
Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 1:00:27

I logged into my old Kingdom of Loathing account the other day... it's also a turns per day game that has some pvp. There's an item in game that everyone starts with called a hippie stone that prevents you from being involved in any pvp, either attacking or defending. Once you break it, it's gone. Forever. You can attack other players, other players can attack you.

Being that farming of untaggeds has always driven away new players, I had an idea for something that might give them a better chance to stay.

A few days ago, I read somewhere on the forums where someone suggested putting a way to restrict attacks on one another until like 2 weeks into the set. While I didn't like that idea because it prevents early game shenanigans between tags, it shaped my idea a little.

Have something like the hippie stone for all new accounts... maybe make it a peace agreement with GDI that restricts attacks until 2 weeks worth of turns have passed. Joining a tag rips up the agreement and enables full military use. Once the agreement has been ripped up, it is ripped up forever (for that server). You don't get a new one at the beginning of the next set.

Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2012, 1:41:47

not a bad idea actually; kindof extended protection for untags...

though that would have all sorts of weird consequences too probably...

have to chew on that a bit
Finally did the signature thing.

Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 2:28:01

Yeah, kinda like extended protection, but it's only there until they join a tag.

Pondering how this could be abused, it might be worth it to also restrict FA to countries with this protection active.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Tin Man


Jul 9th 2012, 4:48:20

restarts would not get said GDI I would imagine

bertz Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 5:20:04

Can be abused by suiciders

Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 10:22:16

Originally posted by bertz:
Can be abused by suiciders

Anything can be abused somehow. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere on how you're going to keep new people vs the largely stagnant player base.

The alliance server is where the most players interact with one another, but it is also the killing fields if you're a noob. We can't slaughter noobs forever and keep a functional game.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-