Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 3 - Oct 2
Active countries: 3474
Currently Logged in: 192

Free For All Clan: Legends at Earth (LaE4Life)

Thirteenth round: Jan 31, 2012 - Apr 02, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 38
Total Networth Rank3 of 38
Average Networth Rank4 of 38
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
40 blitzkrieg (#264)  Game profile 353,687$317,306,136 H
42 blitzkrieg (#265)  Game profile 354,920$313,865,547 H
43 LaEnal sexx0r FTW (#1470) 141,118$309,071,737 HG
44 Im GetnLaEd Right Now (#1439) 138,901$308,429,557 HG
45 Come pLaE With Daddy (#1441) 139,157$306,048,025 HG
47 pLaEing With Titties FTW (#1468) 140,834$304,212,393 HG
48 Light Yer Ass abLaEz (#1442) 136,767$303,062,514 HG
49 No LaEs for wIMPs (#1440) 139,131$301,549,045 HG
50 Fat Bottomed LaEdies FTW (#1467) 138,376$299,600,025 HG
51 LaEd j00 Mama FTW (#1469) 138,863$298,134,390 HG
62 Trainwreck (#976) 34,371$261,970,771 HG
63 Gender Bender (#310) 35,220$261,950,252 HG
65 Car Crash (#1102) 34,641$259,974,630 HG
68 (#1269) 97,364$257,264,633 DG
69 Pile Up (#1175) 34,578$256,558,615 HG
172 Gabriel (#518)  Game profile 51,268$152,310,348 HG
179 Michael (#517)  Game profile 50,672$149,183,716 HG
180 Serathiel (#523)  Game profile 50,880$148,781,010 HG
183 Berachiel (#526)  Game profile 51,095$148,183,359 HG
185 Raguel (#524)  Game profile 51,027$147,332,666 HG
187 Uriel (#520)  Game profile 51,222$146,699,538 HG
189 Jegudiel (#527)  Game profile 50,799$146,170,825 HG
190 Raphael (#519)  Game profile 51,055$144,715,378 HG
192 Remiel (#525)  Game profile 50,701$144,069,800 HG
193 Sealtiel (#522)  Game profile 50,486$142,862,186 HG
194 Suriel (#528)  Game profile 51,039$142,101,170 HG
196 eevess 16 (#1853) 111,976$142,014,936 C
197 Ramiel (#532)  Game profile 50,488$141,833,038 HG
202 blitzkrieg (#273)  Game profile 86,887$139,985,120 H
204 blitzkrieg (#272)  Game profile 84,731$139,697,404 H
206 eevess 03 (#1840) 108,623$138,573,771 H
207 blitzkrieg (#269)  Game profile 86,467$138,483,473 H
209 Ninja (#2303) 51,293$138,267,766 H
211 blitzkrieg (#275)  Game profile 85,034$138,171,565 H
212 blitzkrieg (#267)  Game profile 84,706$137,945,992 H
213 blitzkrieg (#276)  Game profile 84,614$137,935,424 H
216 blitzkrieg (#268)  Game profile 84,734$137,638,169 H
219 blitzkrieg (#274)  Game profile 83,897$136,761,772 H
220 Aniel (#521)  Game profile 50,538$136,670,026 HG
221 blitzkrieg (#279)  Game profile 81,128$136,650,266 H
223 Ninja (#2304) 50,640$136,368,152 H
224 blitzkrieg (#270)  Game profile 83,069$136,147,309 H
226 blitzkrieg (#271)  Game profile 83,268$136,037,516 H
227 Zadakiel (#529)  Game profile 51,187$136,016,142 HG
228 Ninja (#2306) 48,725$135,937,006 H
229 Ninja (#2305) 49,131$135,794,462 H
230 Zerachiel (#531)  Game profile 51,196$135,610,757 HG
231 Ninja (#2311) 50,215$135,413,909 H
233 Saraqael (#530)  Game profile 51,318$135,182,877 HG
234 blitzkrieg (#277)  Game profile 82,463$134,852,661 H
237 Ninja (#2307) 48,171$134,271,682 H
238 Ninja (#2300) 50,841$133,929,932 H
239 Ninja (#2309) 49,900$133,709,952 H
240 Ninja (#2310) 49,777$133,627,901 H
241 Ninja (#2299) 52,003$133,531,265 H
246 Ninja (#2301) 48,070$132,676,337 H
254 blitzkrieg (#278)  Game profile 79,212$130,218,433 H
257 Ninja (#2313) 48,761$129,337,145 H
259 Ninja (#2302) 47,497$129,219,457 H
260 Ninja (#2308) 47,553$128,945,960 H
263 Ninja (#2312) 49,555$128,009,045 H
274 Ninja (#2314) 48,236$124,496,879 H
295 blitzkrieg (#266)  Game profile 80,972$115,173,479 M
352 (#1270) 50,206$91,813,056 HG
363 (#1271) 47,925$88,357,263 HG
367 eevess 05 (#1842) 37,041$87,810,892 T
378 (#1284) 46,619$86,441,663 HG
382 (#1280) 45,537$84,420,699 HG
383 (#1279) 45,385$84,379,670 HG
384 Legends at Earth (#492) 26,524$84,275,475 H
385 Legends at Earth (#496) 26,692$84,274,270 H
386 Legends at Earth (#497) 26,450$84,060,614 H
387 eevess 06 (#1843) 37,228$84,051,636 T
390 (#1278) 44,971$83,641,047 HG
391 Legends at Earth (#495) 26,509$83,569,055 H
394 (#1277) 44,930$83,239,089 HG
396 Legends at Earth (#487) 26,329$83,058,850 H
397 (#1276) 44,649$82,982,668 HG
398 Legends at Earth (#486) 26,388$82,631,685 H
399 Legends at Earth (#498) 26,367$82,558,978 H
401 Legends at Earth (#488) 25,550$82,250,599 H
403 Legends at Earth (#494) 26,468$82,157,174 H
404 (#1274) 44,077$81,992,639 HG
405 Legends at Earth (#490) 26,336$81,932,551 H
406 (#1272) 43,957$81,876,682 HG
407 (#1275) 43,947$81,812,342 HG
409 Legends at Earth (#491) 26,476$81,410,400 H
412 Legends at Earth (#499) 26,588$80,706,426 H
413 (#1283) 42,721$80,602,228 HG
414 Legends at Earth (#493) 26,310$80,464,848 H
415 Legends at Earth (#489) 25,675$80,231,937 H
417 (#1281) 42,753$80,072,689 HG
419 (#1282) 42,615$79,497,809 HG
421 (#1273) 42,522$79,280,472 HG
423 eevess 04 (#1841) 31,084$79,034,652 T
429 Legends at Earth (#485) 25,467$77,247,241 H
457 Legends at Earth (#500) 26,486$70,601,126 R
470 diamonds and guns (#37)  Game profile 261,538$68,753,048 H
535 eevess 12 (#1849) 40,382$61,887,331 C
546 eevess 14 (#1851) 41,479$59,990,464 C
550 eevess 13 (#1850) 40,605$59,388,589 C
561 eevess 08 (#1845) 58,394$58,371,012 F
570 eevess 15 (#1852) 36,993$56,940,005 C
610 eevess 02 (#1839) 49,940$51,972,868 F
615 eevess 07 (#1844) 47,779$51,308,532 F
662 eevess 10 (#1847) 40,093$45,802,993 R
665 eevess 01 (#1838) 46,890$45,239,214 F
668 BB41 Mississippi (#210)  Game profile 19,794$45,016,040 T
693 I Am Hell (#1593)  Game profile 21,477$42,439,484 H
699 BB45 Colorado (#214)  Game profile 19,542$42,033,141 T
707 BB46 Maryland (#215)  Game profile 19,469$41,249,648 T
709 BB42 Idaho (#211)  Game profile 19,555$40,995,630 T
711 BB59 Massachusetts (#220)  Game profile 19,575$40,847,924 T
713 BB61 Iowa (#222)  Game profile 19,441$40,693,535 T
715 eevess 11 (#1848) 38,975$40,460,764 C
719 BB55 North Carolina (#216)  Game profile 19,568$40,072,923 T
721 BB62 New Jersey (#223)  Game profile 19,583$39,961,402 T
734 Descend The Shades Of Night (#1603)  Game profile 20,630$39,185,738 H
739 BB58 Indiana (#219)  Game profile 19,504$38,906,321 T
742 BB44 California (#2462)  Game profile 19,528$38,828,547 T
743 BB56 Washington (#217)  Game profile 18,381$38,701,515 T
744 eevess 09 (#1846) 31,217$38,699,672 R
752 BB57 South Dakota (#218)  Game profile 19,342$37,355,024 T
757 BB43 Tennessee (#2505)  Game profile 18,779$36,874,012 T
765 BB64 Wisconsin (#2464)  Game profile 18,898$36,402,627 T
774 BB60 Alabama (#2463)  Game profile 19,079$35,685,711 T
816 BB63 Missouri (#2506)  Game profile 18,878$32,734,573 T
877 Be Still And Know (#1596)  Game profile 15,010$28,415,262 H
881 A Farewell To Arms (#1606)  Game profile 14,372$28,296,234 H
889 Locust (#1597)  Game profile 14,475$27,915,056 H
897 Ashes To The Sky (#1595)  Game profile 14,311$27,628,893 H
898 This Is The End (#1598)  Game profile 14,478$27,612,652 H
899 The Darkness Within (#1599)  Game profile 14,277$27,522,275 H
900 Imperium (#1607)  Game profile 14,488$27,505,040 H
903 Deafening Silence (#1608)  Game profile 15,180$27,437,664 H
904 Who We Are (#1601)  Game profile 13,486$27,367,449 H
908 searching for some beautiful (#38)  Game profile 106,242$27,294,402 H
912 Aesthetics Of Hate (#1604)  Game profile 13,503$27,156,139 H
924 Pearls For Swine (#1600)  Game profile 14,382$26,539,996 H
927 Now I Lay Thee Down (#1605)  Game profile 13,289$26,384,146 H
938 Clenching The Fists Of Dissent (#1602)  Game profile 12,893$25,649,353 H
945 Sangre Sani (#1594)  Game profile 12,800$24,704,238 H
970 learning how to fall (#40)  Game profile 50,494$23,582,134 H
1115 bloody poetry (#41)  Game profile 18,750$16,940,713 M
1266 lightspeed (#39)  Game profile 30,814$12,779,840 I
1277 Stacey Amalia LaE (#1386) 13,736$12,529,655 R
1285 Tristan LaE (#1374) 17,458$12,292,789 C
1339 Zacharias Yehoyakim LaE (#1377) 15,167$10,787,287 C
1346 Lilian Jokbas Wessel Felicia LaE (#1379) 15,400$10,628,649 C
1351 Eliseo Murat LaE (#1378) 15,374$10,480,457 C
1357 iva Marijo Sigurr Alkyone LaE (#1381) 17,935$10,341,119 C
1368 Azhar LaE (#1375) 15,110$9,865,487 C
1397 Johan Fikri LaE (#1376) 15,331$9,411,637 C
1401 Havel Asim Wibo Ema LaE (#1380) 18,365$9,321,878 C
1455 Silvie Elena LaE (#1385) 14,512$7,876,471 R
1469 Niccol Harendra LaE (#1387) 13,470$7,533,911 R
1471 Abiodun Alexander LaE (#1388) 13,335$7,465,124 R
1474 Sergey Lyosha LaE (#1389) 13,270$7,439,088 R
1494 Terttu Talisha LaE (#1384) 17,623$6,811,827 F
1499 Frida Coby Reeta Medeia LaE (#1382) 17,742$6,646,199 F
1501 Selma Anasztzia LaE (#1383) 17,218$6,514,216 F
1805 ashes to ashley (#47)  Game profile 12,527$1,179,290 M
1820 sunny side of hell (#45)  Game profile 11,450$1,087,159 M
1821 save yourself (#52)  Game profile 11,416$1,084,788 M
1826 bed of flowers (#51)  Game profile 10,307$1,059,349 M
1836 diva de los muertos (#50)  Game profile 10,037$1,011,761 M
1840 the balancing act (#46)  Game profile 10,288$985,352 M
1842 october in the graveyard (#49)  Game profile 10,132$977,336 M
1844 prize fighter (#42)  Game profile 9743$966,833 M
1847 november (#43)  Game profile 10,038$954,423 M
1854 smile for the blade (#44)  Game profile 8994$910,829 M
1862 the exception to everything (#48)  Game profile 8848$814,805 M

Ranked countries: 172 (Show all countries)

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