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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 21 (out of 21) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Clownz with Dope xICDx 56 $25,598,255,820 $457,111,711
Natural Born Killers NBK 128 $12,757,626,580 $99,668,958
Lords of Chaos LoC 98 $5,796,746,563 $59,150,475
DoNotAttack DNA 16 $1,677,024,319 $104,814,020
Yoda Yoda 6 $1,189,322,088 $118,932,209
Wings over fire WoF 16 $265,266,459 $16,579,154
Pandora Last Vikings Panlv 3 $235,186,700 $23,518,670
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 8 $209,689,423 $20,968,942
FUBAR FUBAR 16 $183,414,478 $11,463,405
Large Igneous Province LIP 1 $118,207,766 $11,820,777
Crayola CRAY 16 $52,277,706 $3,267,357
ARMYxIMP ARMYxIMP 4 $43,551,247 $4,355,125
Dark Water Dark 4 $43,253,210 $4,325,321
PeacefulNetter PeaceNet 6 $21,618,597 $2,161,860
Snake eyes DICE 5 $9,837,268 $983,727
llaar is god llaarGOD 16 $1,828,173 $114,261
WAR WAR99 3 $1,039,016 $103,902
Stop Misrepresenting The Book 1984 16 $763,683 $47,730
INSANE MULTI POSSE IMP 16 $478,672 $29,917
DOC DOC 7 $162,915 $16,292
asdasd asd 1 $23,191 $2319

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