Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Sixty-first round: Jan 24, 2011 - Jan 30, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 164 countries in the Express server.

1 kill it with fire (#84) 19,558$27,445,613 CG
2 wicked (#115) 21,267$24,395,716 CG
3 one oh seven (#107) 8550$20,876,881 HG
4 christine (#105) 21,728$20,054,177 CG
5 Pelvic Thrust (#8) 12,195$19,393,391 RG
6 Atlantis (#13) 13,843$19,353,818 RG
7 Squiggles (#20) 14,211$18,970,784 FG
8 C R O A T I A (#42)  Game profile 14,494$18,963,946 FG
9 asdf (#123) 13,295$18,664,482 RG
10 88 (#89)  Game profile 13,699$18,578,558 FG
11 I cant finish (#54)  Game profile 12,689$18,058,404 HG
12 Walls Of Odengrad (#77) 7857$17,654,792 DG
13 Party Time (#131)  Game profile 20,559$17,382,740 CG
14 Walls Of Stalingrad (#81) 11,031$16,708,871 DG
15 Back to December (#26) 8139$15,113,119 HG
16 Little Giant (#3)  Game profile 8967$14,912,902 HG
17 Daedalus (#132)  Game profile 13,272$14,313,085 RG
18 ETOH (#102)  Game profile 12,467$14,175,562 RG
19 Vaginatarian (#104)  Game profile 10,152$14,172,881 HG
20 OmgLolWtfPwndLmaoBbq (#80)  Game profile 14,717$14,134,641 CG
21 Ivan of SoF (#5) 11,334$14,114,771 DG
22 Michael Jackson (#83) 9786$13,708,148 D
23 LaMaGa (#72) 12,894$13,403,004 DG
24 Irradiated Penguin (#11)  Game profile 7400$13,209,229 HG
25 Wooden Matches (#67) 6455$12,759,952 HG
26 Walls of Weaselopolis (#124) 12,093$12,140,984 C
27 The Dragon Reborn (#63) 14,390$12,101,371 C
28 Tanks for the Memories (#133) 8756$12,051,103 H
29 Tankmaster (#15) 12,274$11,886,195 H
30 skid marks (#6) 9172$11,762,804 HG
31 Intrepid (#9) 12,757$11,680,597 HG
32 Ross Geller (#43) 10,174$11,653,977 HG
33 Sasquatch (#99) 12,921$11,460,345 T
34 Had a good time with your wife (#62) 9918$11,124,106 HG
35 I Hear Screams At Night (#91) 18,664$11,031,997 RG
36 Country Name (#46)  Game profile 8585$10,812,371 MG
37 bullocks (#29) 10,227$10,748,329 CG
38 Turtle (#7)  Game profile 6360$10,738,721 D
39 Diminishing Returns (#28) 12,646$10,580,818 FG
40 Dexter (#117) 15,497$10,474,171 C
41 Lewis (#143) 12,862$10,141,624 RG
42 Dont Attack Me (#23)  Game profile 9228$9,541,752 HG
43 WorldSports (#32) 7461$9,517,894 R
44 taylor swift is perfect (#47)  Game profile 14,982$9,485,984 FG
45 BUTTLLAND (#40) 13,617$9,368,960 DG
46 STINKY JEANS (#10)  Game profile 5573$8,470,000 DG
47 Budweiser Bonzai (#60) 8748$8,417,795 RG
48 Harrogath (#78) 9458$8,241,973 RG
49 hempire (#59) 12,363$8,212,643 CG
50 dirt farming (#68)  Game profile 11,357$8,090,015 C
51 Polgara (#75) 15,622$7,575,203 RG
52 Hi Im back to kill you (#159) 19,213$7,228,007 TG
53 jean gary diablo (#118) 13,011$7,059,722 D
54 Miss Stress (#140) 11,825$6,920,335 F
55 My Teeth Itch (#37)  Game profile 9706$6,782,638 HG
56 CamaroLand (#144)  Game profile 7156$6,688,839 FG
57 Witnesses Involved (#94) 13,253$6,397,253 C
58 I like men (#41) 13,383$6,150,920 CG
59 Im a standard111 (#86) 13,378$6,128,557 RG
60 DominationStation (#135) 9668$6,009,578 C
61 Werd (#152) 9488$5,943,536 C
62 Beautiful Lasers (#38) 10,887$5,677,717 HG
63 Prancing Nougat (#45) 5148$5,583,723 C
64 check my DR first (#122) 4309$5,578,523 T
65 Awesomia (#110) 9257$5,439,875 RG
66 Cemetery Gates (#113) 13,684$5,239,189 CG
67 Cheesy Poofs From Hell (#21) 15,117$5,223,202 CG
68 Spies to the West (#141) 7256$4,659,652 DG
69 Natural Born Killer (#128) 5347$4,639,764 HG
70 heh (#98) 8727$4,627,651 HG
71 Lakenheath (#17) 10,877$4,525,776 R
72 A country (#53) 12,327$4,324,471 FG
73 Thor (#95) 11,068$4,262,999 H
74 land of the wild gorilla (#109) 8935$4,262,429 CG
75 ScarFace (#61) 12,417$4,253,734 I
76 White Widow (#96) 9050$4,231,935 R
77 Kona Town (#127) 6847$4,227,626 R
78 Paradise (#111) 6161$4,180,134 CG
79 dalek empire (#55) 11,640$3,781,605 FG
80 cool game isnt it we play (#22) 6734$3,624,303 HG
81 Dunno (#97) 9106$3,599,817 T
82 Razor (#74) 8055$3,420,222 I
83 Sanction IV (#126) 10,837$3,163,191 C
84 wanna get chemed then hit me (#48)  Game profile 7956$3,104,262 T
85 Bull Dozer (#16) 10,188$3,086,591 T
86 HGPaoLo (#106) 15,065$3,069,675 C
87 Neex (#137) 2713$3,007,291 R
88 Shake Weight (#150) 9630$2,866,443 R
89 Zachelvania (#1)  Game profile 5268$2,770,716 R
90 Things Go Boom (#33) 4608$2,713,135 I
91 Republic of Love (#18) 7719$2,663,151 I
92 Adsl (#103) 8090$2,556,222 TG
93 Angie (#66) 5092$2,493,570 HG
94 tasmania (#138) 8895$2,370,708 I
95 Blessed Are The Sick (#93) 8814$2,343,068 H
96 say hi to your mom (#76) 8960$2,059,893 IG
97 steeler nation (#19) 9673$2,021,675 C
98 Welcome to the SUCK (#82) 9367$1,983,096 IG
99 Lockheed Martin (#12) 4727$1,838,967 T
100 str8line D437h (#71) 4042$1,778,154 T

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