Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Sixth round: Jan 06, 2010 - Jan 13, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 182 countries in the Express server.

1 An Evening With El Diablo (#12) 3851$4,503,386 HG
2 XzoR (#90) 3856$4,468,072 HG
3 Temple of the Winds (#22) 7764$4,125,793 C
4 Tripptwo (#134)  Game profile 9439$3,922,108 C
5 Big Toe (#60) 9131$3,883,613 C
6 Hoof Arted (#5)  Game profile 8803$3,764,201 CG
7 Uticant (#130) 9107$3,708,704 C
8 The Grim Reaper (#81) 8474$3,646,346 C
9 fiftynine (#59) 4000$3,557,843 D
10 Sir Ghastly 0NE (#50)  Game profile 9189$3,539,912 C
11 FLuFF FLaFF SLAFF SHLOFF (#33) 7616$3,538,399 C
12 More Thorazine Please (#35) 8937$3,523,617 C
13 Cyanide (#16) 8112$3,520,391 CG
14 Catch me if you can (#124) 9260$3,488,551 C
15 Super Duper Fly (#6)  Game profile 9576$3,293,766 C
16 ORCS ANonymous (#89) 9797$3,262,195 C
17 C R O A T I A (#84)  Game profile 8144$3,231,408 F
18 whirling hands (#37) 8638$3,210,282 C
19 Green Midget Microblast (#4) 6216$3,150,751 R
20 jag gratrunkar (#107) 9449$3,085,997 C
21 hope it works this time (#87) 6608$3,060,561 R
22 Stumble (#103) 7750$2,847,282 R
23 Kill The King (#99) 5054$2,801,398 H
24 No Skill Requirements (#51) 6940$2,730,839 R
25 Kingme is a n00b (#93)  Game profile 6811$2,720,509 F
26 haveapickl (#13) 4720$2,702,299 R
27 Tiger is a Cheetah (#106) 9644$2,689,581 H
28 where are my turns (#67) 11,094$2,647,329 R
29 Elmer Gantry (#121)  Game profile 9472$2,623,469 RG
30 Stewie (#70) 8503$2,449,520 R
31 Forgotten Angel (#18) 8100$2,443,406 RG
32 Elves R Us (#85) 9373$2,404,695 F
33 Doin your MOM (#27) 7545$2,378,432 C
34 FearLand (#151) 9352$2,351,136 T
35 TTT (#156)  Game profile 6511$2,295,597 H
36 Lays Army (#32) 8879$2,267,482 F
37 Inis Mona (#25) 8355$2,256,231 T
38 cmon (#168)  Game profile 8452$2,249,291 C
39 Badnews (#78) 9634$2,243,701 T
40 Smack a Ho (#117) 8333$2,223,651 T
41 canada smells funny (#122) 9499$2,221,100 RG
42 Iron Butterfly (#101) 9504$2,197,742 F
43 Butbut its not onlyonly (#39) 5147$2,148,003 C
44 Dragno (#19) 9167$2,120,430 F
45 BCMA (#57)  Game profile 4352$2,081,199 HG
46 blah (#171) 7615$2,071,900 R
47 TehNastyJym (#143) 6901$2,046,476 F
48 Have Mercy Im New (#95) 7129$1,998,892 C
49 poiuy (#123) 9529$1,966,589 F
50 Chaos Theory (#68) 5489$1,946,886 D
51 Lost N founD (#7) 8951$1,922,395 R
52 Xninja Overlord of Chaos (#44)  Game profile 8033$1,920,629 T
53 CRNA GORA (#72) 7821$1,908,400 F
54 cool (#80) 6853$1,879,221 M
55 456 (#166) 7481$1,861,570 I
56 booooo (#167) 6419$1,779,112 H
57 Overlords r teh l33t (#49)  Game profile 6974$1,723,467 C
58 Skulls of Dominion (#108) 8074$1,717,145 C
59 omega (#69) 7637$1,680,368 R
60 Thug (#86) 8303$1,632,825 R
61 What The (#173) 7401$1,624,116 F
62 Dai Pai Dong (#65) 5154$1,608,512 T
63 Rygoat (#8) 5640$1,602,479 CG
64 The Saint (#1) 8215$1,600,760 I
65 panzer 1 (#105) 8484$1,575,298 I
66 Klastovia (#11)  Game profile 4344$1,553,857 R
67 pang likes mah wang (#20) 7637$1,532,539 D
68 Fabulous Las Vegas (#112) 7255$1,484,796 M
69 come here little one (#129)  Game profile 5320$1,478,723 H
70 blahblahblah (#172) 7601$1,469,647 H
71 aaaaaaaaa (#142) 9009$1,458,755 H
72 dagaard keep (#74)  Game profile 4830$1,449,278 R
73 Werd (#126) 8631$1,445,720 R
74 The Antipop (#100) 5192$1,408,666 H
75 springfield (#161) 4390$1,407,984 T
76 Zachelvania (#34)  Game profile 5109$1,385,033 R
77 Land of Fire (#43)  Game profile 3862$1,369,739 C
78 One More Time (#77) 6181$1,361,033 C
79 inapinch (#30) 7736$1,341,667 F
80 Sheol (#152)  Game profile 5857$1,324,719 M
81 Fairy Tale (#88) 6695$1,318,233 C
82 On the Road Again (#127) 1980$1,318,174 C
83 betacounselis4whimps (#10) 7654$1,300,190 C
84 LOL (#102) 2364$1,299,300 R
85 Happy But Scrappy (#3) 5634$1,207,630 I
86 MooSeHeaD (#158) 7709$1,180,368 R
87 d3r1v4t1v3 (#61) 9244$1,174,333 R
88 Yer (#180) 7090$1,127,881 C
89 bambooshoot (#114) 5709$1,077,776 F
90 Free acres for everyone (#154) 8698$1,018,552 R
91 BLACK LEOPARD (#170) 4466$1,017,635 H
92 Qwerty (#139) 7743$980,070 F
93 white knights 10th sfg (#76) 4086$977,317 C
94 Vera Vale (#140) 5649$946,462 F
95 mmmmmmmmmmmm (#109) 6520$940,491 F
96 justme (#38) 3930$912,712 M
97 BLAAAAAA (#177) 6294$885,422 F
98 MeChANiZEd iNF (#116) 6126$861,049 I
99 Must do better (#41) 4192$847,875 HG
100 teh IX sheep (#36) 5622$843,087 C

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