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Top Players - Express

Next Reset 582nd round: Jan 18, 2021 - Jan 25, 2021 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 97 countries in the Express server.

1 President Cabala Harris (#90) 18,296$69,023,661 HG
2 Dead Meat (#83) 48,397$40,319,989 C
3 Inauguration Day (#78) 22,484$37,717,964 HG
4 l o w e f f o r t p l a y (#80)  Game profile 14,408$37,328,435 DG
5 Waasssuuuup (#81) 12,886$31,808,984 DG
6 Bye Don (#87) 32,473$30,748,217 HG
7 Government is SLAVERY (#11)  Game profile 18,671$22,990,093 HG
8 woodsman spack jarrow (#94)  Game profile 21,117$22,092,977 HG
9 Skinny Puppy (#74)  Game profile 7513$21,709,398 DG
10 World Of Tankers (#76) 21,957$21,155,119 HG
11 I R WoG SuperFly (#8)  Game profile 19,419$21,142,096 CG
12 A stinky (#50) 20,558$15,789,262 F
13 Enigma (#88)  Game profile 16,407$15,460,165 H
14 A (#13)  Game profile 11,876$13,647,999 H
15 Interregnum Developers (#45) 22,292$12,018,590 HG
16 M (#7) 13,334$11,931,727 RG
17 Pet Stormy (#73) 15,515$10,656,256 R
18 Bluewaffle (#91)  Game profile 7422$9,718,154 DG
19 PSA Bots Are Free Farmland (#77)  Game profile 15,002$9,694,574 DG
20 I nuke gdi members (#20) 9463$9,682,892 I
21 Dangeir Rizar (#38) 15,078$9,245,238 RG
22 Penduss Fighters (#58) 15,553$8,961,876 R
23 EntrixLand (#56) 13,708$8,902,418 T
24 Dokohan (#33) 15,959$8,671,214 R
25 DFG (#93) 14,982$8,629,569 H
26 Sangre Thomas White (#53) 14,777$8,388,548 R
27 Dogfaced Rat (#10) 21,103$8,298,438 HG
28 Moonlight Izic (#18) 13,240$8,232,538 RG
29 Actars Protector (#3) 14,261$8,124,138 RG
30 Overlords from Eythil (#2) 5012$8,051,922 DG
31 Lady Olivia Schneeky (#23) 13,490$7,978,437 RG
32 Teal Square Shower (#48) 12,905$7,631,392 RG
33 Cybelia Blood (#43) 13,269$7,513,864 R
34 ASTRAL (#9)  Game profile 16,009$7,419,864 M
35 Lady Lana Eastern (#42) 4371$7,418,589 DG
36 Heavy Wildcat (#68) 13,885$7,411,672 R
37 Jack Redbeard Harker (#32) 5059$7,315,671 H
38 iquitsquash (#28) 13,036$7,300,514 I
39 Dookie Shoes (#21) 13,775$7,049,828 M
40 Madon Aldaren (#17) 4669$6,414,922 HG
41 Silcos Hordes (#51) 13,027$6,322,739 R
42 Ixen (#66) 14,570$6,283,121 RG
43 Sedar Mafur Jhin (#61) 14,607$6,235,310 RG
44 Simon Wormwood De Belleville (#1) 5388$6,166,006 T
45 Abdunlox (#52) 4712$5,909,150 H
46 Wolfies Crew (#22)  Game profile 7955$5,710,356 H
47 MerlinTheWise (#84) 15,659$5,693,829 CG
48 Willy Lizard (#15) 12,086$5,671,797 H
49 Saints of Naterish (#86) 14,202$5,656,381 R
50 Kassina Forsaken (#47) 4207$5,610,168 D
51 PantherPanther (#67) 4752$5,591,839 DG
52 Kilbass Riders (#6) 14,172$5,582,452 RG
53 Navy Woodchuck (#60) 11,529$5,577,342 I
54 Chonistan (#70)  Game profile 7233$5,410,376 H
55 Chaos Knight Impala (#16) 14,191$5,368,310 F
56 Parrot Richy (#46) 12,773$5,027,003 F
57 Jeff (#71) 10,640$4,984,187 HG
58 Petoria (#95) 8541$4,961,049 T
59 The Loons of Gemedes (#62) 4100$4,940,750 H
60 Ancestor of Jelli (#41) 11,905$4,933,334 F
61 Irina Mafur Silpal (#36) 13,064$4,914,674 D
62 King Tumbler (#40) 11,312$4,778,371 D
63 Steve Blacksmith De Belleville (#31) 13,690$4,773,894 I
64 Bloody Anne Wormwood (#26) 13,091$4,749,912 F
65 Alkirk Maestros (#27) 3377$4,749,094 TG
66 Davis Walker Wormwood (#75) 11,488$4,590,236 D
67 Hold on with all my mindddddddd (#44) 17,290$4,566,206 CG
68 The Heart from Exz (#37) 4182$4,270,971 H
69 Hey whos whistling (#63)  Game profile 12,780$4,147,243 I
70 Maximum Serpent (#65) 11,871$4,101,568 C
71 White Francois De Belleville (#24) 12,162$3,894,894 C
72 JACK (#85) 10,707$3,629,017 F
73 Florian Modric (#14) 10,635$3,605,164 C
74 Tiny Small Pink (#25) 12,444$3,491,367 T
75 Count Piotr Azariel (#59) 12,206$3,432,833 C
76 Sun Rebel (#64) 11,996$3,341,545 C
77 Hook Gruesome (#39) 10,505$3,309,854 C
78 The Tapir (#57) 4320$3,286,508 TG
79 Greste Saints (#79) 10,815$3,271,534 CG
80 Sathegibolt (#34) 11,679$3,226,966 C
81 Ritic Tespan (#54) 10,329$3,191,999 C
82 Zoucka Senic (#4) 10,826$3,123,112 C
83 Moosehead (#97) 5269$3,120,523 H
84 Richard Cranium (#12) 5392$3,115,573 I
85 Alexandra Gallowsraven (#49) 10,957$3,100,216 C
86 Lupin Elbane (#69) 11,229$3,060,802 C
87 Captain Rocky Rat (#29) 10,708$3,046,437 C
88 Baroness Fisty Cat (#5) 12,368$2,637,707 F
89 Horde of Zak (#55) 12,215$2,611,551 F
90 Los Infant (#19) 9950$2,449,661 IG
91 Joe Da Man (#30)  Game profile 9392$2,170,975 R
92 x (#98)  Game profile 4297$1,896,316 M
93 Little Blue Bugs (#92)  Game profile 4161$1,044,582 C
94 LALLALALALALA (#99)  Game profile 695$44,883 R
95 Express Is awesome (#35)  Game profile 100$6357 C
96 tre45on (#89) 100$4717 M
97 Theologian (#82) 100$4717 M

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