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Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Ninety-second round: Aug 29, 2011 - Sep 04, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 202 countries in the Express server.

1 Everyday Im Shuffling (#82)  Game profile 15,821$26,246,804 HG
2 Lazy Shaney99 (#99) 18,584$23,764,408 HG
3 YAM AH MEE (#53) 8317$23,341,664 DG
4 Caradols (#66)  Game profile 16,236$23,042,072 HG
5 Whack and Blite (#72) 14,470$22,482,241 HG
6 kitten mittens (#94)  Game profile 13,973$21,552,497 CG
7 thunderplatamapus hoooo (#86) 20,458$21,523,512 CG
8 CLUTCH (#51) 15,352$19,164,124 CG
9 John Birch (#67)  Game profile 15,529$17,505,668 RG
10 C R O A T I A (#43)  Game profile 13,377$16,513,833 D
11 Borghtlk (#92) 6095$16,412,738 H
12 Country name (#47) 12,448$16,283,354 DG
13 Walls Of Stalingrad (#81) 20,009$16,117,351 CG
14 I FArt in your General Direction (#120) 13,990$15,567,778 RG
15 The Last Starfighter (#84) 9781$15,457,013 RG
16 Good Idea (#1) 14,864$15,366,397 RG
17 APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD (#50) 11,244$14,925,560 HG
18 King Arthur (#28)  Game profile 16,231$14,328,293 CG
19 Silent Storm (#117) 11,368$14,162,439 FG
20 Bertz (#137) 9281$14,126,512 DG
21 nattering nabobs of negativism (#4) 14,461$13,890,580 CG
22 Surprise Surprise (#3) 12,703$12,808,306 T
23 War or Bust (#77)  Game profile 15,613$12,750,464 RG
24 Bump (#19) 7466$12,522,581 RG
25 Smooth Operator LaE (#23) 8798$12,376,362 HG
26 a dollar a day (#143) 9230$12,177,323 RG
27 Off The Leash (#40) 12,756$11,586,712 C
28 le (#2)  Game profile 13,838$11,190,746 CG
29 dirt farm (#65)  Game profile 6878$10,895,432 DG
30 FUCK WALTHUNT HPB (#165) 10,276$10,833,807 HG
31 meh (#164)  Game profile 11,057$10,555,808 FG
32 Ad Vox Ex Vindictam (#55)  Game profile 12,301$10,551,298 HG
33 Explore Build Tech Cash Win (#29) 13,368$10,236,183 RG
34 FiLTH (#37) 17,356$9,849,899 CG
35 Fast Five (#139)  Game profile 8339$9,816,285 HG
36 Ganymede (#105) 14,135$9,585,285 C
37 never playing farmer again (#58) 17,168$9,435,244 CG
38 spank me (#133) 15,440$9,355,890 C
39 sKRiLLeX (#20) 12,035$9,334,838 RG
40 133tz (#107)  Game profile 25,647$9,309,242 CG
41 Artichokiopia (#8) 12,106$9,125,629 HG
42 ApolloLand (#129) 14,878$9,069,429 HG
43 ZackRyder (#57) 9791$8,797,411 RG
44 Darkbringer (#70) 13,685$8,684,099 RG
45 uoos ipvp noh (#5) 7777$8,523,948 H
46 Fly By Night (#26) 8074$8,331,205 IG
47 IMP (#134) 12,345$7,962,727 HG
48 GTO unleashed (#36)  Game profile 13,774$7,865,410 C
49 ATT (#178) 7558$7,788,884 D
50 toomanyboogers (#157) 15,152$7,786,707 HG
51 Mischiefdemons Empire (#56) 12,838$7,613,956 DG
52 Lady Mistress (#106) 13,967$7,393,605 DG
53 The Taken (#108) 13,342$7,112,129 CG
54 pepo (#64) 8159$6,891,601 R
55 10 (#11) 17,610$6,873,740 I
56 CSNY (#25)  Game profile 15,407$6,763,684 HG
57 melvin (#163) 12,500$6,649,916 C
58 Weezy F Baby (#132) 15,057$6,431,227 CG
59 SeedMeWaterMeCookMeEatMe (#159) 9073$6,398,533 CG
60 CrisCallForDuty (#73) 8052$6,387,154 HG
61 Number Threes Mole (#85) 7778$6,209,280 D
62 Radical Dreamers (#39) 9479$6,199,614 I
63 hallis burton he showed me the w (#127)  Game profile 11,618$5,823,550 H
64 3 X I (#96) 14,056$5,641,945 CG
65 Show (#144) 11,856$5,384,531 R
66 Cheesy Poofs From Hell (#42) 14,630$5,378,090 C
67 Eternally SOL (#192) 8270$5,136,865 I
68 Chinook (#68) 12,060$5,064,341 H
69 J (#101) 12,862$5,048,032 R
70 Extra Crispy (#161) 7304$5,045,952 F
71 SoMeTimes Your RighT (#202) 10,364$4,827,018 CG
72 Crystal Meth Polar Bear (#18)  Game profile 12,502$4,793,575 CG
73 The Republic of Poon (#145) 10,647$4,628,484 RG
74 Android (#166) 9030$4,551,890 RG
75 double down (#148) 9650$4,485,491 H
76 Paul (#171) 11,319$4,479,395 DG
77 This Land (#196) 6933$4,293,331 CG
78 Freeman (#95) 8175$4,248,195 T
79 Coors brewing company (#179) 10,335$4,131,801 CG
80 bumdoogle (#103) 13,840$4,081,549 T
81 RATtopia (#54) 5363$4,043,094 RG
82 kamikaze koalas (#150) 8492$3,824,182 F
83 IStarveMyCivilians (#146) 12,850$3,811,826 C
84 OH IM A BUTTER HEAD (#113) 8909$3,773,418 FG
85 wa wa we wa (#78) 10,854$3,672,086 C
86 Diez Sucks (#147)  Game profile 9877$3,540,785 HG
87 Vinny the Chin (#10) 5258$3,540,188 T
88 Kingdom of Fervor (#169) 9499$3,459,599 T
89 Home (#41) 9952$3,338,399 H
90 CDC (#63) 14,248$3,261,147 I
91 Rome (#181) 12,866$3,172,902 R
92 land oy (#9)  Game profile 3892$3,170,223 C
93 cuz i kanistan (#123) 6008$3,109,322 C
94 wnnnnnbc (#128) 12,762$2,980,412 C
95 Warmonger Spec Section (#52) 8279$2,944,221 T
96 hoosier daddy (#100) 8871$2,865,816 F
97 das buch (#156) 5426$2,826,427 C
98 Only 1 Objective (#61) 5736$2,822,481 T
99 Shouldve gone GDI (#112) 9656$2,812,242 D
100 TakeYourPolicyAndShoveIt (#45) 8329$2,765,637 CG

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