ericownsyou5's country News on the Free For All Server

Nineteenth round: Feb 01, 2013 - Apr 02, 2013

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Showing Foreign Aid News

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Defending Spy Aid

Feb 28, 15:47
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
5,177,679 Bushels

Feb 28, 15:51
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
2,702,864 Bushels

Mar 03, 16:22
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
6,354,030 Bushels

Mar 03, 16:23
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
4,674,210 Bushels

Mar 04, 3:27
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
7,795,369 Bushels

Mar 04, 3:30
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
7,235,244 Bushels

Mar 04, 15:40
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
7,541,569 Bushels

Mar 04, 15:40
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
5,998,611 Bushels

Mar 05, 15:45
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
7,758,171 Bushels

Mar 05, 15:46
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
5,587,789 Bushels

Mar 05, 15:47
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
8,000,000 Bushels

Mar 05, 15:47
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
7,200,471 Bushels

Mar 06, 14:13
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
8,620,080 Bushels

Mar 06, 14:14
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
6,690,811 Bushels

Mar 06, 15:04
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
6,766,200 Bushels

Mar 06, 15:05
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
6,031,752 Bushels

Mar 07, 14:28
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1494). It contained:
7,954,820 Bushels

Mar 07, 14:28
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
9,615,398 Bushels

Mar 07, 23:13
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
5,599,512 Bushels

Mar 07, 23:15
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
4,961,057 Bushels

Mar 08, 15:03
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
10,622,719 Bushels

Mar 08, 22:12
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
306,426 Turrets
5,400,000 Bushels

Mar 08, 22:13
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
7,376,000 Bushels

Mar 09, 20:56
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
11,934,062 Bushels

Mar 09, 20:57
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
8,306,495 Bushels

Mar 09, 20:57
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
6,169,594 Bushels

Mar 10, 21:51
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
12,713,481 Bushels

Mar 10, 21:51
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
8,734,949 Bushels

Mar 10, 21:52
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
7,000,000 Bushels

Mar 12, 4:06
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
9,974,681 Bushels

Mar 12, 4:06
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
9,024,763 Bushels

Mar 12, 4:09
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
13,719,137 Bushels

Mar 13, 14:56
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
15,054,469 Bushels

Mar 13, 14:57
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
10,594,355 Bushels

Mar 13, 14:58
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
9,181,051 Bushels

Mar 14, 15:03
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
15,531,466 Bushels

Mar 14, 17:50
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
10,043,035 Bushels

Mar 14, 17:50
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
10,122,283 Bushels

Mar 15, 22:09
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
15,647,423 Bushels

Mar 15, 22:11
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
12,000,000 Bushels

Mar 15, 22:11
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
11,947,864 Bushels

Mar 17, 6:20
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
16,890,980 Bushels

Mar 17, 6:21
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
10,189,348 Bushels

Mar 17, 6:21
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
10,381,029 Bushels

Mar 18, 4:55
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
17,992,801 Bushels

Mar 18, 4:57
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
9,442,082 Bushels

Mar 18, 4:58
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
10,021,215 Bushels

Mar 19, 3:14
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
18,137,038 Bushels

Mar 19, 14:57
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
10,720,176 Bushels

Mar 19, 14:58
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
11,098,384 Bushels

Mar 20, 14:08
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
19,144,820 Bushels

Mar 20, 14:08
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
9,092,587 Bushels

Mar 20, 14:09
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
9,378,555 Bushels

Mar 21, 14:38
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
20,019,658 Bushels

Mar 21, 14:39
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
9,995,495 Bushels

Mar 21, 14:40
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
9,371,863 Bushels

Mar 22, 14:29
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
21,585,765 Bushels

Mar 22, 14:29
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
9,128,000 Bushels

Mar 22, 14:30
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
8,696,344 Bushels

Mar 23, 15:09
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1490). It contained:
22,000,000 Bushels

Mar 23, 15:09
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1493). It contained:
7,371,876 Bushels

Mar 23, 15:10
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1495). It contained:
7,877,205 Bushels

Apr 01, 21:59
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1491). It contained:
2,030,777 Troops
10,747,952 Jets
2,938,671 Turrets
580,045 Tanks

Apr 02, 23:05
You received a foreign aid package from n (#1491). It contained:
4,170,193 Troops
13,280,998 Jets
2,644,804 Turrets
1,269,543 Tanks