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Currently Logged in: 189

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 783rd round: Nov 25, 2024 - Dec 01, 2024 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 92 countries in the Express server.

1 Lions and Cell Phones (#89)  Game profile 42,005$60,938,722 HG
2 Tortoise (#10)  Game profile 57,050$55,297,244 HG
3 Happy Turkey Day (#84)  Game profile 39,293$48,869,781 HG
4 whoops too late (#90)  Game profile 36,992$43,697,929 MG
5 bowwowwithachem (#38)  Game profile 41,468$39,416,084 HG
6 Trust but Verify (#87)  Game profile 14,371$36,961,128 HG
7 Fvckin A (#83)  Game profile 19,025$36,369,878 TG
8 Deficit (#5)  Game profile 34,448$28,250,680 TG
9 UgolinoII (#6)  Game profile 20,640$20,557,424 CG
10 Eagles from Johno (#37) 14,950$20,276,379 R
11 Brutus Gull (#32) 14,354$20,259,404 R
12 The Ancestor of Darpick (#61) 14,637$19,320,661 R
13 The Roar (#9)  Game profile 19,151$18,578,384 HG
14 Air Tagged Your Sister (#3)  Game profile 27,430$17,992,800 FG
15 Northernmost Proton (#47) 15,379$17,674,636 R
16 The Forgotten (#4)  Game profile 12,961$17,672,942 RG
17 Fast Turtle (#64) 13,580$17,230,034 F
18 Drak Xavier (#73) 14,133$17,093,396 RG
19 Dosmanzuth (#35) 14,629$16,508,603 R
20 Dewtopia (#16)  Game profile 9642$16,408,810 RG
21 savage nation (#13)  Game profile 23,629$16,387,109 TG
22 Tusdar beneath the Protector (#50) 14,129$16,339,451 R
23 Vicnic (#56)  Game profile 15,870$16,202,052 H
24 Cub Sherif (#53) 12,626$16,014,589 F
25 Aidan (#30) 11,589$15,903,853 D
26 Bloody Jane Blacksmith (#42) 13,848$15,831,177 F
27 The Devils of Casdon (#59) 13,260$15,795,256 F
28 Seriously Swift Spider (#70) 12,868$15,775,006 D
29 Digger Roger Dreadbeard (#20) 11,994$15,643,324 DG
30 Ixil (#8) 5141$15,611,491 H
31 Zecele Valker Haston (#77) 13,188$15,574,757 FG
32 Colonel Spacy Mule (#26) 13,560$15,486,939 R
33 Reaperboldel (#25) 6618$15,375,895 H
34 Scully Vanessa Bloodrayne (#1) 11,800$15,331,619 F
35 Elidin (#18) 12,884$14,993,238 F
36 Rusty Goldfish (#23) 12,214$14,981,890 F
37 Smack Daddy (#27)  Game profile 34,176$14,976,595 IG
38 The Mouse (#54) 6196$14,920,402 DG
39 Grim Flannel (#44) 13,720$14,696,949 DG
40 Bithon (#19) 6261$14,688,522 H
41 Zilka Demon (#36) 6443$14,359,605 DG
42 Turtle Heavy (#11) 14,139$14,229,691 I
43 Rikar Shard (#39) 12,948$14,032,859 CG
44 Intensive Warehouse (#79) 14,358$13,994,378 DG
45 Yall (#85)  Game profile 19,945$13,950,854 FG
46 Demon Ivan (#49) 6761$13,165,079 HG
47 Ladok (#21) 13,004$12,984,258 C
48 The Sugar (#51) 12,424$12,917,802 C
49 Silpal Jihb (#66) 14,146$12,910,818 DG
50 Lord Vigoth Endless (#33) 12,231$12,901,632 C
51 The Devils from Riandur (#43) 5191$12,884,845 DG
52 Draghone Sinners (#65) 5996$12,692,613 HG
53 Tyri (#74)  Game profile 47,653$12,637,544 CG
54 Rat Heavy (#81) 12,813$12,500,723 CG
55 Lady Purple Lillith (#28) 11,865$12,289,498 C
56 Akara Shard Witfar (#57) 12,841$12,287,560 CG
57 Theodora Garlic (#71) 5501$12,239,600 D
58 Zenobe Furious (#68) 12,481$11,837,957 C
59 Secor (#55) 15,124$11,775,306 IG
60 Phalloz (#31) 6949$11,572,459 T
61 Idona Achard (#14) 12,349$11,570,818 C
62 Aberrant Warehouse (#62) 12,028$11,479,770 C
63 Amarisa (#45) 12,436$11,205,771 CG
64 Tok (#60) 5744$11,175,320 HG
65 Gary Poppins (#2)  Game profile 33,258$10,849,903 HG
66 The Eagles of Veldar (#78) 5059$10,800,705 T
67 Nathan White Scarlet (#75) 12,402$10,512,523 C
68 Eleven (#12)  Game profile 13,501$9,862,114 DG
69 ThicknJuicy (#24)  Game profile 18,405$9,276,379 DG
70 Mr Fix it (#7)  Game profile 23,745$8,903,372 HG
71 Gram Rotisserie Style (#80)  Game profile 17,992$7,796,447 FG
72 Buer (#41)  Game profile 8360$4,561,102 T
73 Tank You Very Much (#67)  Game profile 9324$4,270,254 IG
74 Kinjo (#92)  Game profile 8455$3,592,133 CG
75 Vergiyner (#94)  Game profile 10,154$3,180,107 RG
76 Scattered Metaphor (#82) 13,987$3,127,289 MG
77 Maestros of Folmer (#52) 14,958$3,087,648 R
78 Zona Wekmar Chidak (#17) 12,124$2,836,366 M
79 Amarisa Eckard Vildher (#22) 13,140$2,751,503 M
80 Fierce Heart (#34) 14,193$2,737,840 MG
81 Major Colonel Fox (#63) 13,634$2,682,030 D
82 Bare Sapphire (#58) 13,351$2,583,140 DG
83 Stardew (#88)  Game profile 12,699$2,455,620 FG
84 Veldars Horde (#40) 13,532$2,346,149 M
85 Chidak Boldel (#69) 13,535$2,325,536 M
86 Joe Deadwood Darkblood (#76) 13,534$2,203,788 MG
87 Moose Lonesome (#46) 13,806$2,158,706 MG
88 Comtessa Requiem (#29) 13,342$2,149,985 M
89 Santo o x Mas de Venus (#48)  Game profile 3780$1,361,523 MG
90 CHloroform (#72)  Game profile 7978$1,040,083 DG
91 Jalen (#86)  Game profile 5287$887,386 HG
92 Rottensperm (#15)  Game profile 100$4717 MG

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