Active countries: 2511
Currently Logged in: 181
Currently Logged in: 181
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes. Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There are currently 83 countries in the Express server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | |
1 | Clam Chop (#19) | 3876 | $511,389 | HG | |
2 | Link (#52) | 3817 | $350,020 | HG | |
3 | Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (#4) | 2782 | $261,293 | HG | |
4 | O s T r I g o n u m (#25) | 2272 | $235,579 | MG | |
5 | King Star (#70) | 1403 | $220,598 | H | |
6 | Boldeldosk (#76) | 1390 | $206,681 | HG | |
7 | d i p l o m a c y (#81) | 1762 | $205,411 | C | |
8 | Endless Fisty Galaxy (#21) | 1718 | $196,445 | CG | |
9 | Calebaas (#12) | 1061 | $166,159 | C | |
10 | Shillen Pendus (#29) | 1986 | $157,075 | MG | |
11 | Kylrad (#43) | 1447 | $156,343 | H | |
12 | Black Doran (#54) | 1285 | $150,734 | H | |
13 | Crawhawk Henri Hawkins (#51) | 1803 | $148,104 | MG | |
14 | I have a pet tiger (#34) | 1221 | $145,332 | CG | |
15 | Sabrina Eldritch (#18) | 1292 | $143,858 | H | |
16 | Zenobe Darkwood (#50) | 1290 | $143,294 | CG | |
17 | Yesterday is gone (#38) | 1472 | $136,889 | FG | |
18 | Prince Ivan Ravenblack (#67) | 905 | $136,743 | CG | |
19 | Onathe Gothor (#28) | 882 | $136,348 | CG | |
20 | Darmor Connell Secor (#37) | 1276 | $135,411 | H | |
21 | Flying Star (#36) | 1603 | $132,451 | F | |
22 | Faith Ravenblack (#45) | 1037 | $132,344 | CG | |
23 | Arryn Airis (#56) | 1025 | $130,649 | C | |
24 | The Forgotten (#13) | 1617 | $129,982 | RG | |
25 | Francois Wormwood Bloodrayne (#73) | 880 | $123,881 | C |