Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 4 - Nov 2
Active countries: 3645
Currently Logged in: 209

Free For All Clan: US Space Force (USSF)

Sixty-third round: Jun 08, 2020 - Aug 07, 2020
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 15
Total Networth Rank8 of 15
Average Networth Rank7 of 15
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
212 And you and I (#2971) 31,198$57,936,532 H
857 Awaken (#2972) 13,591$25,966,202 M
1429 Cans and Brahms (#2973) 13,611$19,374,283 M
1462 Love will find a way (#2985) 13,675$17,465,815 M
1477 Five percent for nothing (#2977) 13,637$16,531,191 M
1478 Close to the edge (#2975) 13,519$16,469,607 M
1479 Into the lens (#2981) 13,710$16,450,452 M
1480 Ive seen all good people (#2980) 13,593$16,397,496 M
1481 mood for a day (#2986) 13,559$16,370,661 M
1484 Long distance runaround (#2984) 13,606$16,338,943 M
1485 Fly from here (#2978) 13,578$16,280,055 M
1487 Does it really happen (#2976) 13,417$16,221,578 M
1488 Changes (#2974) 13,898$16,183,389 M
1489 It can happen (#2982) 13,444$16,170,058 M
1492 Heart of the Sunrise (#2979) 13,566$16,126,625 M
1509 Leave it (#2983) 13,624$15,217,236 M

Total countries: 16

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