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Active countries: 3480
Currently Logged in: 193

Free For All Clan: Carpe Cerevisi (CC)

Forty-first round: Oct 05, 2016 - Dec 05, 2016
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 23
Total Networth Rank5 of 23
Average Networth Rank5 of 23
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 CC Wins (#365)  Game profile 318,681$4,608,503,449 DG
144 CC (#1849) 27,091$150,902,805 T
163 Carpe Cerevisi (#1767) 33,438$113,350,801 M
209 Carpe Cerevisi (#1772) 44,807$82,640,932 M
276 Carpe Cerevisi (#1771) 30,971$65,448,252 M
298 Carpe Cerevisi (#1760) 51,956$60,263,536 C
330 Carpe Cerevisi (#1761) 40,313$46,821,344 M
337 Carpe Cerevisi (#1764) 40,101$46,284,067 M
339 tombstone (#115) 64,588$45,986,514 T
348 Carpe Cerevisi (#1763) 43,495$44,298,760 M
350 tombstone (#49) 64,891$43,629,500 T
354 tombstone (#110) 64,503$43,251,424 T
355 tombstone (#114) 64,463$43,212,882 T
359 tombstone (#111) 64,613$42,746,260 T
366 tombstone (#113) 64,468$42,405,904 T
370 tombstone (#109) 64,944$41,864,186 T
375 tombstone (#112) 64,591$41,486,185 T
376 tombstone (#101) 64,683$41,378,295 T
379 tombstone (#102) 64,537$41,214,289 T
381 tombstone (#108) 64,585$41,145,089 T
385 tombstone (#103) 64,474$40,488,491 T
388 tombstone (#105) 64,640$39,812,072 T
392 tombstone (#104) 64,946$39,502,974 T
395 tombstone (#106) 64,782$39,197,849 T
396 Carpe Cerevisi (#1762) 46,410$38,907,860 M
400 tombstone (#107) 64,614$38,157,630 T
402 Carpe Cerevisi (#1765) 38,106$38,068,452 M
404 Carpe Cerevisi (#1766) 39,022$37,644,664 M
405 Carpe Cerevisi (#1757) 47,554$37,639,688 C
440 Carpe Cerevisi (#1758) 50,467$34,697,238 C
468 Carpe Cerevisi (#1769) 28,402$28,894,314 M
470 Carpe Cerevisi (#1768) 33,018$28,823,309 M
479 CC Wins (#354)  Game profile 59,283$27,797,682 T
480 CC Wins (#359)  Game profile 61,629$27,728,532 T
481 CC Wins (#362)  Game profile 59,676$27,670,855 T
484 CC Wins (#350)  Game profile 57,884$27,436,415 T
485 CC Wins (#356)  Game profile 58,367$27,345,335 T
486 CC Wins (#364)  Game profile 61,311$27,291,998 T
487 CC Wins (#355)  Game profile 58,550$27,255,893 T
488 CC Wins (#361)  Game profile 60,574$27,250,117 T
490 CC Wins (#353)  Game profile 58,424$27,032,116 T
491 CC Wins (#351)  Game profile 58,207$26,976,444 T
495 CC Wins (#357)  Game profile 59,447$26,744,461 T
496 CC Wins (#360)  Game profile 58,925$26,682,897 T
497 CC Wins (#363)  Game profile 59,589$26,619,282 T
498 CC Wins (#358)  Game profile 59,092$26,573,832 T
499 CC Wins (#352)  Game profile 57,928$26,507,444 T
513 Donald Trump (#1119) 41,209$24,384,688 T
522 Carpe Cerevisi (#1770) 25,402$22,921,386 M
523 Donald Trump (#1123) 41,489$22,812,351 T
524 Donald Trump (#1120) 41,058$22,715,301 T
526 Carpe Cerevisi (#1759) 38,681$22,531,897 C
528 Donald Trump (#1121) 40,730$22,344,079 T
529 Donald Trump (#1115) 40,846$22,307,366 T
530 Donald Trump (#1130) 40,848$22,087,471 T
531 Donald Trump (#1118) 41,084$22,023,241 T
532 Donald Trump (#1127) 40,746$21,986,578 T
533 Donald Trump (#1129) 42,152$21,966,436 T
535 Donald Trump (#1122) 40,591$21,923,526 T
536 Donald Trump (#1117) 40,600$21,906,391 T
537 Donald Trump (#1124) 43,280$21,817,575 T
539 Donald Trump (#1128) 41,416$21,606,043 T
543 Donald Trump (#1125) 40,391$20,959,189 T
548 Donald Trump (#1126) 40,683$20,380,849 T
549 Donald Trump (#1116) 40,780$20,197,706 T
2086 AquaView68 (#3343)  Game profile 2565$244,393 M

Total countries: 66

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