Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 26 - Mar 2
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Feb 26 - Apr 26
Feb 5 - Mar 6
Active countries: 2446
Currently Logged in: 191

Free For All Clan: IMP honors MasterC (IMP)

Seventh round: Jan 25, 2011 - Mar 27, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 41
Total Networth Rank3 of 41
Average Networth Rank13 of 41
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
203 Number One (#1915) 16,666$28,601,927 IG
245 Abomination (#142) 16,001$23,240,731 F
253 Nimrod (#147) 17,554$22,391,772 T
255 Doctor Doom (#151) 16,038$22,138,079 F
260 James (#1925) 16,666$21,866,565 IG
261 Mister Sinister (#139) 16,489$21,697,322 F
275 Atlantis 5 (#1320) 27,299$20,807,438 F
278 Atlantis 16 (#1331) 26,489$20,744,147 F
280 Sandman (#138) 19,618$20,717,446 R
283 Atlantis 6 (#1321) 27,022$20,648,148 F
284 Mandarin (#140) 16,141$20,585,550 DG
290 Atlantis 11 (#1326) 27,211$20,338,146 F
296 Atlantis 15 (#1330) 26,590$20,036,819 F
303 Ultron (#137) 13,996$19,793,907 F
325 budes umirat mrcha (#310) 14,624$18,458,262 F
326 Quarters (#6992)  Game profile 13,298$18,356,413 F
330 David Berkowitz (#71) 14,065$18,181,673 DG
344 Atlantis 10 (#1325) 26,969$17,656,023 F
360 Now where to go (#1929) 16,666$16,682,229 IG
361 Mean Machine (#1928) 16,666$16,596,624 IG
362 Atlantis 1 (#1316) 12,104$16,367,589 T
365 Abraham (#1916) 16,666$16,245,586 IG
370 Henrich (#1923) 16,666$16,154,990 IG
371 Lord Valtemort (#1927) 16,666$16,106,027 IG
378 Atlantis 3 (#1318) 15,450$15,950,824 T
379 Frankenstein (#1921) 16,666$15,934,862 IG
380 Dr Death (#1919) 16,666$15,926,628 IG
381 Isaiah (#1924) 16,666$15,880,648 IG
383 Cardasein (#1918) 16,666$15,821,555 IG
384 Graverobber (#1922) 16,666$15,787,440 IG
390 Elizabeth (#1920) 16,666$15,584,125 IG
391 kevin (#1926) 16,666$15,578,654 IG
395 Beowulf (#1917) 16,666$15,425,217 IG
414 stai per morire cagna (#336) 13,067$14,924,118 F
432 du wirst sterben hundin (#333) 13,417$14,322,953 F
440 Apocalypse (#145) 10,531$13,849,204 C
442 itis canis mori (#337) 11,219$13,725,185 F
458 je gaat sterven hoer (#311) 11,678$12,894,536 F
482 Sanctarenubs (#7392)  Game profile 12,126$12,048,633 F
483 puta hil egingo duzun (#308) 10,502$11,932,882 F
491 3221 (#2513) 10,647$11,833,947 F
495 Anda akan mati jalang (#335) 10,194$11,720,228 F
506 aiot kuolla narttu (#314) 10,662$11,487,312 F
507 Lets Give the Boy a Hand (#592) 14,051$11,416,518 I
510 Supercross (#94) 17,836$11,351,758 I
511 Truth Be Told (#599) 13,900$11,280,735 I
512 An Inconvenient Lie (#603) 13,613$11,260,545 I
515 Return to Sender (#594) 11,443$11,116,819 I
516 vas a morir perra (#307) 10,813$11,072,906 F
521 Flat Track (#100) 12,275$10,993,090 R
538 SeeThrough (#604) 6938$10,639,455 I
541 Waiting to Exhale (#602) 13,668$10,560,086 I
556 Michael (#647)  Game profile 10,155$10,281,719 C
563 Born Free (#600) 12,051$10,157,921 I
570 Freestyle (#99) 10,608$10,087,546 R
571 Motocross (#96) 13,851$10,022,105 F
582 Its Alive (#601) 12,946$9,682,206 I
583 Cujo (#826) 13,433$9,674,351 T
588 pLow YOU (#5490) 12,265$9,608,341 F
599 Popping Cherry (#591) 5965$9,299,477 I
606 site (#793) 15,598$9,082,539 R
613 Titanium (#6935) 12,230$8,883,031 DG
618 Father Knows Best (#597) 8280$8,734,822 I
619 Salems Lot (#822) 13,334$8,672,130 I
636 lskdfjdslkfjs (#2617) 15,858$8,338,803 I
638 toonies (#7349)  Game profile 12,396$8,271,155 C
645 The Stand (#824) 11,187$8,057,471 I
646 loonies (#7225)  Game profile 12,546$7,989,951 C
652 Revenge of Titanium (#6990) 12,080$7,780,368 DG
659 i (#779) 15,005$7,669,186 C
661 I am Your Misery (#7172) 11,480$7,597,288 DG
672 Titanium Seeks Cyber Blood (#6991) 11,480$7,308,991 DG
679 Circle of Friends (#595) 8622$7,142,507 I
680 Inherent Narcassistic (#7171) 11,480$7,098,459 DG
684 Likelihood of Your Desemation (#7170) 11,467$7,027,365 DG
691 Your Misfortune (#7167) 11,430$6,918,763 DG
699 Dimes (#6994)  Game profile 12,805$6,693,838 F
725 Chrono Crusade (#1512) 8744$6,092,337 C
727 Sanctarenubs (#7394)  Game profile 12,006$6,086,040 F
728 Aussie Pete II (#1513) 8618$6,076,496 C
737 SC (#1969) 3495$5,953,775 I
738 Nickels (#6993)  Game profile 12,254$5,948,917 F
741 Carrie (#821) 11,008$5,938,385 I
748 pennies (#7224)  Game profile 12,712$5,793,035 F
752 Sanctarenubs (#7395)  Game profile 12,032$5,591,186 F
756 Sanctarenubs (#7398)  Game profile 12,236$5,495,941 F
757 The Shining (#823) 9407$5,482,101 I
760 Its More Fun When Your Crazy (#7169) 10,930$5,440,255 DG
762 Sanctarenubs (#7393)  Game profile 11,880$5,424,615 F
764 Sanctarenubs (#7396)  Game profile 11,951$5,407,799 F
766 For the Retarded (#1517) 8430$5,398,885 T
767 Atlantis 17 (#6961) 8450$5,358,797 T
770 THE DISCO EXORCIST (#1514) 8814$5,299,654 D
771 Your Guilty Pleasures (#1516) 8017$5,299,624 T
779 Sanctarenubs (#7397)  Game profile 11,927$5,205,909 F
792 The End of Your Future (#7168) 11,480$5,024,598 DG
812 Iron Man (#7388) 10,908$4,750,896 H
819 Wasp (#7390) 10,529$4,696,030 H
821 cop (#6893) 12,769$4,683,052 T
824 Ant Man (#7391) 10,858$4,663,026 H
840 Atlantis 19 (#6963) 10,995$4,495,204 T
850 Thor (#7386) 9896$4,314,296 H
853 Atlantis 21 (#6966) 10,168$4,298,657 T
855 Atlantis 18 (#6962) 10,580$4,268,040 T
868 Hulk (#7634) 8393$4,082,867 T
870 AngusThickburger onlyatHardees (#1357) 8462$4,049,606 R
879 NebulusRfactor (#3942) 7689$3,961,842 R
882 Atlantis 20 (#6964) 10,386$3,929,643 T
893 Atlantis 22 (#7750) 8051$3,770,020 T
909 Miami (#1967) 6429$3,524,564 C
911 Captain America (#7385) 7536$3,446,812 H
920 Infection (#2162) 8203$3,337,043 C
921 kop (#6896) 9626$3,331,086 R
925 the normal one is insane (#1806) 6635$3,270,495 R
929 We love to see you smile (#1355) 6771$3,252,520 R
931 bob (#6891) 9930$3,227,591 R
934 Deranged (#2106) 6564$3,171,285 F
936 Kill Me Again (#7096) 4988$3,165,111 T
939 mop (#6894) 9843$3,142,722 R
943 Peggy Lou Baldwin (#6821)  Game profile 9440$3,097,434 D
954 pol (#6889) 9253$2,904,292 R
975 Agateophobia (#1665) 6260$2,716,259 C
976 kasut (#7443) 10,181$2,714,731 R
981 Nuts (#2104) 6563$2,637,742 F
983 tap (#6895) 8575$2,608,763 C
984 Demented (#2102) 6144$2,582,705 F
987 oil for pLow (#6941) 8610$2,580,529 F
988 Herr Conditioning (#1832)  Game profile 7022$2,578,269 F
989 Crazy (#2101) 7564$2,567,026 F
990 lop (#6890) 9251$2,565,830 R
992 Kill Me Again (#7095) 4522$2,555,203 T
995 i (#6886) 9602$2,529,720 R
998 LOLSanct (#7382) 4638$2,471,748 T
1004 LOLSanct (#7381) 4278$2,446,023 T
1005 Atlantis 23 (#7830) 6429$2,438,835 T
1006 New England Patriots (#7835) 6540$2,436,754 T
1011 I love lamp (#7561) 9491$2,399,237 F
1015 I M P (#6817) 5782$2,378,344 F
1018 my (#6879)  Game profile 9539$2,370,793 D
1019 Havoc (#7638) 8227$2,369,372 F
1023 Go Away Snow (#7292) 7933$2,346,877 F
1026 Fo Reelz (#7288) 6912$2,327,096 F
1029 Atlantis 24 (#7961) 5661$2,314,012 F
1033 I M P (#6819) 5987$2,301,681 F
1034 Off my rocker (#2103) 5431$2,293,700 F
1038 muka (#7442) 9329$2,264,665 R
1039 Agliophobia (#1666) 5675$2,263,076 C
1041 I M P (#6815) 6602$2,256,021 F
1054 country (#6880)  Game profile 9642$2,120,635 D
1055 I M P (#6816) 5868$2,110,017 F
1057 lo (#6887) 8524$2,093,079 C
1061 I M P (#6814) 6125$2,069,351 F
1068 fubar (#6884)  Game profile 10,492$2,038,990 F
1069 kote lembu (#7439) 7876$2,038,391 R
1070 SoftNcUddLy (#7044)  Game profile 10,944$2,032,434 F
1073 HellYea (#7091)  Game profile 10,685$2,025,055 F
1074 got (#6881)  Game profile 10,263$2,024,628 F
1076 SteelersMakeMeSad (#7344)  Game profile 9913$2,013,032 F
1080 Mary Lucinda Saunders Dorsett (#6825)  Game profile 9212$1,997,175 D
1086 on (#6883)  Game profile 10,052$1,925,584 F
1088 full (#7313)  Game profile 10,525$1,922,240 F
1098 on (#7314)  Game profile 9871$1,869,975 F
1100 nancy (#7357)  Game profile 9831$1,866,860 F
1104 poke koko (#7440) 7344$1,846,759 R
1114 Plague (#6807) 9511$1,786,768 F
1123 IMP (#6812) 3979$1,746,008 F
1135 Plague (#6808) 8776$1,680,119 F
1147 Plague (#6917) 8661$1,579,818 F
1154 Plague (#6804) 9450$1,550,229 F
1156 kulit (#7441) 7772$1,524,537 R
1157 your beer is my beer (#6897) 6682$1,506,363 F
1162 Plague (#6809) 8106$1,478,046 F
1169 Flaming Skulls (#1791)  Game profile 6285$1,424,265 F
1175 Think outside the bun (#6930) 7382$1,399,856 F
1183 Plague (#6959) 9159$1,363,659 R
1184 ROF4 (#6923) 1232$1,357,414 T
1194 LOLSanct (#7383) 1926$1,328,994 T
1199 Plague (#6805) 7496$1,323,663 F
1203 Plague (#6810) 8025$1,303,199 F
1204 Plague (#6918) 8605$1,303,031 F
1206 Plague (#7181) 7837$1,295,087 F
1219 Plague (#6849) 8203$1,254,496 F
1223 ROF6 (#6925) 1197$1,239,660 T
1229 doh (#6870)  Game profile 2580$1,222,114 F
1242 SlagHopper (#7403)  Game profile 8148$1,147,120 F
1254 kitty kitty (#6979) 6725$1,091,086 F
1256 SanctWillBeXtinct (#7405)  Game profile 8628$1,077,545 F
1264 llaar (#7010)  Game profile 1948$1,038,781 F
1282 ThomasTheTwat (#7404)  Game profile 7870$918,585 F
1283 Go to bed Fred (#7133)  Game profile 994$916,116 F
1289 YouGetNothingYouLose (#7184) 6655$895,734 F
1294 Mother Nature gone Wild (#7157)  Game profile 920$880,647 F
1300 Tom Cruise (#2368) 3728$861,000 F
1310 Sanctffail (#7431) 6006$813,197 F
1331 Redemption (#7940) 4602$739,490 F
1364 erased again (#7432) 4805$632,399 F
1376 Andy Capp (#7259) 4101$609,710 M
1380 okay freaks (#7098)  Game profile 1318$599,193 F
1383 Little Island Annie (#6869)  Game profile 4027$589,394 F
1391 Beatle Bailey (#7260) 3536$565,112 M
1442 oh my pLow (#6943) 4492$375,475 FG
1461 im out of pLow (#6952) 4232$333,676 FG
1470 GO GO POWER RANGERS (#6903) 3057$307,968 F
1474 oh pLowmas tree (#6949) 3959$301,916 FG
1475 I blame work (#6797) 3192$301,215 C
1487 Work is why i died (#6799) 3139$279,811 C
1489 fucking slowness (#6967) 3354$275,071 C
1499 Mr pLow to you (#6946) 2262$242,234 TG
1521 meanies (#7099)  Game profile 1761$214,083 F
1538 I love lamp (#6904) 2522$192,881 F
1554 nuttin up my sleeve (#7355)  Game profile 1717$176,771 F
1563 yur mom is calling you (#7160)  Game profile 1752$167,953 F
1565 NO timbits 4 U (#7241)  Game profile 1700$166,445 F
1576 ROF3 (#6922) 1685$159,297 T
1582 another pLow (#6953) 1976$150,848 FG
1586 holy pLow (#6951) 1921$148,295 FG
1612 wham bam pLow (#6947) 1853$133,021 FG
1708 knock knock (#7158)  Game profile 948$85,886 F
1797 I go out on Friday night (#7375) 771$55,362 R
1811 ROF10 (#6929) 545$48,992 M
1813 ROF7 (#6926) 515$48,391 M
1838 How did you know that (#7374) 582$42,210 R
1848 lsdfjslkjfdsl (#2619) 555$40,662 F
1849 ROF9 (#6928) 438$40,584 M
1856 ROF8 (#6927) 431$38,433 M
1858 sdlkjfdsklfj (#2628) 544$37,959 R
1860 lsdflkjdsklfj (#2621) 575$37,271 M
1861 and play this game (#7377) 570$37,049 M
1862 lsdfkljsdklfj (#2626) 520$36,862 R
1864 slkjfdsklfj (#2627) 516$36,674 R
1870 lsfdlkdjsfkljsd (#2624) 541$35,648 M
1873 llkdsjfldskj (#2622) 534$35,388 M
1876 while you stay at home (#7376) 516$34,511 M
1877 I am proud I couldnt stone (#7378) 508$34,217 M
1878 lsdjfsdkljfsl (#2623) 505$34,095 M
1884 olsdfjsdlfjs (#2625) 475$32,708 M
1913 lsdjflsdjfsl (#2620) 460$28,826 F
2015 More Green Acres (#6913) 225$16,639 F
2025 More Green Acres (#6914) 217$16,259 F
2027 More Green Acres (#6911) 216$16,214 F
2029 More Green Acres (#6912) 215$16,169 F
2036 More Green Acres (#6910) 211$15,982 F
2045 More Green Acres (#6908) 203$15,251 F
2048 More Green Acres (#6909) 204$14,986 F
2052 More Green Acres (#6906) 209$14,680 F
2054 More Green Acres (#6907) 207$14,578 F
2269 Beer is for breakfast (#7045) 120$5617 M
2270 drink or begone (#7046) 120$5617 M
3030 Droid over iPhone (#7334) 100$4717 M
3058 IfIFSandBUTSwere (#7553) 100$4717 M
3059 candyandnutswedhave (#7554) 100$4717 M
3060 amerrychristmasthisyear (#7555) 100$4717 M
3079 To the crazy person (#7717) 100$4717 M
3146 pIMP (#8005) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 254 (Show all countries)

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