Feb 19th 2013, 21:46:20
Why I don't think current Espionage is balanced:
Bomb banks takes money, but because of corruption most people probably don't hold enough cash on hand to make it worth it. Also this kind of stock can be dumped off in a day to protect it from future spy ops. It's use is limited to warring I think.
Raid Food Stores takes food, but because of bushel decay most people probably don't have enough stock on hand to make it worth it. This kind of stock can also be dumped or hidden in a day to protect it from future spy ops. It's use is also limited to warring I think.
Raid Oil Reserves takes oil, but I doubt most people carry enough on hand to make it worth it. Even if they did, this stock can be dumped or hidden in a day to protect it from future spy ops. Again It's use seems limited to warring I think.
Espionage steals tech and most of the larger players in the game seem to be carrying enough tech to make this op worth it. Unlike all other stocks that can be stolen, Tech can't be sold off or hidden in a day because we are limited to selling 1/4th of it at a time. This makes our Tech stock very vulnerable compared to the other harmful spy ops that steal a portion of the stock. Currently this is being used as a netting strategy by someone in Primary. They are stealing tech daily from many different people.
Why doesn't Cause Dissensions capture a portion of the enemy's military instead of just making them all flee? Or why not make Stir Rebellions capture a portion of their population? Again these uses seem to be limited to warring I think.
So we have a majority of harmful spy ops geared towards helping people with warring from what I can tell. Then there is Espionage which I see being used more for netting than warring. With the harmful spy ops having such a large success window, I don't think I have a chance to stop this Dictator country with half my land and half my networth from succeeding every other day to steal more tech per spy op than I can gain per turn myself. So my options are go to War and ruin my set. Probably lose against a Dictator half my size due to spy ops. Or just let him leech tech off me and lower my ending networth by about a million..
14.6 hours ago
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 14,390 points of technology!
3.4 days ago
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 16,094 points of technology!
Feb 14, 1:33
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 15,351 points of technology!
Feb 13, 2:12
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 13,653 points of technology!
Feb 11, 22:58
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 9740 points of technology!
Bomb banks takes money, but because of corruption most people probably don't hold enough cash on hand to make it worth it. Also this kind of stock can be dumped off in a day to protect it from future spy ops. It's use is limited to warring I think.
Raid Food Stores takes food, but because of bushel decay most people probably don't have enough stock on hand to make it worth it. This kind of stock can also be dumped or hidden in a day to protect it from future spy ops. It's use is also limited to warring I think.
Raid Oil Reserves takes oil, but I doubt most people carry enough on hand to make it worth it. Even if they did, this stock can be dumped or hidden in a day to protect it from future spy ops. Again It's use seems limited to warring I think.
Espionage steals tech and most of the larger players in the game seem to be carrying enough tech to make this op worth it. Unlike all other stocks that can be stolen, Tech can't be sold off or hidden in a day because we are limited to selling 1/4th of it at a time. This makes our Tech stock very vulnerable compared to the other harmful spy ops that steal a portion of the stock. Currently this is being used as a netting strategy by someone in Primary. They are stealing tech daily from many different people.
Why doesn't Cause Dissensions capture a portion of the enemy's military instead of just making them all flee? Or why not make Stir Rebellions capture a portion of their population? Again these uses seem to be limited to warring I think.
So we have a majority of harmful spy ops geared towards helping people with warring from what I can tell. Then there is Espionage which I see being used more for netting than warring. With the harmful spy ops having such a large success window, I don't think I have a chance to stop this Dictator country with half my land and half my networth from succeeding every other day to steal more tech per spy op than I can gain per turn myself. So my options are go to War and ruin my set. Probably lose against a Dictator half my size due to spy ops. Or just let him leech tech off me and lower my ending networth by about a million..
14.6 hours ago
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 14,390 points of technology!
3.4 days ago
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 16,094 points of technology!
Feb 14, 1:33
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 15,351 points of technology!
Feb 13, 2:12
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 13,653 points of technology!
Feb 11, 22:58
Spies infiltrated your research labs and stole 9740 points of technology!
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