Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2512
Currently Logged in: 195

Free For All Clan: Natural Born Killers (NBKiller)

First round: Jan 18, 2010 - Mar 20, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 55
Total Networth Rank13 of 55
Average Networth Rank26 of 55
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1287 NBK4EVAH3 (#5090) 7962$2,339,859 F
1291 NBK4EVAH9 (#5096) 9010$2,294,533 F
1298 rainbow (#4485)  Game profile 7637$2,227,957 R
1299 NBK4EVAH10 (#5097) 9243$2,205,207 F
1301 NBK4EVAH11 (#5098) 9299$2,182,597 F
1302 NBK4EVAH12 (#5099) 8501$2,174,849 F
1304 NBK4EVAH15 (#5102) 8727$2,138,590 F
1309 NBK4EVAH14 (#5101) 8948$2,119,006 F
1310 NBK4EVAH13 (#5100) 8296$2,111,198 F
1313 NBK4EVAH (#5088) 8677$2,095,427 F
1326 NBK4EVAH6 (#5093) 5196$2,010,422 F
1335 NBK4EVAH7 (#5094) 8295$1,943,977 F
1337 10 (#4119) 6167$1,918,463 I
1339 11 (#4851) 8742$1,914,628 M
1348 NBK4EVAH8 (#5095) 3381$1,871,247 F
1353 Where is Pipi (#4984) 7427$1,824,220 I
1357 Where is Troy Tiger (#4985) 6870$1,807,696 C
1362 NBK westside (#4860) 8335$1,770,025 I
1366 No sheeps for me (#4858) 8534$1,733,317 I
1368 your dog looks sexy (#4870) 8712$1,719,385 I
1370 die less (#4865) 8801$1,708,350 I
1376 OMFG 2 (#4122) 8332$1,683,748 C
1380 Spetsnaz (#5011) 6353$1,663,705 C
1384 love me long time (#4863) 8919$1,653,677 I
1385 goats are fine (#4859) 8432$1,653,113 I
1387 dolph (#5045) 3293$1,641,765 C
1390 matt (#5046) 6511$1,628,402 C
1395 N B K (#4987) 7412$1,598,497 R
1396 1 (#4110) 6913$1,589,314 I
1398 dear kitty (#4866) 8546$1,578,803 I
1400 9 (#4118) 9578$1,574,526 T
1404 you think I am sexy (#4862) 8720$1,545,904 I
1405 out of names (#4867) 8869$1,534,556 I
1406 NBK4EVAH2 (#5089) 8003$1,533,730 F
1408 robert (#5047) 5655$1,518,940 I
1412 kill (#4795) 6379$1,474,581 I
1414 This Is Not A NBK Restart (#5015) 6757$1,465,092 C
1416 NBK4EVAH5 (#5092) 7752$1,455,817 F
1418 The Platinum Matrix Reloaded (#5010) 6466$1,450,244 H
1419 3 (#4112) 7456$1,441,915 C
1420 6 (#4115) 5790$1,439,506 C
1422 14 (#4854) 8521$1,425,304 T
1426 restarted (#5018) 7161$1,409,503 I
1428 Napoleon Complex (#5008) 6896$1,388,448 H
1429 15 (#4855) 8188$1,385,697 T
1430 death 10 (#2530) 8545$1,383,402 C
1432 me (#4796) 7392$1,379,178 M
1433 asda (#3465) 6363$1,366,031 I
1436 NBK4EVAH4 (#5091) 7159$1,352,432 F
1437 cane toad (#5024) 4760$1,341,766 C
1440 over (#4857) 7238$1,336,281 I
1443 Tango Too (#3930)  Game profile 5181$1,311,789 R
1445 oh man (#3628) 4058$1,304,294 I
1447 i LOVE hillbillies (#3600) 5936$1,299,602 M
1449 Zulu Warriors (#5013) 5199$1,291,821 I
1451 Remember The Alamo (#5009) 6165$1,289,719 C
1452 ReapeR (#3975) 8871$1,288,007 R
1453 death 5 (#2510) 7447$1,287,079 T
1456 Hippie Patrol (#3599) 6355$1,282,026 T
1457 8 (#4117) 8754$1,269,688 T
1461 out of names 2 (#4868) 6792$1,252,313 I
1462 12 (#4852) 8952$1,244,819 M
1463 loverboy (#4861) 6164$1,238,483 I
1472 abc blocks (#3604) 6242$1,207,921 M
1473 7 (#4116) 4907$1,205,138 I
1475 2 (#4111) 6741$1,202,802 I
1481 blueNaturaliceBornKiller (#5116) 4433$1,179,475 M
1483 (#5075) 7528$1,175,461 I
1484 (#5076) 7565$1,170,181 I
1487 13 (#4853) 7479$1,164,271 I
1488 no more lies (#4869) 8695$1,156,940 M
1491 death 16 (#3926) 5391$1,149,205 R
1496 Cancer (#3977) 6681$1,133,962 R
1505 Party on Wayne (#3601) 5688$1,101,994 T
1507 (#5079) 8004$1,100,855 M
1515 RitZ are Good (#3596) 6075$1,081,393 T
1533 Norse Berserkers (#5012) 6231$1,016,023 I
1535 Maaaaaaaki Come Out To Plaaaaaay (#5122) 4343$1,012,132 I
1544 h2o water (#3602) 5740$997,573 M
1548 Little Baby Jesus Lives Here (#4970) 5664$982,526 T
1551 The Dog Says Moo (#5148) 4309$965,464 I
1553 honky tonk Warrior (#3595) 5716$961,267 T
1561 (#5126) 7321$941,801 I
1562 Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down (#5066) 5584$939,940 I
1563 Hellraiser (#3949) 6631$937,788 C
1568 Well Now Wasnt That Fun (#5120) 4232$925,609 I
1570 (#5127) 7227$915,959 I
1574 (#5073) 6192$904,840 I
1577 This One Is For Me (#5118) 4220$896,480 I
1583 help (#4793) 6517$886,254 I
1584 (#5074) 6212$884,575 I
1586 they (#4794) 6906$880,068 I
1593 1 aSyLuM Spy (#5016) 5644$861,967 I
1595 ra ra RA RA RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (#4913) 5393$860,896 T
1597 ThE gReAt GaMbInO jR (#5121) 3862$856,383 I
1599 IwouldntdothatifIwereyou (#4415)  Game profile 6266$850,040 R
1609 oh yeah this is gonna hurt (#5316) 3915$821,414 I
1611 (#5128) 7459$818,017 M
1612 Go Gadget Go (#5117) 3918$817,046 I
1614 w t f (#5034) 5182$813,837 T
1627 Dance With The Devil (#5054) 4288$781,954 I
1632 This One Is For You (#5119) 3816$760,106 I
1633 go go go go go go go go go go go (#5033) 4273$757,855 T
1645 (#5136) 7151$733,952 I
1669 brown paper bag (#5025) 4090$683,614 F
1670 Talon (#5032) 5093$683,605 F
1671 NBK whaaaaaaaaat (#3972) 4940$683,285 I
1696 awesome (#350) 1621$645,286 C
1699 Hell Spawn (#5014) 3875$638,524 I
1701 wanna see a magic trick (#5399) 3466$636,073 M
1702 (#5051) 3072$631,769 C
1704 restarts rule (#5026) 4502$630,084 F
1713 death 18 (#5227) 4039$618,492 R
1722 can we play now (#5027) 5197$611,546 F
1724 (#5346) 4636$610,165 M
1732 ankle tapper (#5028) 5170$603,227 F
1740 Mi Hung Lo (#5281) 5850$597,026 C
1752 happy feet (#5030) 5244$566,980 F
1761 Predator (#5031) 5001$548,923 F
1763 Montezumas Revenge (#5007) 7490$545,345 H
1764 Back to main FFA page (#3995) 4164$545,250 I
1769 kill or be killed (#5029) 5139$539,249 F
1777 whatever (#3994) 3847$525,243 I
1805 Ty Mi Shu (#5282) 4727$496,816 C
1808 snapper head (#5022) 701$484,624 C
1820 k4f ffa (#4486)  Game profile 1930$460,636 I
1829 Stick it in you (#3925) 1177$449,167 I
1832 Caribou Lou (#5283) 4929$446,876 C
1842 (#5427) 4064$415,388 M
1847 first kill (#352) 2152$404,397 T
1870 nbk is here 2 stay (#5131) 3255$339,161 M
1874 TCO 3 (#979) 1130$332,079 T
1884 forever at your ankles (#5132) 3487$316,774 M
1893 (#5426) 3630$300,618 M
1907 fever (#5023) 654$279,468 C
1909 my blood is RED (#4912) 2034$278,634 M
1912 Drummersbeatitbetter (#4414)  Game profile 3320$271,625 R
1927 Bluntman and Chronic 2 (#5037) 3401$248,301 M
1932 death 19 (#5256) 2133$244,823 R
1968 unlimited (#5130) 340$195,099 M
1970 pleeawwwse (#3912)  Game profile 1530$193,578 M
2000 Nazarine 1 (#4846) 1638$148,152 M
2014 AquaFinA (#3979) 923$128,317 R
2020 Green Team (#3980) 892$122,442 R
2023 Dont touch my grape (#3976) 1004$121,670 R
2029 21 candles (#3981) 846$110,766 R
2050 6 (#5559) 1530$98,892 M
2051 6 (#5560) 1390$97,592 M
2052 6 (#5562) 1397$97,178 M
2057 1 (#5553) 1454$96,032 M
2058 2 (#5554) 1385$95,532 M
2059 5 (#5557) 1393$94,884 M
2062 3 (#5555) 1286$93,010 M
2064 (#5514) 1222$91,363 M
2065 6 (#5558) 1287$90,557 M
2067 (#5515) 973$86,787 M
2076 (#5516) 971$82,148 M
2080 6 (#5561) 1184$79,461 M
2084 4 again (#5519) 915$76,653 M
2092 (#5513) 872$73,494 M
2098 4 (#5556) 887$71,809 M
2135 The Choosen One (#5004)  Game profile 780$58,742 R
2147 Happy valentines day (#3915)  Game profile 669$52,051 M
2150 how do you want it (#3913)  Game profile 848$50,547 M
2166 Kill4Free (#5001)  Game profile 650$45,192 R
2169 9 (#5587) 668$43,734 F
2180 9 (#5588) 585$41,046 F
2184 9 (#5589) 564$39,952 M
2202 Lord Buckley (#5000)  Game profile 440$36,002 R
2258 9 (#5586) 446$30,088 M
2343 Fargonaspherepart2 (#4807)  Game profile 238$19,291 R
3300 (#5517) 100$4717 M
3301 (#5518) 100$4717 M
3303 (#5542) 100$4717 M
3307 (#5540) 100$4717 M
3314 (#5541) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 176 (Show all countries)

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