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Currently Logged in: 186

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 579th round: Dec 28, 2020 - Jan 03, 2021 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 105 countries in the Express server.

1 I R WoG SuperFly (#3)  Game profile 47,595$44,404,970 CG
2 Bring Back Hillary (#84) 27,623$27,975,542 HG
3 WhatsExpress (#94)  Game profile 17,623$27,811,202 TG
4 Government is SLAVERY (#2)  Game profile 21,017$27,323,341 HG
5 h a p p y n e w y e a r (#86)  Game profile 16,901$24,654,983 DG
6 TACOS (#77) 25,494$21,269,538 D
7 Miley Ray Cyrus is cra cra (#85)  Game profile 16,624$17,622,951 HG
8 Minsc and Boo (#33) 17,730$15,088,167 DG
9 Enigma (#49)  Game profile 12,229$14,403,392 H
10 DFG (#28) 13,616$13,590,554 H
11 XxGoombaxX (#90) 16,672$11,926,154 IG
12 Clam Hunter (#6) 10,431$11,819,625 RG
13 Me2 (#12) 8425$11,623,153 HG
14 Eternal Haystack (#27) 8650$11,199,319 HG
15 The Lords of Staafsak (#22) 8181$10,452,679 D
16 I like black and white cookies (#4) 11,483$10,435,401 I
17 Beau Bear (#72) 5660$10,068,876 H
18 ICUP (#32) 22,721$9,968,107 HG
19 Umich (#98) 21,739$9,664,795 F
20 halfwit (#87) 10,318$9,308,492 R
21 Cute Crocodile (#17) 5188$7,535,264 HG
22 Gamma Endless (#18) 16,182$7,489,953 RG
23 TryTryTryAgain (#5)  Game profile 15,720$7,336,332 DG
24 Stoker John De Belleville (#67) 6439$7,177,422 HG
25 Safize (#68) 15,555$7,158,629 R
26 Jager (#23) 16,556$7,139,002 RG
27 Zilz above the Rebels (#63) 15,507$6,975,023 R
28 MY (#61)  Game profile 11,400$6,548,557 T
29 ASTRAL (#13)  Game profile 17,179$6,277,719 DG
30 MOE (#95) 13,229$6,208,814 F
31 Falslands (#100) 9197$5,579,726 CG
32 Ylzik (#83) 14,308$5,393,946 R
33 Idona (#48) 15,341$5,355,504 RG
34 RatZllia (#8) 10,027$5,136,131 RG
35 Dookie Shoes (#38) 9272$5,062,188 M
36 Waytel (#41) 16,715$4,939,386 R
37 Riticrandar (#1) 4711$4,921,300 H
38 Lone Abandoned Alarm (#58) 13,999$4,732,948 R
39 Xandar (#51) 16,887$4,471,399 R
40 Here Again (#19)  Game profile 11,867$4,333,502 FG
41 Joe Silverbeard Darkblade (#16) 15,316$4,323,349 F
42 Maevis Creatures (#76) 14,051$3,932,867 D
43 The Hordes of Onimia (#21) 13,952$3,843,793 F
44 Stony Snake (#64) 13,577$3,765,555 C
45 Richard Cranium (#52) 4779$3,757,167 I
46 Colthan Seryth Seth (#47) 8522$3,710,668 T
47 Emerald Strong (#54) 13,589$3,709,613 C
48 Icy Cloud (#42) 5590$3,648,957 HG
49 Bloody William Ravenblack (#81) 13,941$3,542,145 R
50 Stormy Waterbird (#59) 13,633$3,514,683 C
51 calhunter (#92)  Game profile 10,249$3,469,208 M
52 Uerthe (#57) 8583$3,461,692 DG
53 Lefty Mustang (#62) 4228$3,237,362 T
54 Shillen Shane (#31) 14,649$3,225,102 F
55 Prince Albrecht Harker (#26) 15,012$3,191,269 F
56 Shadow Lefty (#37) 5075$3,128,433 H
57 Wildcat Scarlet (#69) 12,254$2,979,837 C
58 Chonistan (#43)  Game profile 11,331$2,905,222 C
59 Lord Slavik Deathstrike (#36) 14,631$2,849,071 F
60 ThePassage (#25) 11,958$2,848,508 M
61 Ruby Redbeard (#29) 10,908$2,775,842 C
62 Cybelia Darkblood (#56) 14,213$2,577,044 F
63 Remote Rhinestone (#14) 9350$2,467,324 C
64 Beerons Children (#44) 9165$2,425,202 C
65 OoOoOoO (#11)  Game profile 6789$2,425,088 D
66 John Dreadbeard Silvergrim (#40) 14,659$2,417,193 C
67 Samon Knights (#10) 14,358$2,374,903 H
68 Seryth (#60) 16,253$2,351,229 R
69 Eternal Luna (#55) 14,108$2,306,722 H
70 Helmonfildon (#65) 13,870$2,120,499 M
71 Der Invader (#70) 14,181$2,087,822 M
72 Ochala Elvar (#30) 14,581$2,087,083 M
73 Count Bryce Blood (#50) 14,962$2,047,538 M
74 KINGKOBRA (#39) 8502$1,890,375 C
75 The Fighters of Letor (#66) 14,468$1,879,734 FG
76 Happy New Year (#89) 10,635$1,844,955 HG
77 The Hordes of Mjoed (#74) 9919$1,767,153 I
78 Sidathe (#80) 12,301$1,709,666 M
79 Knight Doctor Kit (#24) 8337$1,707,030 I
80 Tobaz (#45) 13,722$1,617,207 M
81 mad dog (#34) 0$1,566,349 C
82 Jolly Old Roger (#7)  Game profile 8057$1,549,906 H
83 Moose Rocky (#75) 13,861$1,511,965 I
84 CPL593H (#82) 5017$1,442,550 T
85 Doop (#15)  Game profile 7588$1,218,540 C
86 Republic Seventy One (#71) 7216$1,111,136 R
87 Grotesque Disfigurement (#93)  Game profile 7117$1,110,036 RG
88 Wild Helpless Alarm (#79) 3380$984,523 CG
89 Mine (#106) 5916$729,958 M
90 State of Insanity (#107) 3831$600,405 C
91 Babylon (#102)  Game profile 4297$360,034 DG
92 Traeland (#101) 3827$359,660 DG
93 lllll (#97) 3609$312,386 R
94 Zhong Guo (#9)  Game profile 3624$297,692 R
95 DRDragon (#91)  Game profile 1928$126,737 R
96 Assassins (#104)  Game profile 1664$126,084 M
97 Garth (#35)  Game profile 785$64,791 M
98 Nugget Kingdom (#73)  Game profile 191$12,344 F
99 im gladiator (#96) 140$6517 M
100 iNDeIXFUXFDs (#20) 140$6517 M

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