
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 24th 2013, 2:51:24

I thought the purpose of GDI in primary was to protect people from un-provoked suciders/ griffers?

As the system is currently setup I can steal tech and bomb banks on people who have never hit me.

I believe this is a serious flaw. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy stealing 20,000 tech points per op from people but I feel like if they are in the GDI and have not hit me twice I shouldn't be able to do this...

What do you all think?
- Premium Patron Member

crest23 Game profile


Jun 24th 2013, 12:13:08

That you are a suicider POS? Nothing new there.

Edited By: crest23 on Jun 24th 2013, 12:56:50
See Original Post
The Nigerian Nightmare.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 24th 2013, 12:48:03

It's the same way in Express--GDi will let spy ops which the attacker gains something go thru, and keep the other harmful ops away.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 24th 2013, 15:49:51

Yes nuke my question is: should it be that way given the reason for the gdi changes on them servers?
- Premium Patron Member


EE Patron

Jun 25th 2013, 3:33:49

The purpose is to make sure people have a reason to keep spies. The problem is those steal tech/$ ops are overpowered. They're too easy to succeed and also a smaller country with fewer spies but a superior SPAL can run roughshod over a bigger country trying hard to defend himself.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 25th 2013, 14:55:58

I agree with blid. The problem lies with the spy formula more then the ability to run these ops.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 25th 2013, 23:28:03

Interesting view point there.

To me the purpose was to prevent all sucides without provocation. Why not just reduce the damage AB's do then and let people in GDI get AB'd?
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 25th 2013, 23:28:39

Also with that same logic Blid people in GDI don't have to buy tanks so it is a bit flawed to go down that path.

- Premium Patron Member

BobbyATA Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 0:50:06

That's a good point Req. Maybe ABs with limited damage or a limited number of unprovoked ABs shoudl be allowed.


EE Patron

Jun 26th 2013, 3:36:49

I actually always thought it was a bit weird to just not need tanks. But one thing at a time heh, the first thing is fixing spy formulas.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 26th 2013, 4:22:34

So just curious with your train of thought here, blid. What is the point of the GDI changes in primary then?
- Premium Patron Member

Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 26th 2013, 13:20:31

The problem with spyops and Primary server in general is also mentioned here:


EE Patron

Jun 26th 2013, 14:49:36

Originally posted by Requiem:
So just curious with your train of thought here, blid. What is the point of the GDI changes in primary then?
What changes do you mean? The ones that got us the current set up? The purpose is to keep random suiciders from ruining countries for no reason. It's a good solution and I like it. I do think it might be improved upon if countries you DID attack had the right to do a few ABs or toss a missile. Not full total warfare, they could limit the number of these types of attacks possible, but give a few options so that countries at least can't run 0 tanks and a country with max warfare tech and 100 missiles won't just be single tapped by 60 different countries. But this isn't a change I'm really pushing hard for. GDI works now, it's just a bit funny. That's fine I guess. What doesn't work is the spy ops.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.