Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 8 - Apr 6
Active countries: 2543
Currently Logged in: 176

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Sixty-seventh round: Feb 08, 2021 - Apr 09, 2021 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2746 countries in the Free For All server.

1 (#1116)  Game profile 180$2,114,721,209 HG LoC
2 Fairies wear boots (#2166) 1208$1,968,103,697 HG xICDx
3 Feyenoord (#709) 83,272$1,957,112,949 H rebelNBK
4 Its a long way to the top (#2174) 813$1,905,587,304 HG LoC
5 If you wanna rock and roll (#2178) 1032$1,845,051,848 HG LoC
6 Daffy Duck (#644)  Game profile 61$1,687,770,938 H LoC
7 Bugs Bunny (#645)  Game profile 61$1,679,727,111 HG LoC
8 Elmer Fudd (#646)  Game profile 61$1,665,883,352 HG LoC
9 Yosemite Sam (#647)  Game profile 12$1,622,697,111 HG LoC
10 Children of the grave (#2170) 85$1,477,887,031 HG xICDx
11 KeeBrady (#1873) 71,883$1,472,146,248 DG rebelNBK
12 Essence of Tumescence (#1502)  Game profile 100$1,465,085,283 HG IMP
13 Foghorn Leghorn (#648)  Game profile 36$1,355,435,153 HG LoC
14 Sylvester (#649)  Game profile 61$1,350,724,676 HG LoC
15 Porky Pig (#651)  Game profile 61$1,339,733,248 HG LoC
16 Princess Ann (#1503)  Game profile 89$1,333,593,542 HG IMP
17 Marvin The Martian (#650)  Game profile 61$1,328,140,758 HG LoC
18 NBKFFA4TEEN (#176)  Game profile 76,875$1,164,959,721 D rebelNBK
19 KeeBrady (#1869) 70,201$970,539,508 DG rebelNBK
20 KeeBrady (#1874) 68,726$849,179,008 DG rebelNBK
21 KeeBrady (#1871) 67,201$839,060,812 HG rebelNBK
22 NBKFFASEV (#169)  Game profile 75,947$816,265,256 D rebelNBK
23 KeeBrady (#1870) 66,660$797,844,880 HG rebelNBK
24 KeeBrady (#1865) 69,729$796,698,024 DG rebelNBK
25 Roadrunner (#656)  Game profile 91,238$736,964,279 D LoC
26 Tasmanian Devil (#653)  Game profile 91,127$726,274,439 D LoC
27 Speedy Gonzales (#655)  Game profile 91,157$723,465,046 D LoC
28 Please Rise Before Standing (#614)  Game profile 47,363$715,692,439 D rebelNBK
29 Wile E Coyote (#657)  Game profile 91,148$713,263,390 D LoC
30 Tweety (#654)  Game profile 90,923$712,003,925 D LoC
31 Pepe Le Pew (#652)  Game profile 90,974$709,340,380 D LoC
32 FEAR N0TH1NG (#1477) 665,959$699,880,765 F IMP
33 (#1114)  Game profile 20,462$693,040,667 H LoC
34 (#1112)  Game profile 18,397$689,900,142 H LoC
35 Barnyard Dawg (#658)  Game profile 91,379$683,543,870 D LoC
36 (#1113)  Game profile 14,898$677,856,166 H LoC
37 (#2487) 120$677,175,699 H xICDx
38 Lola Bunny (#659)  Game profile 91,010$676,528,151 D LoC
39 (#1115)  Game profile 21,161$663,099,526 H LoC
40 NBKFFATWELVE (#174)  Game profile 75,767$505,201,221 D rebelNBK
41 NBKFFATHREE (#165)  Game profile 76,577$494,554,350 D rebelNBK
42 NBKFFAEIGHT (#170)  Game profile 76,078$489,269,386 D rebelNBK
43 NBKFFAELEV (#173)  Game profile 75,770$479,856,571 D rebelNBK
44 Furocity Radio (#13) 47,997$469,753,636 DG IMP
45 NBKFFANINE (#171)  Game profile 76,229$465,587,991 D rebelNBK
46 Furocity Radio (#8) 45,464$460,470,549 DG IMP
47 Furocity Radio (#7) 46,577$454,634,660 DG IMP
48 Furocity Radio (#10) 44,567$452,582,161 DG IMP
49 Furocity Radio (#12) 46,543$452,103,829 DG IMP
50 HOTA (#2300)  Game profile 50,680$449,207,513 H HOTA
51 NBKFFATEN (#172)  Game profile 77,094$448,359,202 D rebelNBK
52 NBKFFAONE (#163)  Game profile 76,346$446,682,653 D rebelNBK
53 NBKFFATWO (#164)  Game profile 76,047$445,068,495 D rebelNBK
54 (#563) 68,253$442,921,410 H rebelNBK
55 NBKFFA5TEEN (#177)  Game profile 76,169$439,424,146 D rebelNBK
56 NBKFFA6TEEN (#178)  Game profile 76,469$438,643,582 D rebelNBK
57 Furocity Radio (#6) 44,493$435,197,030 DG IMP
58 (#560) 65,883$434,576,538 H rebelNBK
59 NBKFFAFOUR (#166)  Game profile 76,312$431,488,781 D rebelNBK
60 (#555) 64,108$430,909,209 H rebelNBK
61 Desperate Measures (#1504)  Game profile 83,065$429,342,031 DG IMP
62 (#565) 67,374$428,319,029 H rebelNBK
63 (#553) 61,738$427,793,546 H rebelNBK
64 (#564) 70,862$427,703,431 H rebelNBK
65 NBKFFASIX (#168)  Game profile 75,600$426,633,544 D rebelNBK
66 NBKFFAFIVE (#167)  Game profile 76,096$425,042,613 D rebelNBK
67 (#562) 65,767$422,007,367 H rebelNBK
68 WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM (#1505)  Game profile 81,561$421,257,812 DG IMP
69 NBKFFA3TEEN (#175)  Game profile 76,492$420,039,998 D rebelNBK
70 I Like You But Youre Crazy (#1509)  Game profile 80,970$415,496,041 DG IMP
71 That Boy Good (#1508)  Game profile 81,330$412,816,737 DG IMP
72 (#561) 62,664$411,045,316 H rebelNBK
73 Furocity Radio (#9) 43,107$410,342,212 DG IMP
74 (#559) 68,585$408,387,300 H rebelNBK
75 There IS No Tomorrow (#1507)  Game profile 81,764$405,909,040 DG IMP
76 (#566) 66,177$404,048,383 H rebelNBK
77 Furocity Radio (#5) 39,303$401,876,122 DG IMP
78 (#556) 68,373$400,643,289 H rebelNBK
79 (#552) 65,400$392,828,743 H rebelNBK
80 (#567) 62,936$392,678,231 H rebelNBK
81 (#558) 65,313$390,419,656 H rebelNBK
82 (#557) 63,337$382,121,061 H rebelNBK
83 Who Touched My Butt (#1506)  Game profile 82,680$364,080,957 DG IMP
84 Furocity Radio (#15) 271,764$357,722,743 CG IMP
85 (#554) 62,724$348,740,740 H rebelNBK
86 Furocity Radio (#11) 48,488$348,125,290 DG IMP
87 Furocity Radio (#14) 276,213$341,693,722 CG IMP
88 Furocity Radio (#4) 42,899$341,050,900 DG IMP
89 Furocity Radio (#17) 275,977$332,875,084 CG IMP
90 Furocity Radio (#16) 269,934$323,032,770 CG IMP
91 X G0N G1VE 1T T0 YA (#1580) 433,628$320,971,707 C IMP
92 Habitual Linestepping Offsider (#1164) 404,519$315,824,001 C IMP
93 Tom Brady (#1187) 411,448$307,290,036 C IMP
94 Captain America (#1721) 101,686$300,187,450 H IMP
95 Furocity Radio (#2) 39,414$299,122,244 DG IMP
96 KeeBrady (#1864) 70,569$293,700,446 HG rebelNBK
97 (#1122)  Game profile 254,807$292,288,665 R LoC
98 (#1121)  Game profile 253,949$292,062,340 R LoC
99 (#1123)  Game profile 253,482$291,512,974 R LoC
100 (#1117)  Game profile 252,097$289,851,757 R LoC

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