KoHeartsGPA's country News on the Express Server

769th round: Aug 19, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024

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Aug 25, 15:09
Trojan (#10) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 12175 enemy spies.

Aug 25, 15:09
Trojan (#10) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 12413 enemy spies.

Aug 25, 15:09
Trojan (#10) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 12656 enemy spies.

Aug 25, 5:53
Trojan (#10) attempted to perform bioterrorism on your country! You killed 12363 enemy spies.

Aug 25, 5:41
Trojan (#10) attempted to sabotage missiles in your country! You killed 12615 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:52
Tapatio (#4) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 4500 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 4756 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 4851 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4): Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 1531 points of technology!

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 4945 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 5044 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 5144 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 5247 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4) attempted to commit espionage in your laboratories! You killed 5351 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 6:51
Tapatio (#4): Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 1536 points of technology!

Aug 24, 3:13
Tapatio (#4) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 5416 enemy spies.

Aug 24, 3:13
Tapatio (#4) attempted to bomb your banks! You killed 5526 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 23:51
Tapatio (#4): Enemy operatives stole $4,483,822 and destroyed $0 worth of cash!

Aug 23, 10:47
xyzchromosome (#3) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 4528 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 6:00
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 1992 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 6:00
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2033 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 6:00
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2074 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 6:00
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2116 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 6:00
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2159 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 5:54
lame retal message (#57) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2676 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 4:46
Link (#88) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3134 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 4:46
Link (#88) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3187 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 4:46
Link (#88) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3241 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 4:46
Link (#88) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 3296 enemy spies.

Aug 23, 3:10
Asphyxiation (#16) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2204 enemy spies.