
dagga Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 2:15:42

After all the bleating about how SOL "blindsides" netting alliances, and how this is bad for the game, you decide to wage a grudge war and trot out some bullfluff about how SOL was about to FS you. Then there was the one about how SOL was spreading rumours "around the whole server". Proof of this was down to trusting the word of Pangaea - a stretch at the best of times.

It would be funny if they weren't trying to keep a straight face while extolling this rubbish.

Maybe the noble and bullied leaders of LaF can enlighten me, but I just don't get what you are trying to achieve. If we were to hit you, again, being a smaller alliance and clearly aggrieved over the way we "blindsided" you poor souls last set, you would have been completely free to call in the kitchen sink, the fridge and the freezer in assistance. I don't think anyone in the game would have begrudged you that. Now you've just backed yourselves into a rather large corner and your cry baby leaders start to sound a bit hollow when on-cue they whinge and complain about being picked on (see: Pangaeaer and haxor wanger)

You can't have it both ways and it really seems you are trying to do that with your hallucinatory ramblings about phantom first strikes and whisper campaigns started by SOL, the alliance who you probably pegged to assassinating both the Kennedy brothers and Marilyn Monroe. You're taking a huge risk with your members who expect to netgain most of the time, should have netgained this reset, and I would think they are going to need some SERIOUS explanation if you can't put up a decent showing for at least a bit longer than your white flag capitulation last reset.

It's going to be fun.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Steeps Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 2:22:25

...I thought the kennedies were us?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 26th 2010, 2:48:42

So LaF leaders are lying, but we should trust SOL leaders and dagga? zzz

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 26th 2010, 2:56:17

ya... what slag said

dagga should stop trying to present his distortions as facts, as no one really buys it.... except those who were drinking the koolaid all along.

why does SoL have to try and make everything so drama filled? This is a war we can all sit back and enjoy... i called that this kind of crap spewing would start (from SoL) in another thread. It's unfortunate, but expected.

Edited By: Pang on Oct 26th 2010, 2:59:11
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 3:18:15

grudge war?

i think 1 person was for that

most other people were 'lets just let sol do their own coalition war thing this set and war them again in a few sets, its not as though sol would turns down a war'

if laf was too stupid to see sol would war over the slightest provocation last set then assuming sol really didnt want to war laf this set sol was too stupid to see laf would be paranoid about being fs'd over not much again this set and would try and act first

with sol having such low average land from the tech phase and not trying to grow much we figured they had to move soon, so our choice was either try to go before they were fully ready, or try to avoid any reason for them to war until a couple of weeks later when they would hopefully find someone else to do

last set i really believe sol chose a deliberately silly retal policy and waited for the fight to come to them, this set we were too concerned sol might hit us anyway even if we deliberately didnt provide a reason

perhaps we underestimated the NA/SOL tensions given what NA people have been saying about sol abusing na's country:country policy

but that relied on sof who seem to be working with sol (good enough terms to police if nothing else) and were expected to hit NA, im still wondering if sof will hit na on tuesday since thats when sol say they were planning to be ready

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 3:47:20

who knows.. now LaF is doomed to GDI restartness.. and no netting.. not sure why a clan would want to FS the same clan they FS'd the set before.. ahwwell.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

locket Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 4:51:11

Junky, I am pretty sure we all just figured it was Sol's goal to be fluffs and ruin a 2nd set in a row with a blindside. The lack of pact signing made no sense otherwise. Believe me I talked to H4 about that like 2-3 times and he couldn't understand why sol would want to hit us after beating on us the set before but he had to assume it was going to happen.

And even I agree it was either us or NA as I said earlier so....

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 5:18:37

I don't think Sol has ever warred a clan they FS'd the set before... why would we start now..
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 26th 2010, 5:23:28


Who wants to be the one to tell him?

locket Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 5:23:42

I don't know your history :P heck i didnt play for multiple years ;) But it has appeared like war clans are determined to be fluffs lately so it makes sense. And you fought evo multiple sets in a row till their membership was halved i think? But meh. Lets end this this set and move on :P

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:00:05

getting FS'd, is a pretty good reason to FS someone.

I just wish the Leaders would man up and say... I didn't like what happened last reset... so I'm making it up this reset. "trucies" after this.. I got no problems getting over this set, war is war.. I don't need to hear, "we heard from a friends neighbors, uncles, nieces, child... that you weres gonna FS us... possibly.. so this is why we are attacking you now."

you know.. just say, hey... this is for your blind side last reset. enjoy.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

locket Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:05:03

Well from anything our leaders had heard it is the truth dude. They can't say it any other way. Do you think we would have so few missiles if we had planned to war? That none of us would have had war techs for most of the set? This isn't over last set, it is because we felt you would hit us.

Erian Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:28:25

I only come back and play seriously when I believe we will be warring. Sorry dagga, I'll keep coming back for more :)

dagga Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:31:55

So the community should accept this as a reason to FS now?

When next set, someone trots out some bullfluff line that mrford's three legged dog barked four times on a Sunday so that meant they were about to be attacked by SOL!

Let's be grown ups. A grudge war is a grudge war. We're cool with that - what is not cool is that LaF is trying to take the moral high ground. I think this tactic is mostly to hoodwink their rank-and-file members, who should rightly be infuriated.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:35:03

Originally posted by locket:
Well from anything our leaders had heard it is the truth dude. They can't say it any other way. Do you think we would have so few missiles if we had planned to war? That none of us would have had war techs for most of the set? This isn't over last set, it is because we felt you would hit us.

probly.. whens the last time you guys warr'd... you know how to use them right??
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

dagga Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:37:14

"Last set SoL told LaF not to sit back and wait to get FS'ed.... now they're complaining that we did what they said? Come on.... at least troll us consistently. " - Pangaearr

You probably removed that from your post because you realised it was wrong. All of a sudden it looks like you might have to step down off your morality soap box Pangaer and come up with another excuse for your poorly represented members.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 6:37:34

or if you want to get even more abstract

because of what we considered to be your trivial justification for a war last set wed rather take the risk of hitting you when you wernt going to hit us than get hit by you again

its not like sol made any attempt to reassure laf we wernt going to get hit again, unlike last reset when there was that whole 'were friends we just dont have a dp' thing

and i dont follow the pacts all that much but we figured once SoF hit NA we were the only one for SOL left to hit

maybe pdm+someone else i forget but that didnt seem likely

then there was a bit of strangeness with elysium, and elysium working with sol last set, plus an ely country with a sol name possibly playing as a retaliator and one country of ours grabbing elysium way too much we also considered that elysium would be upset about us grabbing them again and do the retaliatory topfeeding which last set caused laf to kill ely, then this set i thought there was a high likelihood sol would come in for ely at that point

putting us down another 7-8 countries

last set sol finished at 52 and ely at 5, so 57 total, i think laf started at 65? and this set being behind in numbers already, but probably with a better activity rate that was a concern too

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:39:58

not complaining here.. just doing a good Ol Fashion Trash talk war banter.. all in good fun.. I've died plenty of times in war.. I remember dying 3-4 times one time in a single war set.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 6:40:25

if laf didnt think sol was going to hit us we would have waited to hit you for 2-3 more weeks if it was our desire to war

and if it was really about revenge against sol even sol going to war in the meantime wouldnt have concerned us :P

dagga Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:45:19

enshula, you come across a little slow and it's hard to read what you write - I will have to assume English is your second language.

Just to clear a few things up.

- We fought you last reset because we don't like your bully boy land policies.

- We are not going to give away DP's like candy. Pangaea was probably one of the game admins telling alliances to stop pacting out the whole server so we could have more meaningful wars/landgrabbing - hypocrisy.

- So you assume SoF are hitting NA - where is this amazing crystal ball? Is it in haxor wanger's bedroom? Can it predict the next coming of Jesus?

- Your paragraph about an Elysium country baffles me. An amazing jumble of rubbish.

- Nice spin on country numbers. Both alliances gained members. LaF had about a 35% country advantage and a very solid NW advantage.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Junky Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 6:45:31

or would it.. the thirst for vengence.. everyone gets it.. even lil clans, so yea.. chances are you guys were hoping the have a good FS, to knock SOL to its feet, and try to use the advantage of numbers + net to keep get your restarts back up into the mid range.. blah blah blah.. trolling right now....
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 6:58:42

bully boy land policy?

land:land and 48 hour retal policy i assume

from what i remember the war actually started over one grab and retal and retal on retal exchange

with the policy outlier being sol's escalating 72 hour alliance wide retals

laf might want a dp im not sure, my recall is we were DP's 2 sets ago, dropped by you last set, told dont worry about it, and were trying to get unap/dnh/nap with you this set rather than DP

also last set i think we were happy with the idea of being dropped because h4 in particular wants less pacts and more grabbing between tags until we got FS'd of course

i assume sof's hitting NA, i might be wrong, perhaps NA owes us big time for stopping a sol vs na war, we will see, and its likely sof is going to war soon

i dont remember what laf got to last set in country numbers, its only easy to see what each tag finished with, but sol was running untagged restarts so appeared to have lower numbers than laf for much of the war then grew when laf started getting less kills

i was one of the people last set saying 'our numbers will help us kill off sols breakers we only need to get one per day' and things like that last set, the numbers wernt as good as we thought they were though

anyway the point about numbers is even if sol and ely wernt working together things were going wrong between laf and ely again quickly and that would put us in an even worse position than we were in if we got fs'd by sol after hitting ely

just like the set before after hitting ragenely (over lg's then retaliatory lg's/topfeeds again) we were also considering who else might hit us, though that was when sol and laf were defence pacts

i dont think there is much debate laf had more inactives last set than sol did though

Erian Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 7:02:37

enshula: There is no point in feeding the troll. dagga won't convince anyone important anyway, might as well let it go...

Unless of course you are enjoying this, if so, by all means continue :)

locket Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 7:51:53

Ignore dagga. I find it ammusing he simply claims he cant understand you when you are quite articulate when you need to be. I guess its his way of not letting us know he is going senile ;) Better that then realize everything you said makes sense.

And hi erian :P

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 26th 2010, 8:39:00

i just assumed he was teasing me for my usual lack of punctuation and capitalisation, which is sort of fair enough

there was an article on slashdot the other day saying that people process information better from hard to read fonts, so maybe its actually helping him :)

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 26th 2010, 14:01:30

ens, this guy isn't worth your time to post against...

the best way to make a dagga go away is ignore him.... he's proven time and time again to not be worth the effort to discuss things with.

after every post he makes, just post:
and he'll eventually get tired and stop posting, or get pissed off it'll end quickly
he brings the worst attitude ever to these forums and no one really likes what he has to say (minus a few SoL'ers) so by ignoring him, you're helping the entire community, minus a few SOL'ers

I wish he would bring a more positive attitude, so every thread/post he makes wasn't directed at attacking LaF or, more specifically, me...

as for "changing my post" -> i often update my posts shortly after I post them, usually for grammar and spelling, but sometimes to make them more benign to avoid getting involved in moronic flame wars with people who just want to attack you no matter what you do. That is all...

Edited By: Pang on Oct 26th 2010, 14:22:25
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

ponderer Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 14:15:35


Helios von DOOM


Oct 26th 2010, 14:19:22

Can everyone just be friends?

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 26th 2010, 14:57:50

This isn't a grudge war, our countries builds should make that obvious. If we were looking to kill you going into this reset we would have attacked you earlier, we would have build our countries very differently, and you'd all be dead right now :P

If you weren't planning to hit us that is fine. But our analysis of the information we had, which we didn't collect hastily, dictated that this was the only real option.



Oct 26th 2010, 15:31:10

I find dagga's posts quite entertaining, if you take them for the fiction they are.

Is he back in leadership in SoL cause he sure acts like their spokesman, or rather spokestroll, at the moment.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

kemo Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 15:36:10

Originally posted by Helios von DOOM:
Can everyone just be friends?

id rather be a horny 18 yr old billionaire
all praised to ra

mdevol Game profile


Oct 26th 2010, 18:25:18

I get it....LaF can war with the warriors AND net with the netters....but no way can the warriors stand a chance at either.... pang > llaar > fordy > martian > the rest of the world

LaFing OwT LawD
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

hanlong Game profile


Oct 27th 2010, 8:21:40

"you decide to wage a grudge war and trot out some bullfluff about how SOL was about to FS you"

when does LaF voluntarily wage wars? especially if no one was going to hit them.

oh i know, LaF LOOOVESSS to war over netgain. that's right!

food for thought ;)

case closed.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Erian Game profile


Oct 27th 2010, 14:20:54

Not since I was FR anyway hlw... not since then... ;)

torment Game profile


Oct 27th 2010, 14:26:26

Originally posted by mdevol:
I get it....LaF can war with the warriors AND net with the netters....but no way can the warriors stand a chance at either.... pang > llaar > fordy > martian > the rest of the world

LaFing OwT LawD

Your lack of earth history is showing youngling.