
82 Heart Barbaric (#47) 5108$2,589,937 D
83 The Saints of Kiarani (#74) 7664$2,555,396 C
84 California Chrome (#99) 4741$2,507,693 C
85 Mardin (#52) 4673$2,421,801 D
86 The Rebels of Atgur (#62) 5159$2,339,040 D
87 Amerdans Horde (#65) 11,732$2,222,934 M
88 Nizel Spirits (#45) 11,809$2,061,894 C
89 Matsa (#55) 12,016$1,788,452 T
90 aabbcc (#43) 0$1,472,227 C
91 You did good (#35)  Game profile 6655$1,150,500 R
92 Cantstandya (#31)  Game profile 6095$914,268 C
93 FHDH BBC DH BBV (#95) 3575$498,836 MG
94 here I go again on my own (#81) 3132$374,964 D
95 California Chrome (#100)  Game profile 3490$332,779 F
96 Zorgon (#103)  Game profile 2486$326,066 DG
97 Mercenary (#98)  Game profile 2083$253,285 M
98 Airnergy (#89)  Game profile 877$89,250 C
99 Racist Pedophile Joe Biden (#92)  Game profile 140$6517 M
100 country (#104) 100$5560 M

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