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Top Clans - Free For All

Next Reset Fifty-third round: Oct 07, 2018 - Dec 07, 2018 Prev Reset
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Top 16 (out of 16) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Multi Posse IMP 147 $24,580,848,535 $167,216,657
Insane Clowns w/ Dope FOCUS 157 $15,137,401,047 $96,416,567
Lords of ChAoS LoC 80 $11,888,724,642 $148,609,058
Natural Born Killers NBK 16 $7,244,569,526 $452,785,595
Primal PRIME 16 $836,847,925 $52,302,995
Uranus Consortium URANUS 16 $608,580,784 $38,036,299
Market MaRkEt 16 $267,468,824 $16,716,802
ReLic Hunter xXRHXx 16 $132,660,200 $8,291,263
Love Netgaining LOVE 16 $31,572,449 $1,973,278
NEW WORLD ORDER NEVERAL 16 $6,847,639 $427,977
Demos DEM 2 $4,159,228 $415,923
Tripicle Storms and Hurricanes TSH 16 $2,620,319 $163,770
Cream Cheese Cream 1 $632,657 $63,266
Chicago Bears BEARS 16 $461,518 $28,845
FFOKCUF FFOKCUF 16 $268,897 $16,806
Clan X 12 1 $4717 $472

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