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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 686th round: Jan 16, 2023 - Jan 23, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 105 countries in the Express server.

1 Gong Xi Fa Cai (#74)  Game profile 24,932$29,838,947 CG
2 to bot or not to bot (#12)  Game profile 26,208$27,390,164 HG
3 Prince of the Royal Secret (#36)  Game profile 20,518$24,606,157 HG
4 ASTRAL (#27)  Game profile 14,474$23,473,462 DG
5 Like a Stone (#99)  Game profile 18,842$22,226,821 RG
6 I NOT A BOT I WILL RETAL HITS (#11)  Game profile 36,409$22,006,221 FG
7 Doom (#96)  Game profile 22,791$20,832,050 CG
8 Klubb (#45)  Game profile 38,832$20,185,440 CG
9 Cry me a River (#64)  Game profile 8867$20,170,025 DG
10 Jimbo Taylor (#91)  Game profile 27,522$18,870,125 CG
11 Zachelvania (#4)  Game profile 20,454$17,350,626 RG
12 1251251231 (#98)  Game profile 13,987$16,887,163 DG
13 action jackson (#8)  Game profile 25,336$14,385,146 TG
14 JBM (#90)  Game profile 17,908$13,626,726 FG
15 Yeta (#18) 13,676$13,405,850 R
16 Abardonvalot (#53) 14,249$12,483,963 HG
17 Black Hole (#87)  Game profile 14,228$12,307,736 DG
18 Camp Tumbleweed (#21)  Game profile 17,101$11,969,848 HG
19 Old And SLow (#22)  Game profile 20,011$11,967,265 TG
20 PEPETACO (#5)  Game profile 6536$11,697,130 DG
21 Reborn Iron (#30) 12,376$11,194,271 FG
22 Crap Baskets (#56)  Game profile 11,151$11,167,214 RG
23 Wormwood Jack Coldbane (#82) 13,598$10,951,391 D
24 Blackstroker Billy Grimbeard (#48) 14,479$10,533,470 R
25 Francois Shelley Moonship (#63) 13,651$10,281,171 F
26 Dreadbeard Vanessa Bloodrayne (#1) 12,031$10,083,374 F
27 Ylzik Cipyar Yesirn (#38) 12,910$10,014,979 FG
28 Tiger Cult (#26) 13,719$9,920,555 R
29 Lord Dorian Dementoio (#9) 13,714$9,770,841 R
30 Izic above the Fathers (#77) 12,164$9,381,373 D
31 Elvar (#44) 12,972$9,026,169 F
32 Grimbeard Henri Silvergrim (#61) 11,591$8,911,826 C
33 El Woppo Diez (#10)  Game profile 12,568$8,833,966 IG
34 Farmer McDoanld (#6)  Game profile 16,623$8,813,946 CG
35 Captain Jack Redbeard (#59) 13,437$8,801,424 R
36 Steve Harker (#51) 14,126$8,766,508 R
37 Mamba (#37)  Game profile 10,519$8,515,464 RG
38 Tusdar Dask (#71) 14,109$8,408,763 R
39 TorquayontheEnglishRiviera (#60)  Game profile 14,166$8,358,719 FG
40 Bloody Francois Klek (#79) 13,364$8,248,388 D
41 Sangre Jacob Scully (#57) 13,187$8,137,350 FG
42 The Walrus (#80) 10,318$8,103,531 C
43 LambLamb (#19) 12,143$8,093,829 C
44 Brutus Crawhawk (#49) 11,844$7,850,532 C
45 Elson beneath the Hordes (#14) 11,741$7,818,399 CG
46 Runners of Tristan (#23) 12,322$7,802,890 I
47 Needless Quality Venus (#85) 12,964$7,743,452 D
48 Jack Bloodrayne Grimbeard (#69) 13,608$7,699,509 F
49 Helvetica Velpar (#67) 10,857$7,560,333 C
50 Prisane Camon Kaldar (#86) 11,725$7,478,026 C
51 Mitar Rythorn Justahl (#42) 11,622$7,469,464 C
52 Lydia Drak (#16) 12,495$7,454,490 FG
53 Venessa (#54) 11,460$7,313,199 C
54 incognegro (#92)  Game profile 12,354$6,964,479 F
55 Delete Your Existence (#3)  Game profile 11,329$6,845,917 RG
56 Ladok Van locker (#7) 1592$6,833,976 TG
57 Pildoor Acaman Sutlin (#73) 10,784$6,754,704 C
58 Sangre George Ravenbeard (#66) 12,168$6,718,822 R
59 Yetasythril (#28) 11,307$6,620,232 C
60 Cool Dame Beam (#84) 1649$6,500,321 HG
61 Wormwood Roger Digger (#33) 12,707$6,332,943 DG
62 Rebels of Tesio (#40) 12,479$5,348,682 I
63 Shelley Simon Crawhawk (#58) 743$5,102,393 D
64 Gull Jack De Belleville (#70) 1425$5,018,796 D
65 Naphazw Hecton Tespan (#31) 1367$4,905,240 DG
66 Cult Sergent Kit (#17) 1278$4,732,619 H
67 Restless Haystack (#25) 1326$4,547,379 HG
68 ARISA (#101)  Game profile 10,454$4,322,397 HG
69 Drunken Navy Parrot (#32) 13,013$4,062,195 I
70 Walker Gull Blacksmith (#47) 1304$3,975,319 H
71 Ho Hell (#72)  Game profile 10,926$3,793,802 HG
72 PoopyShoes (#24)  Game profile 12,406$3,706,067 CG
73 Hezaq Dokohan (#39) 999$3,440,033 D
74 Gvene (#78) 1034$3,438,563 DG
75 Brown Breeze (#65) 1039$3,179,417 D
76 Leipatus (#35)  Game profile 7851$3,009,651 DG
77 Eager Viscountess Boy (#52) 1051$2,976,544 DG
78 Beckley out of Hell (#83)  Game profile 8727$2,604,533 HG
79 sisters yeast infection (#95)  Game profile 11,396$2,381,721 FG
80 BITE ME (#104)  Game profile 8099$2,356,328 TG
81 What (#93)  Game profile 7624$2,349,014 FG
82 Megacity One (#89)  Game profile 7263$2,069,151 CG
83 Jockey Fast (#29) 11,251$1,918,659 MG
84 The Sphinx of Senic (#43) 12,203$1,845,799 M
85 Doc Weasel (#62) 11,558$1,819,995 M
86 Salty Nathan Wormwood (#15) 12,068$1,817,373 MG
87 Frozen Flannel (#68) 12,765$1,764,359 M
88 Lights from Gibolt (#34) 11,766$1,738,084 MG
89 Eastern Roadrunner (#75) 11,992$1,726,273 M
90 Kalos (#100)  Game profile 6948$1,721,484 CG
91 Jibar Florian Hermedes (#81) 11,073$1,635,890 M
92 Count Barbaric Cytor (#50) 11,278$1,594,950 MG
93 Narisa Purple (#88) 12,158$1,532,281 DG
94 ThePassage (#76)  Game profile 8398$1,469,317 MG
95 COUNTILINGUS (#94)  Game profile 9729$1,457,358 TG
96 Darkblade Vanessa Gull (#20) 13,030$1,452,321 F
97 Wild Bill (#46)  Game profile 9203$1,410,533 FG
98 Lady Faith Bloody (#55) 12,183$1,405,615 FG
99 Excuse me (#2)  Game profile 11,048$1,332,038 HG
100 Milktopolis (#41)  Game profile 12,492$1,108,190 FG

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