Jul 30th 2013, 9:22:35
lol... but really... i thought of an interesting one.... an epic reset... like 6 month start to finish set... and... you only get one turn every 24 hours... 1 turn every 12 hours if you play in TWO servers... 1 turn every 6 hours if you play in THREE servers... 1 turn every 3 hours if you play in FOUR servers, 1 per 1.5 for FIVE servers, 1 : 45 = SIX servers & finally 1 turn every 20-25 minutes if you can manage to play in "ALL SEVEN SERVERS'...
LOL, i just think it'd be magnificent to have greater participation in all the servers (even though the only server i don't play in at the moment is and always has been for some odd reason the PRIMARY server)...
An epic length set... for kicks...
yea, cant sleep... just night dreamin
(max turns w/o bonus factor =
-180 turns for the laziest of players
-360 for the TWO server players
-720 for the Average Player
-1,440 for FOUR server players
-2,880 for FIVE server players
-5,760 for the 'NoLife' Player
-12,960 for the DIE HARD EE Lovers
LOL, i just think it'd be magnificent to have greater participation in all the servers (even though the only server i don't play in at the moment is and always has been for some odd reason the PRIMARY server)...
An epic length set... for kicks...
yea, cant sleep... just night dreamin
(max turns w/o bonus factor =
-180 turns for the laziest of players
-360 for the TWO server players
-720 for the Average Player
-1,440 for FOUR server players
-2,880 for FIVE server players
-5,760 for the 'NoLife' Player
-12,960 for the DIE HARD EE Lovers
~JJosh -> FFA - ARES