
Boltar Game profile


Nov 13th 2019, 1:32:12

First rename sabotage missiles to defuse missiles.

1.) Sabotage anti air craft. (ie destroy turrets)
2.) De-track tanks. (ie destroy tanks)
3.) Investigate Enemy Intelligence Agency. (ie see how
much the target is in spy drs)

Brigg Game profile


Nov 13th 2019, 1:35:18

I was thinking of a Spy DR OP. The way I would envision a "Detect DR" op:

Name: "Monitor Intelligence Activity"

This op allows you to see how active the target country's spy network is working within the country. If the country has been the target of many harmful SpyOps, the spy network will be actively searching within the country to flush out any and all enemy spies. This, in essence, allows you to determine if it is safe for your spies to infiltrate a country.

The results for the DR would not be numerical, but will be displayed in statements of increasing severity.

"The target's spy network is at rest." (0-1 DR)

"The target's spy network is starting to mobilize." (2-7 DR)

And so on.
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2019, 1:35:48

I like 1 & 2 dunno about 3, perhaps in the main spy op there should be a spy DR counter.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Boltar Game profile


Nov 13th 2019, 2:20:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I like 1 & 2 dunno about 3, perhaps in the main spy op there should be a spy DR counter.

Would the counter be for the country getting spied or doing the spying ?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2019, 2:44:53

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I like 1 & 2 dunno about 3, perhaps in the main spy op there should be a spy DR counter.

Would the counter be for the country getting spied or doing the spying ?

The target you are battling with, maybe also add it to the advisor page in your country as well...just a thought.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Boltar Game profile


Nov 13th 2019, 2:48:57

Give me reason(s) why u aren't sure about #3 plz

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2019, 3:03:00

Originally posted by Boltar:
Give me reason(s) why u aren't sure about #3 plz

You don't have to spend turns to see battle DR on countries, so why should it cost a turn for spy DR?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Boltar Game profile


Nov 13th 2019, 11:31:04

Good question. I think it should cost a turn. Cause if it didn't that means things that take a op to do (dirty ops) would become public knowledge. And forum rules state things that can be gotten with a op is a no no only reason I can think of that would make it need a turn.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 13th 2019, 16:53:59

Originally posted by Boltar:
Good question. I think it should cost a turn. Cause if it didn't that means things that take a op to do (dirty ops) would become public knowledge. And forum rules state things that can be gotten with a op is a no no only reason I can think of that would make it need a turn.

During war one of the key elements is turn management, we already know how to calculate spy DR the way it is now, so why would anyone want to spend extra turns to see what you already know?
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Boltar Game profile


Nov 14th 2019, 0:41:17

What if u have no knowledge that it's spied out? Would u like to know from doing 1 op instead of possibly many?

Boltar Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 0:06:04

Ttt. Where's all the people against spy ops at. Give me ur opinions damn it

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 18th 2019, 15:04:28

I think that the intelligence gathering aspects of spy ops should be strengthened. DR and spy DR, spy op news are three peices of information that are periodically very valuable.

I dont like how spy ops are sometimes strong enough to wage effective war with on their own, it prevents wars from ending. They are sometimes stronger than special attacks, missiles and landgrabs on their own which is retarded. WW2 ended with 2 nukes over Japan, not a spy infiltrating them.

Boltar Game profile


Nov 20th 2019, 23:25:10

I can see your point. They could be tweak where they aren't as strong as CDs are now

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 21st 2019, 0:57:52

Basically I want spy ops to complement other means of warfare but not be great on their own. So the mechanism of CDing someone then killing him is fine, albeit too strong atm imo. But the fact that you can destroy so much value with CDs, bomb airbases, bomb structures or steal so much tech with espionage or completely wreak a casher with a few bioterrors is not how I feel it should work.

I would change bioterrors to be better against a turn-waller and worse on its own. I have posted about this before more in detail.

I like very much your suggestions of #3, and I dont mind 1 and 2, I would just ask that they are not so damned strong. I like it if you have a plethora of options and none are great by themselves but depending on what else you do they are important and possibly essential - same like the DR+GS combination, just weaker.

I would perhaps change your Investigate Enemy Intelligence Agency to show outgoing ops only, so that you can learn what your enemy is up to in war. This can be periodically important, and worthless at times. Maybe it should give Spy DR as well?

I like this one as a new op:

News spy: you get a report that covers all of the reset in incomming news in one random category Defending(which contains also the exact DR number)/Ally(shows ally news)/Spy(defending spy news and current spy DR)/Market(the market news)/Aid(the incomming aid news for this country)

Historically aid and spy news have caused a lot of conflict because its hard to prove anything so people can get away with tech stealing, aiding into war, aiding to take top ranks etc. having this op in the game allows you to know for certain at the cost of a few turns what takes hours to get a somewhat plausible answer to currently.

Boltar Game profile


Nov 22nd 2019, 2:40:17

It could do outgoing spy's as well as incoming I like that. I just want a spy dr so u don't waste turns/spy's/etc... On a spied out country. As for the turret and tank op. Yea make it like CDs just not as strong. It takes 17 successful CDs at Max benefit to half the break. Make it so instead of half. 17 successful ops cut the break to 3/4ths of what it was.

IE: 10mil becomes 7.5mil instead of 5mil

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 22nd 2019, 17:34:24

Another thing to consider about the anti-tank op is that tanks are the most expensive unit in food consumption and expenses in relation to the price. It would make sense that you get something for that money.

Personally, I don't like the expenses model at all and I would rather have a decay model for how military costs to keep. That would create higher demand in peacetime for sure, possibly enough to get the MBR strats back(maybe on one server?). On top of that it would be less costly to defend oneself for temporary threats, while the cost to permanently defend oneself would stay the same.

Boltar Game profile


Nov 22nd 2019, 17:43:06

Getting off topic. Is there a thread for that suggestion about the expense model? If not make one. I don't know not care to want to know the ins and outs on that. I'd just like a option for war to cd'esque the turrets and tanks. The tank thing would work for non warring too. As it stands only way to stop someone wanting to ab u is to ab them or kill them. Having a op destroy tanks before they could be used would be great in believe

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 22nd 2019, 20:30:51

Been there. But how do you stop them if they PS the tanks? Same thing as with jets. if you PS them they are safe from bomb airbases which doesnt make sense at all. If the jets are grounded for 20 hours for maintainance and because the pilots need to be resting that is the perfect time to bomb the airbases imo.

Boltar Game profile


Nov 22nd 2019, 23:46:04

Heh I just want to add stuff to the game. U want to change the whole mechanics of something's

Boltar Game profile


Nov 24th 2019, 19:24:20


Boltar Game profile


Nov 29th 2019, 3:03:09


Boltar Game profile


Dec 2nd 2019, 6:52:44


Red X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2019, 12:29:47

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Been there. But how do you stop them if they PS the tanks? Same thing as with jets. if you PS them they are safe from bomb airbases which doesnt make sense at all. If the jets are grounded for 20 hours for maintainance and because the pilots need to be resting that is the perfect time to bomb the airbases imo.

Maybe they are on the mission for 20 hours at a secure allies airbase.

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Coalies Twin

Boltar Game profile


Dec 7th 2019, 2:52:25


Boltar Game profile


Dec 15th 2019, 4:01:37

Ttt for pang

Boltar Game profile


Dec 18th 2019, 19:59:34

U know. People think I'm crazy about the inner circle. But none of this sh*t on this board is getting any attention

Boltar Game profile


Jan 2nd 2020, 20:26:46


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 4th 2020, 2:51:51

I check into this forum randomly but often don't reply to everything -- typically I don't weigh in much on spyop stuff, specifically, as I've made my general opinion known that I think the whole mechanic needs a ton of work and there are currently too many spyops. :)

Also, I generally like that there is some asymmetry in some aspects of the game. So having some parts of the game that aren't impacted by spyops (like destroying turrets/tanks) has always been part of that in my mind.

But thanks for the suggestion and conversation it generated. It's interesting to read and I appreciate it even if I'm not replying to every thread all the time.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Boltar Game profile


Jan 4th 2020, 20:19:26

I understand the not replying to them all. I'm just ttt'ing for forum bonus

Boltar Game profile


Jan 7th 2020, 23:14:22


tfm0m0 Game profile


Jan 8th 2020, 17:29:49

Please don't top old/resolved threads.

-Mod team

----------thread closed-----------

Boltar Game profile


Jan 9th 2020, 6:29:05
