Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 4 - Nov 2
Active countries: 3522
Currently Logged in: 212

Free For All Clan: Spartans (Spartans)

Fifty-second round: Aug 07, 2018 - Oct 07, 2018
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 13
Total Networth Rank5 of 13
Average Networth Rank6 of 13
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
95 Scuffle (#1715) 41,521$167,784,045 H
99 ozzy (#2826) 37,168$158,650,764 H
130 Self (#1728) 41,282$111,587,221 H
145 kevin (#2822) 36,837$93,436,555 H
163 james (#2821) 37,405$85,721,894 H
179 bug (#2813) 36,019$79,305,521 H
184 Luces (#1725) 40,473$76,983,023 H
190 Clefs (#1720) 42,253$74,748,344 H
193 mother (#2824) 35,672$73,914,137 H
205 Clues (#1719) 39,499$71,271,166 H
209 eythyl (#2816) 36,425$66,622,601 H
211 Fuse (#1730) 37,774$65,301,163 H
214 pipsqueak (#2827) 35,401$62,891,585 H
240 Slue (#1729) 42,851$51,260,734 H
244 Cuffs (#1718) 41,502$49,805,314 H
245 Scuff (#1716) 39,065$49,796,490 H
248 nano (#2825) 35,903$49,404,159 H
250 ignore (#2820) 36,318$49,301,789 H
251 doobie (#2815) 35,955$49,072,057 H
252 crib (#2814) 36,312$48,508,774 H
253 holly (#2819) 37,181$48,183,098 H
254 less (#2823) 37,108$48,151,624 H
255 frito (#2817) 36,487$48,119,570 H
256 auck (#2812) 35,958$47,823,063 H
258 Cues (#1727) 39,504$47,747,538 H
259 Luffs (#1724) 39,000$47,658,881 H
263 Cels (#1726) 38,979$47,233,124 H
265 Flues (#1721) 40,482$46,833,399 H
267 garbage (#2818) 35,729$46,679,581 H
268 Fusel (#1723) 38,130$46,661,670 H
271 Sluff (#1717) 39,538$46,266,591 H
274 Fuels (#1722) 36,615$44,671,771 H

Total countries: 32

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