Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2440
Currently Logged in: 185

Free For All Clan: Fluff Off Cause Ur Stupid (FOCUS)

Twelfth round: Dec 01, 2011 - Jan 30, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank7 of 34
Total Networth Rank12 of 34
Average Networth Rank17 of 34
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
461 KFC (#3624) 24,017$23,340,494 T
465 Applebeees (#3625) 25,651$22,823,423 T
470 Acrfeage needed (#3459) 26,193$22,357,259 T
491 Popeyes (#3623) 27,603$21,480,781 T
575 Natural Born Krybabies (#3543) 14,511$17,426,380 I
592 Mc Donalds (#3622) 25,588$16,914,451 I
634 Another 48 hours (#5289) 14,574$14,824,942 I
667 (#4211) 13,060$13,777,818 C
672 (#4214) 13,724$13,599,449 C
693 Revenge of the Nerds Candy (#5059) 13,818$13,016,908 I
705 (#4224) 13,249$12,743,491 C
718 (#4218) 13,637$12,286,348 C
721 (#4220) 12,825$12,226,470 C
724 pew pew pew pew (#3457) 12,950$12,145,214 I
726 (#4219) 12,710$12,105,473 C
731 (#4215) 13,101$11,954,491 C
736 not yet (#3452) 12,855$11,833,165 T
740 (#4221) 12,510$11,811,645 C
745 (#4223) 13,215$11,717,112 C
764 (#4222) 12,571$11,267,418 C
771 (#4217) 12,796$11,173,648 C
790 here I go again (#3453) 12,159$10,743,482 T
921 darlington county (#3861) 4265$8,208,724 T
927 this life (#3460) 16,642$8,162,268 C
928 saints and sinners (#3821) 4265$8,154,478 T
948 mossburg (#3702) 4265$7,780,829 T
950 ithaca (#3700) 4265$7,710,752 T
951 mickey mouse (#3896) 4265$7,703,699 T
955 all for the love of BRADY (#3822) 4265$7,628,684 T
956 marlin (#3701) 4265$7,596,932 T
958 eastlink is the worst (#3823) 4265$7,555,063 T
960 angels and demons (#3820) 4265$7,490,061 T
963 superflex (#3977) 4265$7,445,995 T
968 goose goose duck (#3976) 4265$7,309,066 T
976 creatine plus (#3895) 4265$7,242,953 T
982 777 (#3456) 14,792$7,197,941 C
996 remington (#3699) 4265$6,905,250 T
999 browning (#3698) 4265$6,864,370 T
1002 jose canu blowme (#3897) 4265$6,816,498 T
1006 winchester (#3697) 4265$6,774,775 T
1008 Taco Bell (#3546) 8065$6,742,906 T
1046 smoke screen (#3454) 6648$5,842,062 T
1055 Wait for it BOOM (#3670) 9175$5,621,683 I
1097 Rustlers Steak House (#3547) 6901$5,146,294 T
1142 Vienna (#3458) 11,023$4,452,314 C
1147 1 (#1647) 13,061$4,295,929 I
1151 9 (#1655) 13,544$4,233,976 I
1154 TGIFridays (#3548) 9669$4,177,727 I
1163 Died while setting up highlights (#3656) 7413$4,046,248 I
1164 16 (#1662) 14,335$4,038,292 I
1166 Rise and Shine (#4370) 11,165$4,014,622 C
1190 11 (#1657) 13,673$3,619,459 I
1193 7 (#1653) 13,653$3,539,898 I
1197 12 (#1658) 13,794$3,508,432 I
1217 2 (#1648) 12,528$3,272,332 I
1224 10 (#1656) 12,998$3,201,039 I
1383 15 (#1661) 8599$1,802,983 I
1425 (#5240) 7539$1,435,888 T
1428 daytime supposed to be work time (#3669) 6591$1,423,254 T
1432 (#5241) 8170$1,378,789 T
1433 (#5242) 8156$1,377,700 T
1435 (#5239) 7082$1,348,742 T
1437 bye bye birdie (#3631) 7148$1,348,111 T
1438 tick tick boom (#3511) 7020$1,338,121 T
1440 (#3756) 6717$1,319,291 T
1444 (#3753) 6480$1,302,232 T
1445 pow chicka wow wow (#3463) 6456$1,298,986 T
1446 dream within a dream (#3633) 6396$1,287,429 T
1448 rest in peace (#3632) 6039$1,271,950 T
1450 (#3758) 5232$1,243,145 T
1471 (#5875) 4242$1,099,070 T
1478 Tebow eats dead babies (#6273) 3832$1,025,453 T
1482 Jordan (#6300) 3815$968,619 T
1540 250 (#716) 1387$622,449 I
1541 256 (#722) 1816$592,356 I
1542 258 (#724) 1376$586,173 I
1545 257 (#723) 1334$574,023 I
1547 732 (#3465) 1490$567,363 I
1556 252 (#718) 1622$500,328 I
1559 2 down (#3649) 1777$486,892 C
1563 261 (#727) 863$474,583 I
1580 766 (#3884) 1917$435,153 M
1590 769 (#3885) 1801$413,649 I
1603 TY 4 Killing Me (#6539) 1495$394,571 I
1636 TY 4 Killing Me (#6540) 1627$325,530 I
1651 THANK YOU FOR KILLING ME (#6907) 632$295,839 I
1662 716 (#3880) 893$274,409 I
1671 745 (#3879) 743$230,804 I
1722 (#6855) 591$100,630 I
1761 to the underground (#6657) 1011$79,479 I
1950 F (#5690)  Game profile 440$33,465 M
2070 O (#5691)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2071 C (#5692)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2072 U (#5693)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2073 S (#5694)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2074 BiteME (#5695)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2075 SKITTLESmunch (#5696)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2076 NoSkittlesNBK (#5697)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2077 Dammit (#5698)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2078 Dangit (#5699)  Game profile 420$32,565 M
2079 BitemeTwice (#5700)  Game profile 420$32,565 M

Ranked countries: 101 (Show all countries)

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