Aug 17th 2012, 18:19:45
In another game that I played inexperienced players and late starts were farmed for resources excessively to the point they would always quit. To help solve the problem that game had resource villages that didn't belong to any real players that could be farmed for resources, they gained defense at an accelerated rate to prevent abuse.
What about the idea that EE do the same? This goes more for alliance than the other servers but could be applied there as well. Basically at the beginning of a reset EE would create automated countries. They would be all-x, pure defense, very slow growing. Here are a few points that I think would be important though:
1) They have to be defense heavy to make sure that the land comes at a price for the attacker. Could be D allied with other land bots, have high weapons tech, or just a lot of turrets.
2) They either have to be capped to a certain NW or their NW grow at an extremely slow rate. GDI would also be a must. This prevents huge countries from just farming them constantly since once they get so large they will be out of GDI/humanitarian range. These are meant to benefit newer players that aren't great at grabbing, not the top guys.
3) These could either be automated to just "grow" at a certain rate in terms of land, defense, and NW or they could literally be bots that have a loose "strategy" defined that explores, builds, buys food as need, buys defense at the end of their turns. They should be set at slightly different rates/strats so that they aren't all identical.
4) They should be untagged and still killable. If an alliance doesn't like them being around they can kill them off but they would have to find them first. If they are fairly random growth rates/strats this may be a bit harder than one would think. They could also restart as well to keep their # constant.
5) This could put an infusion of land back into Earth. Having more LG targets for the smaller guys would ease the burden on them. This would also make All-x countries slightly less popular and bring the idea of bottomfeeding back without farming the crap out of new players. I would suggest 50-100 of these countries and it could be started small and increased with need to avoid unforeseen consequences. They would mostly all be kept in DRs for the first half of the reset and wouldn't give up too much land per hit based on supply and demand. Overall I think this could put an extra 10% land in the game which if managed right would be distributed at the bottom, not the top of the food chain and could be worked up by normal grabbing means.
I'm sure something similar has been suggested several times, I didn't search past the first 2 pages. I just think it would provide more LG targets and not force people to live off of pure ghost acres and all-x strats.
What about the idea that EE do the same? This goes more for alliance than the other servers but could be applied there as well. Basically at the beginning of a reset EE would create automated countries. They would be all-x, pure defense, very slow growing. Here are a few points that I think would be important though:
1) They have to be defense heavy to make sure that the land comes at a price for the attacker. Could be D allied with other land bots, have high weapons tech, or just a lot of turrets.
2) They either have to be capped to a certain NW or their NW grow at an extremely slow rate. GDI would also be a must. This prevents huge countries from just farming them constantly since once they get so large they will be out of GDI/humanitarian range. These are meant to benefit newer players that aren't great at grabbing, not the top guys.
3) These could either be automated to just "grow" at a certain rate in terms of land, defense, and NW or they could literally be bots that have a loose "strategy" defined that explores, builds, buys food as need, buys defense at the end of their turns. They should be set at slightly different rates/strats so that they aren't all identical.
4) They should be untagged and still killable. If an alliance doesn't like them being around they can kill them off but they would have to find them first. If they are fairly random growth rates/strats this may be a bit harder than one would think. They could also restart as well to keep their # constant.
5) This could put an infusion of land back into Earth. Having more LG targets for the smaller guys would ease the burden on them. This would also make All-x countries slightly less popular and bring the idea of bottomfeeding back without farming the crap out of new players. I would suggest 50-100 of these countries and it could be started small and increased with need to avoid unforeseen consequences. They would mostly all be kept in DRs for the first half of the reset and wouldn't give up too much land per hit based on supply and demand. Overall I think this could put an extra 10% land in the game which if managed right would be distributed at the bottom, not the top of the food chain and could be worked up by normal grabbing means.
I'm sure something similar has been suggested several times, I didn't search past the first 2 pages. I just think it would provide more LG targets and not force people to live off of pure ghost acres and all-x strats.