
Red X Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 2:53:27

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

bstrong86 Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 3:05:35

Dknights against Neo warstats:

Good Guys
tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
DkNights 1503 5 301 372 1 372
Total 1503 5 301 372 1 372
Bad Guys
tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
Neofed 372 1 372 1503 5 301
Total 372 1 372 1503 5 301
The Death Knights


Xelah Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 3:09:46

Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Zahc Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 4:09:55

Monsters imag? Anyone?
llort orp s`fos

whooze Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2012, 19:18:16

Attacker Defender Hits Kills HPK
MONSTERS iMagNum 9,911 29 342
iMagNum MONSTERS 2,820 5 564

archaic Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 19:33:27

I never thought I would see the day that monsters entered the 7th circle of war tags. Upside down, the server is, out of balance is the force.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Soviet Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 20:55:18

Yep, with overwhelming numbers and a complete blindside FS with new attacking rules to boot.

Completely out of balance.
Imaginary Numbers

Zoomer Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 21:05:22

Imag stop crying, rules are new for everybody and 5 kills in a week it's really a bad performance from you. that's it that's all.

Red X Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 21:17:35

when your down in members its hard to get kills Zoomer.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Zoomer Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 21:41:17

yeah but monsters didn't kill the entire alliance in their FS. in the worst case imag should have around 60 turns per country (turns per day) and i don't know how much countris they had after the FS... i would say 20 (i'm sure they were more) it makes 1200 turns to hit back = 600 attacks. they have no reason to wait a week to see their 1st kill. (new rules or not)

iNouda Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 22:34:54

That's assuming we had turns to begin with. Monsters blindside completely caught us unaware because we had no reason to believe they had any issues with iMag. Killing half a clan, nearly half your size in an FS with full turns/stored, along with the new rules which strongly favor FA walling and provides reduced gains, needing more turns to kill tends to give you all the advantages. We're not a big clan, it takes time to muster up the troops for war and even then they'd need to be around to be able to attend WC.

But whatever, gloat all you want as your eyes glaze over the facts.

Zahc Game profile


Aug 30th 2012, 23:53:53

What about the fact you guys pick on whoever you want and now ur getting pwned by a netting tag.

I like those facts.

*waits for imag to talk about future resets when they will fs monsters in a nettig set and claim moral victory*
llort orp s`fos

Sifos Game profile


Aug 31st 2012, 0:20:41

We don't claim moral victory, we seize real ones. We got one early this set thanks to Monsters, and we'll make sure we get some more of them.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Over The Hill Game profile


Aug 31st 2012, 18:09:33

Originally posted by iNouda:
That's assuming we had turns to begin with. Monsters blindside completely caught us unaware because we had no reason to believe they had any issues with iMag. Killing half a clan, nearly half your size in an FS with full turns/stored, along with the new rules which strongly favor FA walling and provides reduced gains, needing more turns to kill tends to give you all the advantages. We're not a big clan, it takes time to muster up the troops for war and even then they'd need to be around to be able to attend WC.

But whatever, gloat all you want as your eyes glaze over the facts.

inouda...please stop your whining

first off...Monsters didn't kill 1/2 your clan in the FS. Imag started the war with 28 members. The FS started on Aug 22/12 @ 3:19:53am. Exactly 24 hrs from that first attack 10 Imag countries(#274,267,484,574,303,663,423,133,474,542) were dead.

that's only 35.71% of your members.

It took Imag a full (4 days 2 hrs 56 mins) to register it's first kill on Monster country #653 which btw was inactive and the last turn that the country played was 3 days prior to the war breaking out LOL

Those are the facts

Pride Game profile


Sep 1st 2012, 21:46:57

I'm not sure why it even matters?

Its completely 1 sided. Double #'s and the FS. No one can come back from that.

(Not saying monsters did anything wrong) I agree sooner or later IMAG would've found a small netting alliance to FS.

So all you small netting alliances, thank Monsters :)

Trife Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 0:04:14

America: 1

Canada: -4

Atryn Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 3:35:27

Hmmm... In the Death Knights vs. Neo Federation war, both alliances are down over 7M TNW... It looks like nobody is "winning"...

uldust Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 3:47:38

needs more cow bell

Xelah Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 7:22:51

Originally posted by Atryn:
Hmmm... In the Death Knights vs. Neo Federation war, both alliances are down over 7M TNW... It looks like nobody is "winning"...

If we're done with tag jumpers, Death Knights would like to go back to our previous position of "winning"

012-09-02 07:15:01 GS FLAFFCON (#658) DkNights NEO m0m0 SPERMacide (#682) Neofed 3C 3 F

Also to 682, pretty sure you're who we killed last set, well played. Well played.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Academus Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 8:46:50


bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 18:06:40

up dated DK and Neo war stats:

Total hits- 2587
Total kills- 8
Hits Per Kill- 323

Total hits-1072
Total kills- 3
Hits Per Kill-357

The Death Knights


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 17:13:58

Another kill for Imag??

Let me see.... Monster country #691 was your latest victim.

The play time stats show that this player last logged into the game on Aug 14 and you spent a total of 392 hits over 6 different days trying to kill him off??
You were on the right track on Aug 30 when you tried to land kill him by reducing him down to 780 acres.
What I don't get is why not continue with your land kill strategy which only would have required 78 more SS grabs to kill him off instead of using 218 BR grabs?

I understand the logic that only allows you to kill inactive countries...but you really need to use your turns more wisely.

Pride Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 5:17:33

Hows this Neo vs DK war going? Looking much more interesting.

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 7:10:51


Taveren Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 8:47:52

wtb SoF warstats.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy



Sep 7th 2012, 10:18:04

when the war turned around bstrong and xelah aint that eager to post anymore stats.

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 10:36:40

when the war turned around?

here the stats and war update

NEO- took in two tag jumpers.
had restarts allied to Sanct..hmmmm
had countries pacted out to Rd....hmmm
took in FA from PDM(i believe)..pretty sure for violating the DNH. so thats okay.

heres ure gay warstats now:

EDIT: when the 2nf tag jump occured the country in question went from 2 to 11 mil to hit us.

breaks damn near 9mil after days of fighting and breaking u guys, that hurt us.
total hits-4075

total hits-2488

Edited By: bstrong86 on Sep 7th 2012, 10:39:45
See Original Post
The Death Knights


Warster Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 10:42:45

nevermind lol
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 10:44:34

:P beat ya too it lol

thanks though
The Death Knights


AzNiZe Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 12:54:07

Originally posted by bstrong86:

NEO- took in two tag jumpers.

only 2 and ya whining already? how many members you have again? suck it up and fight or detag n join us ;)

herbs12 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 16:03:54

Ya detag and join us, we definatly could use more members lol.

herbs12 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 16:07:47

Also good thing that 1 guy who did join us was just cannon fodder. He tag up after 72 hours of being detaged, jumbed net and went on vacation lol. He was only taking some hits for us and really never helped in any other way then making you guys waste resources killing him. It definatly worked well as you breaking him cost your tag more then if he was actually to hit and play regularly for us. So I guess thanks for killing him and wasting a lot of resources to kill him.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 7th 2012, 16:25:02

iMag claims victory!!! We all died!!!
Now on to a civil war!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 19:11:37

yeh, he didnt do anything but participate in KR's
The Death Knights


Xelah Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 21:10:43

That's why he restarted after we killed him? Because he was on vacation. Right.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

herbs12 Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 22:56:45

I am wrong bstrong, I looked back he did participate in a kill run one night. Then left the following day and was killed after that. No Xelah he hasnt restarted nor tagged up and in all honesty I wish he did and stayed around, you know the more the merrier right.

Taveren Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 22:59:35

Why didn't DKnight's police take care of tag jumpers?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Xelah Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:28:50

Originally posted by herbs12:
I am wrong bstrong, I looked back he did participate in a kill run one night. Then left the following day and was killed after that. No Xelah he hasnt restarted nor tagged up and in all honesty I wish he did and stayed around, you know the more the merrier right.

Uhh, no.

Divine Revelation (#957) [Neofed] Dead
Divine Revelation (#1198) [xMxExTx] Dead

That was his second country. That's the same thing he named his country after we killed him last set. Dunno what he's named now or who you lost that he's replaced, but I'm not drinking your kool-aid.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:33:43

You should Check the tag records for 957, He wasn't a tag jumper as opposed to a recruit by neofed.

He didn't tag up elsewhere and jump he joined them to fight you, which should have been expected after your actions last reset.

I expect he'll join any tag that wants to kill DK on a whim. Assuming he doesn't mess with you on his own in boredom. Enforcing bad policies on untagged vet players is a good way to get set after set suiciders, or people who are willing to assist your enemies regardless of tag.

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 5:39:34

To be more clear,

Divine Revelation (#957) [Neofed] Dead

Is an original, not a restart Check its 0 hour stats, it started at 100a And got FA from Neofed only after tagging up to kill.

Regarding the other Tag jumper however you've got a bit of an argument, as for outside pacts. YOU declared war on them, with what almost twice their playerbase? Suck it up, people will defend themselves against overbearing odds. If they declared on you I'd have a different viewpoint but you FS'ed them. Tag it up with the tags that are FAing them to either get it to stop by calling it pact violations or use your expert foreign policy to get your allies to stop them. Oh wait, you have no foreign policy because you're a small fish in a big pond that doesn't understand consistency.

Edited By: ClayQ on Sep 8th 2012, 6:07:13
See Original Post

Sov Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 6:02:38

The former SoF country was owned by a member who had been in SoF since beginning of last set and then left because there was no room in war tag for him. He was #2 in attacks in the server war for SoF so he was a good member.

He no longer has an active SoF account.

Police should have killed him yes. We would have also killed him upon request but no contact was made.

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 6:06:36

wrong button

bstrong86 Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 7:30:01


Im not going to them because i have no proof, just suspicions that a single individuals from a tag or two, who are prolly buddies with some NEO guys, may have helped not putting this on any one clan or tag. i see threads every set about it here and in ffa. ppl do it, it happens and 9/10 times its probably with out the heads of a tag knowing until someone suggests that it happens. my war stat post was more for bonesaw cause he said something about the war turning and us not putting stats up... didnt know i was obligated to do it everyday.
The Death Knights


Xelah Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 7:49:21

Okay, so maybe that was a new recruit. I've been wrong before.

However, as for my actions this set or any other set; If even for a minute I think I have more to gain than to lose by taking an action, bet that I'm going to do it.

Last set, FA talks were starting to go less well as the set went on. I got an opportunity to push a grey area into a fight and so I took it. Suddenly my embassy forum was full of new stuff. If the cost of my alliance not getting farmed was a lone country pissed off at me every set until they find something new to be mad about? That's the cost of doing business.

To whoever played that country, I am sorry that it ended up being you. I would have killed someone, was actually thinking to FS Fazer until you fell into my lap.

I don't do "moral victories." We might have too many noobs to win the war and I knew this going in, but this will serve as discouragement to anyone looking at us as land food in the future. Also, this is a great training opportunity for the 11 noobs in my tag. So, win/lose, what I'm getting out of this has little to do with the victor, moral or otherwise.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 8:48:45

@Bstrong: FA's show up on the tag admin screen now days. Their leaders know they are FAing if they are FAing.

@Xelah: Secret for you, I'm that lone country. And I'm a veteran Warrer that is now helping NeoFed (an inexperienced but active netting alliance) learn how to war more effectively. You made a bad choice, You played every single political point wrong (and from what I understand are doing so this set too, refusing to accept SS's as retals because you only recognize PS. Horrible Horrible policy btw, the SS retals are in your benefit as they take back less land than a PS. Then Again I don't really care what the war is about, just that I get to kill Nubs in DK for attempting to bully me last set). If it wasn't for the server war last set you likely would have been killed then. Players have their commitments to their current guilds and not their memories or you'd have been killed for it this set too. You were at every turn in the wrong threatening L:L because it was YOUR personal country. Your personal vendetta showed in your foreign actions.

In regards to me, you will always be food if the tag I'm in allows me to hit you, and I will always profit on the exchange just as I did on your botched retal 1:1 retal last set.

And since it was a main argument in your logic to create the war that I had no "listed policy" and therefore you would do what you wanted, You failed to follow your own guilds policy regarding untaggeds or tags for that matter, mind you no one on your side of the fence cares because they got what they wanted something to kill. Its something I will gladly drag up anytime I'm talking about you as a leader. Its one thing to defend your alliance policies and another to allow your personal shortcomings to influence your policy.

Yes, I told you what I would do IF you over retaled. You never over retaled, your player did however missile dump me, to which I retaled him and only him. You decided to be the bully, Enjoy your failed fight this set, and next and the next. I'll tag up with whomever decides to kill you set in and set out until I'm bored of it (I wasn't even playing 1a this set until someone randomly on team told me that NeoFed was fighting you and needed help [turns], I had a country made within 5 minutes sitting at turn 99 waiting to come OOP). Or when I'm bored with what I'm doing I'll land trade/farm your countries as permitted by the pacts of whatever alliance I'm playing in. You picked a bored guy who likes to kill and has never netted a single set in his life (and was actually trying to last set) to create a vendetta with for your alliance because you personally couldn't handle losing a little land on a 1:1 retal.


PS I've never "suicided" So you (and anywhere I play) do have the benefit of knowing I won't suicide, I might expect to die if I play untagged and harass you, but I won't tag up somewhere and stock up to do damage that way, watch the untaggeds if you're worried about that. So I won't be one of the pricks that RoR's and has the land two stepped and what not because I have nothing but jets, but I will hit and retal and whatever I decide to do.

Edited By: ClayQ on Sep 8th 2012, 8:55:05
See Original Post

Xelah Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 11:10:20

Originally posted by ClayQ:

@Xelah: Secret for you, I'm that lone country.

I gathered as much, but am done making guesses as to who is who in game. You're the only person that is angry every time you talk to me. You should probably see a shrink about that since I'm not that hard to get along with.

[i]You were at every turn in the wrong threatening L:L because it was YOUR personal country. Your personal vendetta showed in your foreign actions.[/i]
Bullfluff. I gave up 5000 acres from my personal country to keep the peace last set. The little bit I was short from you last set was a drop in the bucket. I'm not that full of myself, it might have seemed that way when I was picking the fight. I needed to kill something to prove I was serious. Attacking tags six and seven times my size was out of the question. It is unfortunate that it was you, but this at no point has been personal for me, and I am sorry it is for you.

As for why you got missile dumped last set, botched communication. I posted you as a kill target and asked when everyone could be there for a kill chat. One of us playing from a cell phone read the thread title, logged in, and immediately fired ze missiles. I've explained this to you before. You were dead before the first missile was fired. It was just a matter of when.

As for my FA abilities, I'm far from perfect. Every step I've taken being wrong? Hardly. Us killing you last set got us several unaps. Us fighting neofed this set gets my noobs war experience for some war that will actually matter. Meanwhile I'm pacted out with most of the server. So, no, not everything I'm doing is wrong.

Have fun with your petty vengeance; this will be the last time I bother trying to explain any of this to you. Again, I am sorry that we killed YOU. It was never personal, never has been and never will be.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

ClayQ Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 11:18:41

If you think I'm angry, you're an idiot. I'm laughing in all honesty. Its a game, and its that fact that leads me to do silly things in boredom.

Xelah Game profile


Sep 8th 2012, 11:27:22

I'm an idiot, but I doubt you're laughing. Have fun, I'll look for you next set.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-



Sep 10th 2012, 13:32:24

War turned when u started kill restarts only bstrong... keep that up and soon you have only restarts left.

Dk will win the amount of kills and Hpk as u target our lil guys.

ill be back in this thread when we tagkilled you!