Jun 13th 2013, 7:21:13
On the GDI Information page some of the information is unclear or incorrect:
"After the minimum membership, you may leave us at any time. However, once you do, you will not be readmitted for 72 hours." This should state what the minimum membership is 72 hours (or whatever it is for that server). Also, once you leave you can immediately rejoin GDI, there is no 72 hour waiting period.
"No country more than twice your size or less than half your size will be able to go to attack you without first formally declaring war." This should use networth instead of size for people unused to the game or that aren't as familiar with the words.
"After the minimum membership, you may leave us at any time. However, once you do, you will not be readmitted for 72 hours." This should state what the minimum membership is 72 hours (or whatever it is for that server). Also, once you leave you can immediately rejoin GDI, there is no 72 hour waiting period.
"No country more than twice your size or less than half your size will be able to go to attack you without first formally declaring war." This should use networth instead of size for people unused to the game or that aren't as familiar with the words.